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first time visit to temple

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Could someone give me some advice?


i am going to be going to a janmashtami festival this weekend at one of the temples, but i am not sure as to what the etiquette is at temples as to what the general process is, and what do females generally wear on such occasions? i would appreciate some ideas or definite no no's.


Hare Krishna


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there's not too much to say, there's not too much formality to observe, the only thing, but i am sure that you have already imagined it, is that men and women have to dress sufficiently covered.. no shorts, no miniskirts and so....


dress nicely, it is the biggest holiday, it is krsna's birthday, but not "sexy"...


be happy and enjoy.. sri krsna janmastami ki jaya

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Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisance unto him!


There is nothing like "No No". It is just like any function or gathering except this one will be more colorful and full of fun.


If you are a girl, and a westerner, you must have been to formal ceremonies where people dress properly in proper attire. Same way, please do wear something you like and comfortable but nothing REVEALING.


It is a HOLY PLACE so just keep that in mind and the rest you can go and enjoy you see and hear. It will be fun and i guarantee you will enjoy.


By the way can i ask which temple you are going to? Iam going to the Chicago temple!





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How Exciting!

I went to the temple for the first time 2 years ago for Janmastami, and have been back every week since! I would just advise the same as everyone else, don't wear anything revealing, no tank tops or anything. Like the others said, it is our biggest celebration, so be ready to have a good time, dance, and feast for Krishna's appearance day!

Find someone friendly and maybe you can ask them any questions yo have about the temple, or if you are going with someone who goes, ask them.

Have a great time and please come back and tell us how it was!

Hare Krishna


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Hare Krishna!

Thanks ever so much for all your advice - i find that this forum is excellent /images/graemlins/smile.gif


I'm not a westener (but with the hindu temples things are done a bit differently so i wasnt too sure)- so i know that revealing clothes etc would not be on - however, i was curious because someone mentioned to me that you have to dress like a gopi?

But in any case i hope it will be a very good experience /images/graemlins/smile.gif


thanks again and no doubt i will prob ask much more questions in the future!



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I forgot to answer your question i am going to Karuna Bhavan (which is based in Scotland - but its a 3 hour journey from where i am! but it will all be worth it /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Hare Krishna!

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Here are some pointers from the Nectar of Devotion chapter 8:<blockquote>Offenses to Be Avoided


In the supplementary Vedic literature, there is the following list of thirty-two offenses in the matter of serving the Lord: (1) One should not enter the temple of the Deity in a car or palanquin or with shoes on the feet. (2) One should not fail to observe the various festivals for the pleasure of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, such as JanmASTamI and Ratha-yAtrA. (3) One should not avoid bowing down before the Deity. (4) One should not enter the temple to worship the Lord without having washed one's hands and feet after eating. (5) One should not enter the temple in a contaminated state. (According to Vedic scripture, if someone dies in the family the whole family becomes contaminated for some time, according to its status. For example, if the family is brAhmaNa their contamination period is twelve days, for the kSatriyas and vaizyas it is fifteen days, and for zUdras thirty days.) (6) One should not bow down on one hand. (7) One should not circumambulate in front of SrI KRSNa. (The process of circumambulating the temple is that one should begin circumambulating from the Deity's right-hand side of the temple and come round. Such circumambulation should be performed outside the temple structure at least three times daily.) (8) One should not spread his legs before the Deity. (9) One should not sit before the Deity holding the ankles, elbows or knees with one's hands. (10) One should not lie down before the Deity of KRSNa. (11) One should not accept prasAda before the Deity. (12) One should never speak a lie before the Deity. (13) One should not talk very loudly before the Deity. (14) One should not talk with others before the Deity. (15) One should not cry or howl before the Deity. (16) One should not quarrel or fight before the Deity. (17) One should not chastise anyone before the Deity. (18) One should not be charitable to beggars before the Deity. (19) One should not speak very harshly to others before the Deity. (20) One should not wear a fur blanket before the Deity. (21) One should not eulogize or praise anyone else before the Deity. (22) One should not speak any ill names before the Deity. (23) One should not pass air before the Deity. (24) One should not fail to worship the Deity according to one's means. (In Bhagavad-gItA it is stated that the Lord is satisfied if some devotee offers Him even a leaf or a little water. This formula prescribed by the Lord is universally applicable, even for the poorest man. But that does not mean that one who has sufficient means to worship the Lord very nicely should also adopt this method and try to satisfy the Lord simply by offering water and a leaf. If he has sufficient means, he should offer nice decorations, nice flowers and nice foodstuffs and observe all ceremonies. It is not that one should try to satisfy the Supreme Lord with a little water and a leaf, and for himself spend all his money in sense gratification.) (25) One should not eat anything which is not offered first to KRSNa. (26) One should not fail to offer fresh fruit and grains to KRSNa, according to the season. (27) After food has been cooked, no one should be offered any foodstuff unless it is first offered to the Deity. (28) One should not sit with his back toward the Deity. (29) One should not offer obeisances silently to the spiritual master, or in other words, one should recite aloud the prayers to the spiritual master while offering obeisances. (30) One should not fail to offer some praise in the presence of the spiritual master. (31) One should not praise himself before the spiritual master. (32) One should not deride the demigods before the Deity.


