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need new stuff-mahak

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We need new stuff. Forget the minor impropriety about how we got stuck in Iraq. We took care of that by besmirching a real hero, Ambassador Wilson, who singlehandedly faced saddam hussein down and got all the embassy staff out of Iraq during the first gulf war. All we gotta do is make the CIA at fault, blame an operative working on finding real WMD, and moveon. After all,it was Karl Rove who gave us the white house by making fags the only issue of the election.


But things are moving too fast. We need another shuttle disaster, maybe blame it on insurgent computer hackers. Or the tube, or maybe a South Carolina suitcase nuke. Get those publics off my back,give me an "approval surge".


I got Iran and Syria waiting for me. We gotta clear out armageddon for my sharona, I feel a rapture coming on.


And my people are so controlled by us. All we really need is sordid stories to captivate their pea-minds.



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You must be living in a parallel universe mudmon!


Wilson is guilty of Treason and so is his wife. Here is what I believe about his trip to Niger... This might get long winded so hang in there..


Joe Wilson was sent to Niger without the knowledge of the CIA Director, this was a mission solely orchestrated by the Counter Proliferation Dept of the CIA where his wife Valerie Plame worked.


Joe Wilson comes back after two weeks of chatting with various big whigs in Niger while sipping Mint Tea, he returned and filed a verbal report that was in fact supportive of the claim that Saddam sought to purchase Uranium from Niger.


Joe Wilson made many speeches against going to war with Iraq, yet never said a word about his trip or his so called findings. Even after the famous 16 words were uttered in the Presidents State of the Union Address, Joe Wilson remained silent until 4 months after we invaded Iraq and coincidently just a few after he signed on to the Kerry Campaign.


I believe Joe Wilson knew his trip to Niger didn't prove anything one way or the other, and probably went their on more of a vacation than a mission. But he decided to use his trip to try and damage this President in his effort to help elect John Kerry.


I personally believe that Fitzpatrick (Special Prosecutor) is focusing his investigation on the lies Joe Wilson has told, after all, he is the only one that has so far been proved to have lied, 3 TIMES no less. There is no doubt in my mind that the forged document is a major part of this investigation as well. That document was a KNOWN forgery and had no business being placed into Colin Powell's written report to the U.N. on October of 2002. Somebody put it in there to embarrass this President. This leads me to believe that Fitzpatrick is investigating who was involved in placing this document in Powell's report.


There was a conspiracy to embarrass this Administration and nobody will convince me otherwise. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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Joe Wilson, "Mastermind". /images/graemlins/confused.gif


Liberals Back Another Pathological Liar, What a Surprise. /images/graemlins/grin.gif


The party that gave us Bill Clinton and his definition of fidelity has now coughed up the venerable Joseph C. Wilson IV, celbutante wannabe. Wilson, of course, is the American attaché who fancies himself a political operative determined to single-handedly bring down the Bush Administration. Someone might want to tell him his scheme just blew up in his face. It appears that Wilson, who cast himself as the year’s biggest martyr, wanted the world to believe that the evil Karl Rove outted his wife, an ersatz clandestine CIA “operative”, in retaliation for Wilson’s ground-breaking Op Ed piece in the New York Times discrediting the administration’s claims that Saddam Hussein tried to buy uranium from the East African country of Niger. That’s the year’s longest run on sentence to describe the year’s biggest con. As it turns out, Wilson’s wife was not a CIA operative when her name was published in an article by Robert Novak and it wasn’t Karl Rove who was the source of this leak. As with all things the hysterical, brain-addled Democrats get their hands on, reputations were ruined, people were jailed, an administration was paralyzed and we had to appoint yet another money-wasting, mind-numbing Special Prosecutor.


The Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight rallied behind this unfolding carnage for almost two years. This week John Kerry took to the podium, flanked by Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer and other Democratic “luminaries”, and demanded that Karl Rove be fired. Today it was revealed that Karl Rove wasn’t the source of the leak, he was the recipient. One of many. Furthermore, Joe Wilson’s “research” that tried to bury the administration’s claims regarding uranium actually ended up bolstering them. Also, he was not sent on this super secret mission by the Vice President of the United States, as he implied, but by his wife and he admitted yesterday that “[his] wife was not a clandestine officer the day that Bob Novak blew her identity”. That means that there was no crime, except the crime of Wilson and his wife trying to dupe the world and the uber-gullible Vanity Fair magazine by painting themselves as quixotic martyrs of the ruthless Republican retaliation machine.


Joseph C. Wilson IV, his wife, Valerie Plame, and everyone else who backed them now look like fools. It appears that Karl Rove has, once again, managed to force the Democrats to shoot themselves in the foot. Lest we forget this is the same Karl Rove that, according to Walter Cronkite, orchestrated Osama Bin Laden’s “October surprise” to insure President Bush’s reelection. It now appears that mastermind Rove has manipulated the entire Congressional Democrat machine, the Main Stream Media, Time Magazine and the New York Times to all, simultaneously, squander what is left of their ever-vanishing credibility.

By taking on Karl Rove the Dems have proven, once again, they are out of their league. Maybe they should go back to scaring poor people and little old ladies. Those are the last people left who are likely to take their word.

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to accomplish all the dastardly deeds that the Dims accuse him of! /images/graemlins/blush.gif


Theist and Mahaksadas --- The thermometer is hitting triple digits here, and I have no A/C, so I'm off to the North Cascades for some summer skiing and a vacation from the net. Take care.


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The whole ideology of "rapture" was invented in the 19th century. The "infallibility" of the pope was invented in the same century.


Rove is a genius, Ill give ya that. Without him, bush is stuck with his low IQ, his less than stellar scholastic and military credential, etc. Rove brought the anti-gays to the table, even these rapture freaks who dont vote because they are too busy imagining heaven with christ (His father and mother missing, of course) voted in droves because their states had hurry-up initiatives banning same-sex marriage. This was Roves genius. By doing the futile scam of a constitutional amendment, this motivated the hillybilly who thinks marriage to his sister is okay (as long as she aint really a he) to go to the polls. While there, they cast a vote for their christian soldier, and this is what won key states.


But Goebles was a genius too. He played on the materialistic weaknesses and fears of the germans to get hitler what he wanted.


Its not just rove, its the whole cartel that is seriously flawed. Now amerikkkans have lost their beloved constitution (notably Bill of rights amendments #1 and #4), gladly given up because they were promised more security. But this promise, too, has been broken. Not just this or that is targeted, everything is more dangerous, not because of 911, but because of the arrogant fascism amerikkka has forced on the world. Iraq had no terrorists, saddam had the kurds and the shiites at bay, and he had no military at all after Iran and Desert Storm. In fact, the only evil he was doing was in collaberation with the oil companies to keep the "food for oil" program from giving any benefit to starving children.


So, whats next? Its there in the near future. My only concern is that my son gets out of there in two more months with his Bahrain Harley and all his arms and legs needed to operate it.


Rove is a traitor, he broke security regulations, simple as that. His actions have made the whole intelligence community at risk, not to mention sacrifice the needed "people assets" we have sorely missed due to bubbas cutbacks. Arabic speaking mexicans will not even consider, knowing they can be "outed" by a whim of vengence by folks who should be tried, convicted, and summarily executed per US Code Title 50.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa


give a nod to early winters state park, Random, as you pass on the way west on Highway 20. In 1983, there was quite a party there, an electric campsite with a full drum set, no less, doin harinam and distributing prasadam. And ISKCON had nothing to do with it, as they were not invited.

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