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Another demigod named Vishnu ?

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Can someone explain this better



Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Srimad Bhagavatam 3.6.22


padav asya vinirbhinnau

lokeso visnur avisat

gatya svamsena puruso

yaya prapyam prapadyate




padau -- the legs; asya -- of the gigantic form; vinirbhinnau -- being manifested separately; loka-isah visnuh -- the demigod Visnu (not the Personality of Godhead); avisat -- entered; gatya -- by the power of movement; sva-amsena -- with his own parts; purusah -- living entity; yaya -- by which; prapyam -- destination; prapadyate -- reaches.




Thereafter the legs of the gigantic form separately became manifest, and the demigod named Visnu [not the Personality of Godhead] entered with partial movement. This helps the living entity move to his destination.



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After I went to Vedabase.net has the Title:

Creation of the Universal Form


That is why it says ` Visnu [not the Personality of Godhead] `. Krishna in Bhagavad-gita reveals the Universal Form to Arjuna, this is not actually Krishna but His manifestation of the Universal Form. It is created only for this material world, it doesn't exsist in the spiritual atmosphere.

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loka-isa Vishnu in this verse is just one of the manifestations of Vishnu. I have no idea why the word "demigod" is used here because it is indeed confusing, but there is no doubt it relates to a form of Lord Vishnu.


the word "lokesa" means "ruler of the world" and is one of the common names of Lord Vishnu (but also Lord Brama and Shiva)

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Thank you so much prabhu's.


It now makes sense !


Yes the form of the lord as the virat rupa is not eternal.


Also yes loka-isa is of the material world, not the spirtual world

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" Yes the form of the lord as the virat rupa is not eternal.


Also yes loka-isa is of the material world, not the spirtual world "



Are you a mayavadi ? Quote me the authoritative pramana to support your claim - virat rupa is not eternal ?




Hari Om Tat Sat




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"Lokesa Visnu ENTERED the virat-rupa. That would obviously imply Him being separate from it, at least in the sense of origin"


I am asking for a authoritative commentary on the position of the virat rupa's position, not your speculation.

In case you want to know - I follow visistadvaita


"Varnashrama - the difference between "Aryan" and "barbarian"


Who are the barbarians you are referring to and where is this definition of varna and shrama stated in the scriptures ?


hari om tat sat



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I have searched the tikas on this verse available to me, and there is not much I can find. my comment is based on the verse itself.


as to virata-rupa's position there is a ton of references out there. I suggest you google some of them if interested.


as to varnas and barbarians - that is a different topic. if you like to discuss it please start a new thread.

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I have searched the tikas on this verse available to me, and there is not much I can find. my comment is based on the verse itself



I dismiss your comment as mayavadi speculation



as to virata-rupa's position there is a ton of references out there. I suggest you google some of them if interested



I asked for the precise references - and now you are posing it back to me



as to varnas and barbarians - that is a different topic. if you like to discuss it please start a new thread



Why did you bring IT up in the first place, when it has no relevance to this thread ?


hari om tat sat



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you call it speculation, I call it thinking.


"In reply to:



as to varnas and barbarians - that is a different topic. if you like to discuss it please start a new thread






Why did you bring IT up in the first place, when it has no relevance to this thread ?"


it is my signature. if you paid any real attention, it would have been obvious /images/graemlins/wink.gif



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Mahakala prabhu ji


Maybe you could show some bit more respect to Kulpayavana prabhuji.


I am so sure that your good self, does not want the karma of offenses to a vaishnava !


Before speculating anything about Kulpayavan prabhuji, check out his posts on this forum.


Also if you have a better explanation, please offer the same.


A concerened friend and well wisher.

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I am so sure that your good self, does not want the karma of offenses to a vaishnava !



Are you threathening me ?



Before speculating anything about Kulpayavan prabhuji, check out his posts on this forum



My first post was not directed to him but he chose to answer hence I hold him responsible for his comments.



Also if you have a better explanation, please offer the same



The onus is on him to response to my genuine queries and you dont be his spokes person


I have mention earlier my authority is based on visistadvaita. Now you go and check the visistadvaita explanation.


hari om tat sat



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Are you threathening me ?




Prabhuji, no way i would do that. I have a worse state of conciousness worse than a worm in stool, how can i threaten you at all !!


Still, please do consider forgiving me, for i have surely hurt your soft and tender heart.


Also if possible please pray for me !


Take care and all the best


Hare Krishna

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there is no need for any hard feelings prabhu.


the translation of verse in question is indeed quite puzzling. I used to translate SP books for years and also studied Vedic literatures for close to 30 years. no doubt my comments may seem like a speculation to you, and that is just fine.


however, in all my years of study I did not run into a separate demigod named Vishnu, especially in relation to the Universal Form, so I am assuming (or speculating, if you like) that there may be some misunderstanding here as to proper editing of this verse by SP disciples. It happened many times, and not all errors were corrected by the BBT.

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