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Is the earth the only planet in our universe (w/ 4 headed Brahma)...

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Lecture: And in this material world, in each and every planet, the predominating deity or the person is a very pious human being or living being. Generally, human being. In other higher planetary system they are also like human being. Their features are exactly like us: two hands, two legs, one head, like that. But they are very pious. They are God conscious. Every, in every planet the living entities or human being, they are of different grades. Just like in this planet also, in some portion of this world there are savages, uncivilized persons, and in some portion of the world there are civilized persons, intelligent persons, God conscious persons, as there are different grades of persons in this planet, similarly, there are different grades of beings, living beings or human beings, in different other planets.


Yogezvara: But then during the creation, the scientists say, in the beginning, there was no human life on this planet.

PrabhupAda: The scientists are rascals. What they know? There was no human being? Why not human being? The BrahmA is human being. Then you reject the Vedic conclusion. You take this rascal scientist's conclusion.

Yogezvara: No, of course not.

PrabhupAda: Then how you can say?

Yogezvara: But where were those spirit souls who were going to take the form of a human being before the human species became manifested?

PuSTa-kRSNa: In the body of ViSNu.

BhagavAn: That's just on this planet. But on other planets there's human species.

PrabhupAda: Eh? What is that?

BhagavAn: No. His argument is that scientists say that at the beginning there may have been only lesser developed forms of life.

PrabhupAda: No, we don't say that.

BhagavAn: Was there always humans on this planet?

PrabhupAda: We say the highest developed, BrahmA. He's a sub-creator. He's not a lesser intelligent. He's as good as God.

Yogezvara: But on this planet, let us say, for example...

PrabhupAda: On this planet, any planet. That is the system.

SatsvarUpa: This planet, from the very beginning, there were human beings.

PrabhupAda: Eh?

SatsvarUpa: On this planet, from the very beginn...

PrabhupAda: Yes. BrahmA is there. The BrahmA created so many sons. The KumAras came out. The Rudra came out. He gradually created.

NitAi: So actually, the creation goes just the other way.

PrabhupAda: Eh?

NitAi: First of all, BrahmA, the greatest living being, and then...

PrabhupAda: No. Creation is simultaneously. The BrahmA then created ants and birds and beasts and everything. It is all simultaneous.



PrabhupAda: Similarly, in the sun planet, in the moon planet, there are also human beings like us, and they are called devas because they are high, intellectual. They are all very powerful than ourself, and they have got different bodies with different power and everything. Otherwise, there is no question..


CandanAcArya: By their theory, though, a human being would be able to generate wings or a beak like a bird.

PrabhupAda: Yes, there are human beings who can fly in the sky. Siddhaloka, Siddhaloka. There is a planet called Siddhaloka. There the human beings from one planet to another go.


[SB 11.14.5] The Kindevas are a race of human beings who are, like the demigods, completely free from fatigue, sweat and body odor. Seeing them, one may thus ask, kiM devAH: "Are they demigods?" Actually, they are human beings living on another planet within the universe. The Kinnaras are so called because they are kiJcin narAH, or "a little like human beings." The Kinnaras have either a human head or human body (but not both) combined with a nonhuman form. The KimpuruSas are so called because they resemble human beings and thus prompt the question kiM puruSAH: "Are these human beings?" Actually, they are a race of monkeys who are almost like human beings.



BG 7.15p -- (2) Another class of duSkRtI, or miscreant, is called the narAdhama, or the lowest of mankind. Nara means human being, and adhama means the lowest. Out of the 8,400,000 different species of living beings, there are 400,000 human species. Out of these there are numerous lower forms of human life that are mostly uncivilized. The civilized human beings are those who have regulative principles of social, political and religious life. Those who are socially and politically developed but who have no religious principles must be considered narAdhamas. Nor is religion without God religion, because the purpose of following religious principles is to know the Supreme Truth and man's relation with Him.


CC Madhya 19.138 -- The living entities are described as ananta, or unlimited; nonetheless, they are said to belong to 8,400,000 species. As stated in the ViSNu PurANa:


jala-jA nava-lakSANi sthAvarA lakSa-viMzati

kRmayo rudra-saGkhyakAH pakSiNAM daza-lakSaNam

triMzal-lakSANi pazavaH catur-lakSANi mAnuSAH


"There are 900,000 species living in the water. There are also 2,000,000 nonmoving living entities (sthAvara), such as trees and plants. There are also 1,100,000 species of insects and reptiles, and there are 1,000,000 species of birds. As far as quadrupeds are concerned, there are 3,000,000 varieties, and there are 400,000 human species." Some of these species may exist on one planet and not on another, but in any case within all the planets of the universe--and even in the sun--there are living entities. This is the verdict of the Vedic literatures.


Renunciation Through Wisdom 1.4 -- The learned sages say that the living entities go through 8,400,000 species of life. There are 900,000 aquatic species; 2,000,000 plants, mountains, and other nonmoving species; 1,100,000 insect and worm species; 1,000,000 bird species; 3,000,000 animal species; and 400,000 human species. After passing through all these species, the soul is finally born as a human being in BhArata-varSa, India. He achieves this birth by gradually awakening his consciousness. Many millions of years flash by as the soul goes through each of the above-mentioned species of life. So, even after all this, if the soul, despite being born as a human being in India, continues to be subjugated by mAyA and goes round in the whirlpool of "the dispensation of providence," then there is no limit to his misfortune. SrIla KRSNadAsa KavirAj has therefore written,


bhArata-bhUmite haila manuSya-janma yAra

janma sArthaka kari' kara para-upakAra

[Cc. Adi 9.41]


One who has take his birth as a human being in the land of India (BhArata-varSa) should make his life successful and work for the benefit of all other people.

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