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The envious and the brave

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Hare Krishna,


Just a thought, i went into a chat room [i really shouldn't] there was one person willing to hear about Krishna, so I talked about Mahaprabhu, and he mentioned Prabhupada says in Bhagavatam about women being less inteliigent, I said that's material women not devotees. Because Bhagavatam mentions women like Kunti etc.


That's really good, he/she understood and respected. But there was another person that as soon as I mentioned this he/she became VERY offensive, that I has to leave. There was only 3 people in the room, why is it that envious people are always there? It seems whenever I get chance to preach I have to contend with AT least one envious person. It's like they are sent by May-devi Herself. It's always the same. That's why i never preach, how can you preach with people like that? Esp. when they blaspheme our Dear Gurudeva?

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Preaching to people requires their willingness to hear things that may be contrary to what they 'believe' presently.


When they hear things such as women are intellectually inferior, etc...they have the problem of this going directly against what the society, and nearly everyone is already 'preaching' to them. So they rebel before there's a chance to explain further.


It's a tough job. And why so few can do it well.

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The issue of women being less intelligent than men is not just about the differences between the genders.

It is connected to one of the central pleasures of the material -- sex. It is in the interest of atheistic men to keep women stupid (literally!), so that they can get from them whatever they want. And in an atheistic society, women are raised to believe they are nothing without a man -- so women willfully engage in illicit sexual relations, as this, per their conditioning, makes them feel worthy. A woman who is chaste (be she atheistic or not), is looked down upon and ridiculed by atheists of both genders.


Note the underlying cognitive dissonance: It is usually claimed that women are not less intelligent than men. But if (material) women were indeed equally intelligent to (material) men, then why do they let themselves be sexually exploited, and why do they depend on men so much?



So as soon as female intelligence is addressed, indirectly, sex is addressed as well. Hence the fierceness of such debates.

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Did you know, womens brains are approximately 10% smaller than a men's brains, on average. The thing is, women are approxiately 10% smaller than men, on average. And there are plenty of women who have bigger brains than your average male homo sapien.


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