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What happens if a devotee falls sick???

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"First of all there is no question of a devotee becoming ostracised

because he has become ill, nor do I think this is being widely

practiced. Who has been ostracised? One of the symptoms of a devotee

is that he is kind, so if our Godbrother becomes ill, it is our duty

to help him get the proper medicine and treatment so that he can

recover." Srila Prabhupada Letter, April, 1974




"There are many examples in history of persons who have been very much

disabled physically but who still have executed Krsna consciousness.

Still, up-to-date in places like Vrndavana, India, there are many

persons who are blind, crippled, lame, deformed, etc. but they are

determined to practice Krsna consciousness to their best ability.

Simply be determined to practice the process of bhakti-yoga with

whatever abilities you have. If you are really sincere, then Krsna

will give you help. If you require any medical help, you take as much

as is needed." Srila Prabhupada Letter, June 3, 1975




"Regarding the auto accident, just hold a condolence meeting for

Raghava dasa brahmacari and pray for his soul to Krsna for giving him

a good chance for advancement in Krsna consciousness. Certainly Krsna

will give him a good place to take birth where he can again begin

Krsna conscious activities. That is sure. But we offer our condolences

to a departed soul separated from the Vaisnavas. Do you know that

there must be prasadam distributed? Three days after the demise of a

Vaisnava a function should be held for offering the departed soul and

all others prasadam. This is the system." Srila Prabhupada Letter,

April 11, 1973




"Regarding your physical malady, you should do whatever is required to

treat it properly - whatever is most practical." Srila Prabhupada

Letter of May 7, 1975

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