This is a list of thirty-two offenses. Besides these, there are a number of offenses which are mentioned in the VarAha PurANa. They are as follows: (1) One should not touch the Deity in a dark room. (2) One should not fail to strictly follow the rules and regulations in worshiping the Deity. (3) One should not enter the temple of the Deity without first making some sound. (4) One should not offer any foodstuff to the Deity which has been seen by dogs or other lower animals. (5) One should not break silence while worshiping. (6) One should not pass urine or evacuate while engaged in worshiping. (7) One should not offer incense without offering some flower. (8) Useless flowers without any fragrance should not be offered. (9) One should not fail to wash his teeth very carefully every day. (10) One should not enter the temple directly after sexual intercourse. (11) One should not touch a woman during her menstrual period. (12) One should not enter the temple after touching a dead body. (13) One should not enter the temple wearing garments of red or blue color or garments which are unwashed. (14) One should not enter the temple after seeing a dead body. (15) One should not pass air within the temple. (16) One should not be angry within the temple. (17) One should not enter the temple after visiting a crematorium. (18) One should not belch before the Deity. So, until one has fully digested his food, he should not enter the temple. (19) One should not smoke marijuana, or gaJjA. (20) One should not take opium or similar intoxicants. (21) One should not enter the Deity room or touch the body of the Deity after having smeared oil over his body. (22) One should not show disrespect to a scripture teaching about the supremacy of the Lord. (23) One should not introduce any opposing scripture. (24) One should not chew betel before the Deity. (25) One should not offer a flower which was kept in an unclean pot. (26) One should not worship the Lord while sitting on the bare floor; one must have a sitting place or carpet. (27) One should not touch the Deity before one has completed taking bath. (28) One should not decorate his forehead with the three-lined tilaka. (29) One should not enter the temple without washing his hands and feet.


Other rules are that one should not offer foodstuff which is cooked by a non-VaiSNava, one should not worship the Deity before a nondevotee, and one should not engage himself in the worship of the Lord while seeing a nondevotee. One should begin the worship of the demigod GaNapati, who drives away all impediments in the execution of devotional service. In the Brahma-saMhitA it is stated that GaNapati worships the lotus feet of Lord NRsiMhadeva and in that way has become auspicious for the devotees in clearing out all impediments. Therefore, all devotees should worship GaNapati. The Deities should not be bathed in water which has been touched by the nails or fingers. When a devotee is perspiring, he should not engage himself in worshiping the Deity. Similarly, there are many other prohibitions. For example, one should not cross or step over the flowers offered to the Deities, nor should one take a vow in the name of God. These are all different kinds of offenses in the matter of executing devotional service, and one should be careful to avoid them.


