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Gaya Vishnu .

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This is a picture of Lord Visnu's lotus footprint in Gaya. Here's something from the Caitanya Bhagavat about this temple:


The Lord then entered Cakraveda and quickly went to see the lotus feet of Lord Visnu.



The word cakraveda refers to Gaya-tirtha. This is where the lotus feet of Visnu are situated.


Countless flower garlands were stacked like a temple dome on Lord Visnu's footprints, which were surrounded on all sides by brahmanas.


Unlimited sandalwood paste, flowers, incense, and cloth had been offered at the lotus feet of the Lord.



The brahmanas appeared like divine beings as they described the glories of the Lord's lotus feet.


"Lord Siva accepted these same lotus feet in his heart, and these same lotus feet are constantly served by Laksmi.


"These lotus feet were placed on the head of Bali Maharaja. O fortunate souls, now see those same lotus feet here.


"One who meditates on these lotus feet for even a moment never comes under the jurisdiction of Yamaraja.


"These lotus feet are rarely attained by even the best of yogis. O fortunate souls, now see those same lotus feet here.



"The Ganges emanated from these lotus feet, and the servants of the Lord constantly keep these lotus feet in their hearts.


"These lotus feet are most enchanting on the bed of Ananta. O fortunate souls, now see those same lotus feet here."


Hearing the glories of the Lord's lotus feet from the brahmanas, the Lord became absorbed in ecstatic love.


As the Lord looked at those lotus feet, tears flowed from His lotus eyes, His hairs stood on end, and He began shivering.


Lord Gauracandra then began to manifest ecstatic devotional service for the benefit of the entire world.




Sri Gaurasundara appeared in this world in order to bestow eternal benefit on the universe. So far He had not manifested any sign of awarding loving devotion to the people of this world. But after seeing the lotus feet of the Lord at Gaya, He inaugurated His pastimes of awarding loving devotion to the people of the world. Understanding that these lotus feet of the Lord had appeared in the material world to give pious persons who are free from the clutches of impersonalism an opportunity to serve the Lord's lotus feet, the Lord became overwhelmed with the eight transformations of ecstatic love. Being bereft of Krsna's service, persons who are averse to Krsna in this world maintain the sinful desire of becoming the Lord or the enjoyer of the material world. After destroying the conditioned souls' desire for material enjoyment or liberation, when the lotus feet of the Lord appear in the purified hearts of the living entities, then their propensity for serving the Lord is awakened. In order to exhibit and preach this great truth, the Lord accepted the dress of a devotee and had darsana of the transcendental lotus feet of Gadadhara through His service inclined senses. When living entities bound by gross and subtle chains wander throughout the material sky, they remain averse to the service of the Lord. But when their service propensity is awakened on the strength of mercy received from Hari, Guru, and Vaisnava, then the lotus feet of the worshipable Lord Visnu become the object of those servants' awakened spiritual propensity. Without a service mentality, one cannot become fortunate enough to see the form of the Lord. Without the piety resulting from devotional service, one's faith does not awaken. On the strength of piety born of the devotees' mercy, a living entity receives the opportunity to hear topics of Lord Hari. Sometimes on the strength of piety born from Krsna's mercy a living entity becomes freed from the bondage to material sense objects and thus encounters the worshipable Lord Krsna-this is spiritual vision. When, after full surrender, a living entity hears and glorifies topics of Lord Krsna, the propensity of his consciousness is constantly engaged in the service of Krsna-this is the result of piety born of a devotee's mercy. In spite of being the only worshipable object of all surrendered souls, Sri Gaurasundara considered Himself a servant of the worshipable object and thus began to propagate transcendental love of Krsna by chanting His glories. The eight transformations of ecstatic love manifested in the body of the Lord as a result of seeing the lotus feet of Gadadhara marked the beginning of His propagation of loving devotional service.


The brahmanas were all startled to see tears flow from the Lord's eyes like the unbroken flow of the Ganges.

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