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It seems only Theist, Mahaksadasa, Gauracandra, and myself have been around since the beginning of this kalpa. This is the appearance day of Stonehearted Babhru das, so we won't mention his ancient involvement in our playful pastimes at the Fellowship.


I am very happy to see you have grown so much in these few months:<blockquote>Dear Guest,

In a way I can understand your thoughts. I am rather new to this myself,as I have only been studying for the last six months.But,you know,even though I may be fallen in some areas,I feel Krishna knows and understands.Sure we are really busy in all the things we do in this material life, but still we have to make the time for God. If nothing else,set aside a little time in your day,just for Him. That may include chanting or reading the Bhagavad Gita,etc..I know sometimes it may even get overwhelming,it does for me sometimes,but take it slowly, and as you said take baby steps. I think it will be well worth your continued effort.I know even now, when things are up in question, I have a few friends,some from the forums,that I can openly discuss my questions, and this really helps. Even if you just post your feelings here, it sometimes help. Any number of the regulars are sure to help. Debbie


And it appears you've been taking more that just baby steps!


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Perhaps you are right. In the beginning, I was taking baby steps. I still am to a certain extent. Once I started chanting 16 rounds(very important), finally went to the temple, saw the Deities for the first time, started associating face to face with the devotees, I started taking somewhat bigger steps. There were two advanced devotee friends that really felt I needed local association, and they were right. One of these friends, a brahmacarie, encouraged me to chant 16 rounds, stop cooking meat for my family, and urged me to ask the devotees if there was service I could do around the temple. Since that time, it seems I can never get enough. I know Krishna is the supreme enjoyer, but when doing service for Him, it makes us happy, too. I took initiation December 24th and was given the name, Damodara Priya Devi Dasi. My family is still not favorable to KC, but I made up my mind, even though I must take care of my family, I am determined to serve to the best of my ability to Krishna, Srila Prabhupada, and my spiritual master and other devotees. We have to remember, our eternal position is that of service. I am happy to see that a few of the regulars are here. I used to keep in touch with Theist by email, but we have not communicated in a while. Perhaps I may come back and post more often. Good seeing you. Your servant, Damodara Priya dd

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