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The Journal of the Final Pastimes of His Holiness Bhakti-tirtha Swami. June 26th


Gurudeva had a rough night last night (Saturday). With high fever and pain. Early this afternoon mother Sangita came. Sangita Prabhu is the director of Vaisnavas CARE, a hospice ministry for departing devotees. By her care, Gurudeva's fever went down and his pain subsided to some extent. Gurudeva has been resting the whole day. This is partly due to his lessened pain, and also it is a part of the dying process.


As reported Gurudeva is exhibiting one of the six symptoms of the dying process, namely his eyes do not shut. And this indicates that Gurudeva has, from the time diagnosed (more or less noon Sunday) he has 24-72 hrs of life expectancy. There are other symptoms that indicate even a shorter span of life expectancy. When they become clear we will update the list and web site immediately. Currently, as of this evening 9pm, Gurudeva's condition is more or less the same as the early afternoon.


Throughout the day devotees have been chanting for Gurudeva, in his room and at the temple. The chanting in his room has become more intimate There is very minimal instrumentation. It is a kind of choral bhajan. The devotees harmonize and unite in their offering kirtan to Gurudeva. The mood is very serene and peaceful. Very reflective, very intimate, and very sweet, bitter sweet.


The caregivers are very busy trying to serve all the guests. They express that they are doing their best to try and organize and engage everyone, to try and please everyone. In this way they demonstrate that they are definitely the healthiest members of the community. Having been through such stress and personal sacrifice, as things wind down, their main concern is that all the guests are happy.


Srila Radhanatha Swami came to give a brief talk this evening. The talk recently was sent out. Afterwards he led a wonderful kirtana, requesting us all to chant and dance in way that would please Gurudeva. What a wonderful kirtana it was. The whole room was vibrant in joyous glorification of this special Vaisnava saint who has transformed our lives, and is moving toward a most glorious closure to this chapter of his service.


As Gurudeva remarked in his final formal darsan a few days ago, in making a successful transition, one is able to fully step away from the illusion and embrace what is fully true and real. To varying degrees we ourselves are dying with Gurudeva, and in the process are coming to depend more and more on what is true and real - The Holy names and service to Guru and the vaisnavas.


May we all die before we die May the glorious departure of His Holiness Bhakti-tirhta Swami always be remembered.


On behalf of the caregivers of His Holiness Bhakti-tirtha Swami


Your servant,


Purusa-sukta das



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I am confused as to y of all our leaders only 1 is with him at this crucial period ....can some one explain 2 me why is this so? Where's the community spirit?

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"community spirit?"


They are all there in spirit... I listened to Bhakticaru Swami talk about Bhaktithirtha Maharaj and he said the BTM was so spiritually elevated now that it was far beyond material nature.


For a philosophy that emphasises so much on the transience of the body, do you think it is important for him to have other physical bodies present? For a pure Bhakta, he only wants Krsna - that is such a supreme goal. What use are other community leaders being there when Krsna Himself is there?

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* BT Swami's Final Stage*


Dear Prabhus


Gurudeva has entered the final stage, 6hr life expectancy. Devotees here at Gita Nagari are all assembling at the institute house to chant for the pleasure and service of Gurudeva. Please join us wherever you may be. We will keep updated as much as possible.


Your servant,


Purusa-sukta das


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His Holiness Bhakti-tirhta Swami passed away from this world, and into the loving embrace of Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Radha Syamasundar at 3:35pm this afternoon. Gurudeva’s passing was so graceful and peaceful, as if he slipped out by the gentle hands his helpers to board his chariot.


Sangita Prabhu noticed a change in Gurudeva’s breathing pattern and alerted Brahma- muhurta Prabhu, who immediately came and sprayed Radha Kunda water around Gurudeva and applied Tulasi from Krsna-Balaram, Radhe Syam, and Gaura Nitai to his tongue. Srila Radhanatha Swami had left the room briefly. He was altered, and sat down next to Gurudeva. Shortly after that, Gurudeva gave a very gentle breath, a kind of release. It was so slight and graceful, so much so that half the people in the room didn’t notice it. It was his last breath.


After this Sangita and Madhvacarya checked his vital signs. And minutes latter confirmed that Gurudeva had indeed made – “the perfect escape”


As the final check of Gurudeva’s vital signs was happening the kirtana intensified, and grew in the minutes it took. When the confirmation finally was expressed, the kirtana roared, rising up with emotion. So many of the devotees started to clap along with the kirtana, with their hands over their heads. The devotees were crying, embracing one another, expressing their feelings of celebration and sadness. Then Kalpavrksa Prabhu loudly chanted the prema dvanai pranam for Gurudeva and for Srila Prabhupada.


The kirtana continued in Gurudeva’s room for sometime. Initially devotees in the living room stayed there, but then after five minutes they stared filing into the room, and naturally a queue formed, allowing everyone to have a final darsan of Gurudeva in his bed. Gurudeva’s expression was so sublime, like he was in divine rapture – in awe, in gratitude, in love. The processional through Gurudeva’s room continued for ten minutes, and then concluded leading out into the living room. From there the departure ceremony continued with Vrakesvara Pandit leading the devotees in Sankirtana, circumambulating around Gurudeva’s room and the Institute House. Inside Gurudeva’s room everyone except a small group assembled to assist Brahma-muhurta and Radhanatha Swami in the Samadhi Samskara process, which is currently going on.


We will continue to send updates and pictures throughout the full duration of the departure ceremony. The processional bringing Gurudeva from the Institute House to the temple will begin at 8pm, est.


All glories to the most sublime departure of that great general of Srila Prabhupada who deeply touched the lives of so many thousands and brought Srila Prabhupoada’s transformation throughout the world. May his legacy be carried by us, leading us to meet with him again in kind.

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thanks for letting us know. it has been 2 days since his passing and i cant believe no one on this forum has paid tribute to such a wonderful devotee of Krishna who lived his life for Srila Prabhupada mission in spreading KC to all. remembering back about 2 years ago when Jai Radhe passed away so many talked about her life in glorifying a great vaisnavi.


anyhow i will try and say that Bhakti Tirtha Swami was an amazing soul. Thank you for all your wonderful preaching work and the books u wrote which were so inspiring.you have been instrumental in my life since the cancer was diagnosed and showed us all how to die before dying. i will not forget what u have done for me for this is the biggest lesson in life and u made it so public for us all to learn. thank u





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