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Why do devotees of a low adhikara reject higher association???

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In his Jaiva Dharma Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura also gives some idea why devotees of a low adhikara reject higher association. He writes:


"The third characteristic of the madhyama Vaisnava is his bestowal of mercy upon the ignorant. The word balisa refers to people who are ignorant of spiritual truth, bewildered or foolish. Materialistic people who have not received any genuine guidance in spiritual matters who have not been contaminated by unauthorized doctrines such as mayavada, who are not accustomed to envying devotees and bhakti, yet who, due to a prominence of mundane egoism and attachment are prevented from developing faith in the lord, are known as balisa.


"The kanistha-adhikarai prakrta-bhakta, although standing at the doorway of bhakti, has not attained suddha-bhakti due to being ignorant of the principles of sambhanda-jnana. Until such a person comes to the platform of suddha-bhakti, he is also regarded as a balisa. When he becomes acquainted with the truth of sambandha-jnana and awakens a taste for suddha harinama in the association of pure devotees, his ignorance will be dissipated and he will attain the status of a madhyama Vaisnava.


"....A diseased person cannot cure himself. He must be under the care of a physician. Just as the anger of a diseased person is pardonable, the improper behavior of the ignorant should also be excused. This attitude is known as mercy. The ignorant have many misconceptions, such as faith in karma-kanda, occasional inclination toward jnana, worshiping the Deity with ulterior motives, faith in yoga, indifference toward the association of pure Vaisnavas, attachment to varnasrama, and many other things. By association, mercy and good instructions, these misconceptions can be dispelled and the kanistha-adhikari can quickly become a madhyama-adhikari suddha-bhakta."



Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Jaiva Dharma


Chapter. Eight, Vaisnava Behavior


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