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Man visits hell

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"He (Yama) was sporting a large moustache with curly ends but had a bald head. He rebuked the two soldiers, who mistakenly took me to hell. They dropped me at my home by a magic scooter,'' Malla Reddy, the old man, told The Hindu on Thursday.


Yama was also sporting a pair of knickers. Is Yama British?


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at least somewhat with other Hindu NDE's.


So I have no reason to doubt this.


So what if, to him, Yamaraj was wearing knickers or he was being transported by magic scooters?


These are minor details that might have to do with the experiencer, in terms of how he chooses to interpret some things.



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while Hindus see Yamaraj, Indra, or some other deities, Christians see white light, Jesus, Santa Clause (some children do), and other religions see other forms.


It would be rather narrow-minded for one to claim that this or that is not a true NDE, or the NDE itself is not true, simply because none of the details on the superficial level match.


God is pure energy, and he meets us on whatever terms we want to meet him with. He can manifest himself as Yamaraja, white light, Jesus, or any number of other forms. It makes no difference ultimately.


I've seen a site trying to dispel NDE's simply because they don't conform to the expectations that one should have of an "authentic" experience. They simply narrate the negatives, however there are stories that help validate NDE's yet they gloss over them like they don't exist. I'm sure they are aware of them, yet they keep pushing an agenda, which is sad. They like to pose as intellectuals yet they are more guilty of pseudo-intellectualism than they realize as far as I'm concerned.



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we be living in hell as we speak it is known as Mrtya loka the planet of old age desease and DEATH ...

so whats the difference with out Srila Prabhupada, Radha and Krsna this world is hell as well

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sounds like he likes his job,what exactly do you think is happening when a person animal ever is near death, yet recovers only to live a few more years then have ND again

we have experienced ND wth OB and we did not see Yamaraja on the contrary we were unconscious until coming to external senses

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you mean Out of body experience?


Or did you simply not experience anything at all?


Perhaps you were not as close to death as you thought, perhaps, you did not believe so strongly in the scriptures, and your path was more open to you, as to where you would go, and how you would get there. As I mentioned before, I believe if God exists and these NDE's are authentic and soul-based, that God gives you the path you want to take, or you believe in taking. Of course, I'm not talking about the path you consciously want to take, necessarily, but what your soul is prepared for. I believe your soul decides on how you meet God, and God comes to you according to that.

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