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Vaiyasaki das CD's

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  • 8 months later...
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try his website kirtan.org - the CD is called Kirtan Rasa, with the track you want. also His new CDs are fantastic(Caitanya nad Vrndavana Candra) though are a little hard to get hold of!

Hari BOl!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


I have tried many times to get a copy of the CD with Namaste Narasimhaya on it to no avail. I even contacted Vaiyasaki prabhu himself with no luck.


Does anyone here have a copy they are willing to sell, burn, etc.?


Hare Krsna!


hey i have got a cop, if u cud send me email address, mine is kishan_2890@hotmail.co.uk i've also got loads of other kirtans of his, hey just give me a shout


and cud u also send me vaiyasaki's prabu's contact if that is ok with him or you. im one of his biggest fans and his kirtans are all i lisen to. thanks once again

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