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Women should be protected?

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It seems like in America women got sick of the male dominated society and rebelled against it so do Indians and Arabs view the feminist movement in America as a demonic thing or as women just getting sick of being controlled by a bunch of old men? From my perspective I can't blame women for rebelling in a lot of instances but in some ways the feminist movement has encouraged a lot of women into sexual promiscuity so its hard to tell to me wether women have really been liberated or not.


In Arab countries are women protected or are they exploited? I am trying to figure out if in the War against terror if Americans really are trying to shove debased western civilization down someone eles throats or if we are doing the right thing. All the liberals are saying we are a bunch of hedonistic pigs that want oil and the conservatives are saying we are liberators and that we are setting arab women free from the oppressive arab males.


I thought the Hindu people might have a unique perspective on this issue because the protection of women is so paramount in Indian philosophy and civilization.



"The logical extension of the ego is to become President" - Jim Morrison

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Throughout Europe, people are standing idly by as Muslim women are being murdered for having the audacity to date, or to not wear their head scarves outside, or to yearn for a life outside of the home. The problem is most pronounced in Germany. Last month six German women were murdered by their Muslim families for flirting with Western culture. Most recently, Hatin Surucu, a twenty-three-year-old Turkish woman who had been forced into marrying her cousin at age 16, was gunned down at a German bus stop. The attack had been planned. The motive-- Surucu had divorced her husband, discarded her religious head scarf, and had begun dating German men. This was too much for her family to bear. So her three brothers killed her, and orphaned her five year old son.


The brothers bragged to their friends about the "honor killing." In their community, they are considered heroes for suppressing their personal emotions and doing the tough work of God—discharging bullets into their defenseless sister. At least, that's the way they tell the story in certain cloistered Muslim enclaves in Germany, where "honor killings" are becoming an increasingly familiar phenomenon.


And how is mainstream German society responding to this trend? For the most part, they're not. Following World War II, Germans have been conditioned not to criticize other cultures. Afraid of being labeled racists or Nazis, Germans sit passively by while hundreds of Germany's Muslim women are stripped of their basic human rights.


Well, wagging your finger at the practices of another culture might not be politically correct. But what about what's morally correct? What about the thousands of Muslim women who are being enslaved by archaic religious practices? What about the women like Surucu who are being killed for wanting a personality outside of their restrictive religion? At some point the German people must realize that protecting the rights of women like Surucu is not a matter of cultural relativity. It is a matter of universally recognized human rights. The idea of enslaving an entire gender is fundamentally at odds with the basic freedoms embraced by all enlightened, democratic societies. Germany cannot allow the mere threat of charges of cultural or religious insensitivity to undermine the basic democratic values they have worked so hard to achieve in the post war era.


Very simply, the culture of another people does not have to be accepted when it is subhuman! "Honor killings" are subhuman! And human rights activists need to address the situation in no uncertain terms. The practice of killing women for wanting to have lives of their own needs to be held up to public scrutiny. At the same time, the German government needs to engage in outreach programs to Muslim youths. They need to make sure that Muslim kids are not so alienated from mainstream society that they can simply be programmed by Mosques to hate and degrade women. Most of all the government needs to provide sanctuary to oppressed women and girls, instead of allowing Muslim extremists to hide their abuses behind a disingenuous veil of cultural relativity. Democratic societies like Germany can no longer give religious fanatics a free hand to abuse and murder non believers. Such action betrays contempt for the basic human rights which animate any democracy with meaning. In a democracy, we simply cannot allow the word "honor" to be attached to such brutal and archaic religious practices.

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After reading about how those Muslims blew up those little kids that were getting candy from the U.S. soldiers it becomes harder and harder for me to accept what the liberals are saying. Now the liberals are probably trying to blame the Us soldiers for the death of those children but Jesus said to greet the little children with love and whoever does that is honoring Jesus. Of course the liberals are eager to blame US soldiers and George Bush for the deaths of these children but they don't blame Bill Clinton for the children that died at Waco. Bill Clinton is still the hero of the liberals.

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If one who is a liberal is a clintonite, I question seriously his position. After all, wasnt it clinton who took a break from his campaign to enact capital punishment as Gov or Ark, and the one he threw a switch on had an IQ of 75. And he caused more deaths in Iraq of children, especially, than the present demagogue. Even more insane than liberals who really give a ---- about clinton (bill, his wife is Okay, just needs to divorce bubba), are those pubs who cannot debate issues without bringing up their own kind, clinton, in every discussion, comparing apples to apples.



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Ill look it over soon, I like a good laugh. Art bell told a good joke a few eeks ago, about the liberal on the sailboat and the conservative in the hot air balloon, I wish I remembered it, was enough for both libs and cons to laugh at themselves with. yers, mahak


Gettin hot Rx. My coast guard son was tellin me of the 120 degrees he has in the gulf, so I should enjoy my 80 degrees here. Give me regards to the denizens of Pend Orielle if you see em.

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