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Confused about Haridas Thakur

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He was a great bhakta. But isn't it also true that he committed suicide after Chaintanya chastised him for looking at a woman? How's that possible? How can someone be enlightened and lustful at the same time? Or was it another haridas? Some clarifications, please.

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Summary of Antya 2


The purport of this chapter is explained by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in his Amrita-pravaha-bhashya as follows. Krishnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami, the author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, wanted to explain direct meetings with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, meetings with those empowered by Him, and His avirbhava appearance. Thus he described the glories of Nrisimhananda and other devotees. A devotee named Bhagavan Acarya was exceptionally faithful to the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Nevertheless, his brother, Gopala Bhatta Acarya, discoursed upon the commentary of impersonalism (Mayavada). Srila Svarupa Damodara Gosvami, the secretary of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, forbid Bhagavan Acarya to indulge in hearing that commentary. Later, when Junior Haridasa, following the order of Bhagavan Acarya, went to collect alms from Madhavidevi, he committed an offense by talking intimately with a woman although he was in the renounced order. Because of this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu rejected Junior Haridasa, and despite all the requests of the Lord's stalwart devotees, the Lord did not accept him again. One year after this incident, Junior Haridasa went to the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna and committed suicide. In his spiritual body, however, he continued to sing devotional songs, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu heard them. When the Vaishnavas of Bengal went to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, these incidents became known to Svarupa Damodara and others.


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Antya 3 Summary


A summary of the Third Chapter is given by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura as follows. A beautiful young brahmana girl in Jagannatha Puri had a very handsome son who was coming every day to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This was not very much to the liking of Damodara Pandita, however, who therefore told Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, "If You display so much love for this boy, people will doubt Your character." Hearing these words from Damodara Pandita, the Lord sent him to Navadvipa to supervise the affairs of His mother, Sacidevi. He also especially requested Damodara Pandita to remind His mother that He was sometimes going to her home to accept the food she offered. Thus, following the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Damodara Pandita went to Navadvipa, taking with him all kinds of prasadam from Lord Jagannatha.


On another occasion, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu once inquired from Haridasa Thakura, who was known as Brahma Haridasa, how the yavanas, or persons bereft of Vedic culture, would be delivered in Kali-yuga. Haridasa Thakura replied that their deliverance would be possible if they very loudly chanted the Hare Krishna mantra, for hearing the Hare Krishna mantra chanted loudly, even with but little realization, would help them.


After describing this incident, the author of the Caitanya-caritamrita also describes how Haridasa Thakura was tested at Benapola, a village near Santipura. A person named Ramacandra Khan, who was envious of Haridasa Thakura, sent a professional prostitute to attempt to defame him, but by the mercy of Haridasa Thakura, even the prostitute was delivered. Because of offending a pure Vaishnava, Ramacandra Khan was later cursed by Nityananda Prabhu and ruined.


From Benapola, Haridasa Thakura went to the village known as Candapura, where he lived at the house of Balarama Acarya. Thereafter, Haridasa Thakura was received by two brothers known as Hiranya and Govardhana Majumadara, but in the course of a discussion he was offended by a caste brahmana known as Gopala Cakravarti. Because of this offense, Gopala Cakravarti was punished by being afflicted with leprosy.


Haridasa Thakura later left Candapura and went to the house of Advaita Acarya, where he was tested by Mayadevi, the personification of the external energy. She also received his favor by being blessed with the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.


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