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Who are Kali’s agents?

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Srila Thakur BhaktivinodeIn the following article, Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode speaks about the influence of Kali, the presiding deity of the present age of quarrel.


Who are Kali’s agents?


The agents of Kali are those who accept the disciplic succession of Sri Krishna Chaitanya but secretly do not follow the rules and regulations laid down by the disciplic succession.


— From Sri Manah-Siksa - chapter 2.


What is the duty of a tolerant person?


If anyone blasphemes you, you should tolerate it. Do not insult anyone. Taking shelter of the material body, you should not envy anyone else. There is no doubt that lust is a placewhere Kali can reside. Becoming lusty to serve Krishna is transcendental and is known as love of God. To desire sense gratification is mundane and is Kali’s residence. One must give up all such mundane desires.


— From Sajjana Tosani 15.2


— From Sri Bhaktivinoda Vani Vaibhava chapters 7 and 9

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"There are many jealous people in the dress of Vaishnavas in this Krishna Consciousness movement, and they should be completely neglected. A false acarya may try to override a vaishnava by a high-court decision, (2/3 hand vote) but Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that he is nothing but a disciple of Kali-yuga.".


"Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, Kali-cela. He indicates that there are other Vaishnavas, pseudo-Vaishnavas, with tilaka on their nose and kunti beads around their neck. Such a pseudo-Vaishnava associates with money and women and is jealous of successful Vaishnavas. Although passing for a Vaishnava, his only business is earning money in the dress of a Vaishnava".


Srila Prabhupada: CC.Madhy.,Ch.1, Text 218 / 220, purport


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<blockquote>"There is no doubt that lust is a place where Kali can reside. Becoming lusty to serve Krishna is transcendental and is known as love of God. To desire sense gratification is mundane and is Kali’s residence. One must give up all such mundane desires."</blockquote>


From the above quote, one might conclude that we give up some experience of love of God in order to experience sensory pleasure. Maybe the intelligence can see this as a bad bargain, a poor trade.


May we all find our attachment for Krsna overtaking all mundane impressions, leaving the already chewed a ghostly dream of a distant past.


Time to trade up.


Agent Smith



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