In the Padma PurANa it is stated that even a person whose life is completely sinful will be completely protected by the Lord if he simply surrenders unto Him. So it is accepted that one who surrenders unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead becomes free from all sinful reactions. And even when a person becomes an offender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, he can still be delivered simply by taking shelter of the holy names of the Lord: Hare KRSNa, Hare KRSNa, KRSNa KRSNa, Hare Hare/ Hare RAma, Hare RAma, RAma RAma, Hare Hare. In other words, the chanting of Hare KRSNa is beneficial for eradicating all sins, but if one becomes an offender to the holy names of the Lord, then he has no chance of being delivered.


The offenses against the chanting of the holy name are as follows: (1) To blaspheme the devotees who have dedicated their lives for propagating the holy name of the Lord. (2) To consider the names of demigods like Lord Siva or Lord BrahmA to be equal to, or independent of, the name of Lord ViSNu. (Sometimes the atheistic class of men take it that any demigod is as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, ViSNu. But one who is a devotee knows that no demigod, however great he may be, is independently as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, if someone thinks that he can chant "KAlI, KAlI!" or "DurgA, DurgA!"and it is the same as Hare KRSNa, that is the greatest offense.) (3) To disobey the orders of the spiritual master. (4) To blaspheme the Vedic literature or literature in pursuance of the Vedic version. (5) To consider the glories of chanting Hare KRSNa to be imagination. (6) To give some interpretation on the holy name of the Lord. (7) To commit sinful activities on the strength of the holy name of the Lord. (It should not be taken that because by chanting the holy name of the Lord one can be freed from all kinds of sinful reaction, one may continue to act sinfully and after that chant Hare KRSNa to neutralize his sins. Such a dangerous mentality is very offensive and should be avoided.) (8) To consider the chanting of Hare KRSNa one of the auspicious ritualistic activities offered in the Vedas as fruitive activities (karma-kANDa). (9) To instruct a faithless person about the glories of the holy name. (Anyone can take part in chanting the holy name of the Lord, but in the beginning one should not be instructed about the transcendental potency of the Lord. Those who are too sinful cannot appreciate the transcendental glories of the Lord, and therefore it is better not to instruct them in this matter.) (10) To not have complete faith in the chanting of the holy names and to maintain material attachments, even after understanding so many instructions on this matter.


Every devotee who claims to be a VaiSNava must guard against these offenses in order to quickly achieve the desired success.</blockquote>


Further Considerations of Devotional Principles [from the Nectar of Devotion 9]



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It may be wise to bring something to cover your head (scarf or shawl - if you arrive early you could likely purchase a nice devotional shawl there) if that will be the normal pattern for women in that temple. I think it helps with modesty and helps to control the sense of sight so you can drink the nectar of Lord Caitanya's lotus feet without interruption.


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<blockquote>Friday 26 August


Sri Krishna Janmastami


Fasting till midnight.


Come an visit us for Sri Krishna Janmastami, the trascendental appearance day of Lord Krishna. Enjoy the Feast from 6:00 to 12:00 PM with bhajans, kirtan, drama, delicious prasadam, ecstasies and much more! Come and join us! </blockquote>


This means that there will be entertainment of all varieties until midnight, then the doors open to see Krsna. It will feel just like He is indeed being born at that moment. No words can explain the feelings. About 1 in the morning everyone will have a little feast to celebrate. People will leave the temple about 2 or 3 AM.


If you can be there at midnight, then seize the opportunity. Your life will never be the same again.


Most devotees will fast (taking only water) all day until the midnight feast. When the stomach growls, we automatically remember that it's Krsna's appearance day. Fast or not, you will have a blast. It is literally out of this world.


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You could e-mail or phone (see above website) them for an exact schedule of events in Scotland since all temples will likely vary in their celebrations, and the vaisnava calendar often has special festival days falling on different calendar dates throughout the world.


Beautiful Goura-Nitai Deities there!


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" i was curious because someone mentioned to me that you have to dress like a gopi?"


yes.. but only if you bring with you at least ten cows :-)


"ut that brings me onto the question of the reasoning behind not wearing blue and red??"


because red and blue are considered very attractive and brilliant colors... and the most attractive, in the temple room, has to be the sacred murti, not the devotee


many says that the offence is there when one is dressed entirely in blue and red... not when simply there's something blue or red in his clothes..


sri janmastami ki jaya!!

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