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Are you having a hard time? Then pray like Queen Kunti!

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Srimad Bhagawatam , Canto 1 - chapter 8 - verse 25


"I wish that all those calamities would happen again and


again so that we could see You again and again, for seeing


You means that we will no longer see repeated births and




excerpts from Srila Prabhupada's purport :


"Generally the distressed,

the needy, the intelligent and the inquisitive, who have performed

some pious activities, worship or begin to worship the Lord.


who are thriving on misdeeds only, regardless of status, cannot

approach the Supreme due to being mislead by the illusory energy.

Therefore , for a pious person, if there is some calamity there is no

alternative than to take take shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord.

Constantly remembering the lotus feet of the Lord means preparing for

liberation from birth and death. Therefore, even though there are

so-called calamities, they are welcome because they give us an

opportunity to remember the Lord, which means liberation..."


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S.B. 9.4.62 ()


"O infallible, unlimited Lord, protector of the entire universe, You are the

only desirable objective for all devotees. I am a great offender, my Lord.

Please give me protection. O my Lord , O supreme controller, without

knowledge of Your unlimited prowess I have offended Your most dear devotee.

Very kindly save me from the reaction of this offense. You can do

everything, for even if a person is fit for going to hell, You can deliver

him simply by awakening within his heart the Holy Name of Your Lordship."

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> "


> 1) O Gopinath, Lord of the gopis, please hear my request. I am a wicked

> materialist, always addicted to worldly desires, and no good qualities

> do I possess.


> 2) O Gopinath, You are my only hope, and therefore I have taken shelter

> at Your lotus feet. I am now Your eternal servant.


> 3) O Gopinath, how will You purify me? I do not know what devotion is,

> and my materialistic mind is absorbed in fruitive work. I have fallen

> into this dark and perilous worldly existence.


> 4) O Gopinath, everything here is Your illusory energy. I have no

> strength or transcendental knowledge, and this body of mine is not

> independent and free from the control of material nature.


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I want the lord to take all my worries and sorrows away, I don't want him to give me more trouble. I want to remember him as a savior, is that too much to ask?



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5) O Gopinatha, this sinner , who is weeping and weeping, begs for an

eternal place at Your divine feet. Please give him Your mercy.


6) O Gopinath, You are able to do anything and therefore You have the

power to deliver all sinners. Whi is there that is more of a sinner

than myself?


7) O Gopinath, You are the ocean of mercy. Having come into this

phenomenal world, You expand Your divine pastimes for the sake of the

fallen souls.


8) O Gopinath, I am so sinful that although all the demons attained

Your lotus feet, Bhaktivinode has remained in worldly existence.

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Prahlada Maharaja asked the Lord if he was going to give him a benediction then take away his material desires which are pretty much the root cause of all sorrows and worries. Consider yourself lucky to be at such an advanced stage. I am stuck still asking the Lord for material stuff which doesn't solve the problems of life.



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