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New Mel Gibson Movie Being Filmed

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Mel Gibson had Hollywood insiders scratching their heads when he announced that his film "The Passion of the Christ" would have dialogue only in Latin and Aramaic.


Now comes word that the next movie Gibson will direct, "Apocalypto," will be filmed in an obscure Mayan dialect.


The movie will star a neophyte cast indigenous to the region of Mexico where Gibson will shoot the film, according to the trade paper Variety, which says it will "presumably" have the "same kind of subtitles Gibson reluctantly added to 'The Passion of the Christ.'"


Earlier reports claimed the movie would be set 3,000 years ago, but Gibson's spokesman Alan Nierob is now saying it's set 500 years in the past.


Several studios bid for U.S. distribution rights for the film, which Gibson is bankrolling, before Disney got the nod.


And the fact that more than one studio bid for the project "shows Gibson's viability and makes laughable last year's prediction by the New York Times that Gibson would be blackballed by Jewish executives after the 'Passion' controversy," according to Variety.


In fact, Gibson was deluged with $20-million offers for his acting services after "Passion" was released.


Sources say "Apocalypto," which is set for a summer 2006 release, won't have a religious theme and could even carry an R rating due to violent scenes in the script.

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I have read various articles about this movie of Mel Gibson's but Have not been able to make contact with him about helping make super authentic cintacts. I live in Quintana Roo, Mexico and know many people who's work it is to keep the Mayan culture alive. If you have a way to help me make contact I would be very grateful as I would like to see this movie portray the culture as it was (and is). Please help me out... thank you. Jill Kirkland

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I have scholastic contacts with Mayanists, and even developed a website on Mayan hieroglyphs ten years ago (currently offline, but back sometime in the near future at mayaglyphs.net. The professor recently moved to a small village in the Yucatan and is completing a Mayan dictionary that will be online. You can send me an email to bb at bvml.org or webmaster at bvml.org and I can send you info on how to contact him. I am no longer on the net much as I have more pressing engagements due to current events.


Best regards,

rand0M aXiS

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The Teaser for Mel Gibson's Apocalypto

Source: Touchstone Pictures December 21, 2005


Your first look at director Mel Gibson's Apocalypto is now online at Apple, where you can view the teaser trailer in High Definition QuickTime here and in regular QuickTime formats here.


Co-written by Gibson and Farhad Safinia, Apocalypto is a heart stopping mythic action-adventure set against the turbulent end times of the once great Mayan civilization. When his idyllic existence is brutally disrupted by a violent invading force, a man is taken on a perilous journey to a world ruled by fear and oppression where a harrowing end awaits him. Through a twist of fate and spurred by the power of his love for his woman and his family he will make a desperate break to return home and to ultimately save his way of life.


Gibson's follow-up to The Passion of The Christ will be released by Touchstone Pictures in the summer of 2006



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Mel Gibson is right now filming Apocalypto (www.apocalypto.com). Apocalypto is Greek meaning “I reveal” or “I am unveiling.”


For other trailer types (QuickTime, Windows Media Player, Real Player):



The trailer opens with a quote by Will Durant as follows: “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.”


Some believe Gibson will use this film to “reveal” the decline in American culture and how by rotting within America will be destroyed. In particular, some are speculating that Gibson will make this a movie with heavy pro-life symbolism (notice in the trailer there is a pregnant woman). The film will be entirely in Mayan.

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