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Prabhupada: "In Allahabad I was keeping cow"

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Prabhupada: In Allahabad I was keeping cow, there was facility...................

Prabhupada: Plan is that we have got woods. Cut the woods, make small cottages, and engage them for growing fruits, flowers, grains, and make the complete arrangement nicely. Water...

Hari-sauri: Irrigation.

Prabhupada: In this way make it ever green.

Bhagavan: There was a question about the cows, that at what point should the calf be separated from the mother. Because sometimes when the calf is separated, the mother, she cries.

Prabhupada: No, they should not be taken away.

Bhagavan: Shouldn't be.

Hari-sauri: I think in all our farms they do that.

Bhagavan: I heard in New Vrindaban they took them away very early.

Hari-sauri: The problem is that the calves drink so much milk that they become very sick, so they have to separate.

Prabhupada: Therefore they should not be allowed always. Once in a day, that's all.

Hari-sauri: Oh.

Prabhupada: Not too much allowed, but once. At least while milking they should be allowed to drink little milk, and that will encourage the mother to deliver more milk.

Hari-sauri: Oh. At the same time they're milking the cow, the calf can come.

Prabhupada: Yes. They can bring it milk. And while milking, the calf may be standing before the mother.

Hari-sauri: They do that in India.

Prabhupada: So she will not be sorry. Completely separation is not good. And after birth at least for one week the calf should be allowed. Because after this giving birth the milk is not fit for human consumption. The calf should not be allowed to eat more, but at the same time the mother must see once, twice, then it will be all right. Of course, we are born in big, big towns, we do not know, but I know this is the process. In Allahabad I was keeping cow, there was facility.

copy and paste into browzer window the below link for a picture of Srila Prabhupada under a tree with early disciples and Cow in the background



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