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The real story behind Clinton and Bush?

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I have been reading this book called "Compromised:Clinton, Bush and the Cia How the Presidency was Co-opted by the Cia". The book is co-authored by a person named Terry Reed who claims to be a former CIA operative who worked in Arkansas on gun manufacturing for the Contra's. While writing the book which was copyrighted in 1994 he claims to be on the run for his life.


The premise of the book is that the CIA used Arkansas as a place to manufacture guns to send to the Contras in the mid 80's. They chose Arkansas because it was the state in the U.S. that most resembled a "banana republic" politically in the Unites States. In return for cooperation from Arkansas for this Govenor Clinton and the state would get a percentage of the CIA black money generated which would help Clinton politically. Things started going bad when Clinton and his good ol' boy network started getting into the drugs, which were supposedly used to disguise the gun manufacturing program as a drug running operation, and double dipping in the money drops. The CIA decided to shut down the operation and attempt to move it to Mexico do to the Arkansas good ol' boy feeding frenzy that threatened to compromise the gun manufacturing operation and pilot training as well.


Ultimately Terry Reed found out George Bush's sons were into drug trafficing when one of his higher ups slipped up and let him know more than he needed to know. Apparently even Oliver North was present at a meeting when basically the CIA promised Bill Clinton the presidency even after the shutdown of the Arkansas operations.


I don't know if this book is true but maybe it explains why Clinton and Bush are such good buddies and why Bush Jr. doesn't seem very interested in closing down the Mexican border.

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