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what about fatigue, that doesnt go away, after almost 2 years of resting? i am using stimulants, because it seems better than staying in bed so much after all this time .. .is there a healthier alternative? i dont feel led by krsna to avoid stimulants at this time, but i realize there must be some healthier alternative i am unaware of. i feel i am in an experience of understanding separation from God, so I can relate to people who dont even seek Him, but this is very frustrating as I am striving harder than ever to be closer to Him

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I know this one well. It can be from many sources. I relied on stimulants for along time. A lot of ups and downs. And then finally I just crashed.


An herbalist I once knew used this explanation. "relying on stimulants is like beating a tired horse. It will get up and run but eventually it won't be able to." Stimulants will burn out your adrenals.


We must find the cause and treat that if we can. If you must use stimulants don't rely on caffeine too much, use some green tea instead of coffee. Try cayenne pepper and other healing herbs that have stimulating properties like ginger root.


Then try tonic herbs like ginseng and burdock. The difference between tonics and pure stimulants may seem similar at first but over the long run the effects on the body will be dramatically different.


Make sure your blood sugar is stable. Many people just forget to breath deep. Breath in prana and oxygen.


The only pharmacuetical that I would recommend is provil. It is for alertness and is does not amphetamine like, but is expense and you need a prescription.


Avoid all ephedrine products if any are still on the market. A chinese herbalist can make a ma huang combo for you at the proper strength. These ephedrine and caffeine pills floating around will raise your blood pressure real fast.


One time I was talking to a person and mentioned my coffee addiction. He said he used to have one but not anymore. I asked him what he does when he gets tired now. he said "I rest". LOL Make sure you are getting enough.


Good luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...


what about fatigue, that doesnt go away, after almost 2 years of resting? i am using stimulants, because it seems better than staying in bed so much after all this time .. .is there a healthier alternative? i dont feel led by krsna to avoid stimulants at this time, but i realize there must be some healthier alternative i am unaware of. i feel i am in an experience of understanding separation from God, so I can relate to people who dont even seek Him, but this is very frustrating as I am striving harder than ever to be closer to Him



Have you had your thyroid tested? Hypothyroidism can cause major fatigue! A person with this can sleep 13 hours and upon awakening, still feel they have not had enough rest! Its easy to get tested tho. Just a blood test. Thats not the problem. Treatment is the problem. Tho also has a solution and to start with, the basic treatment doctors give are needed and even required. But after that, well, do a net search and you can find "additional" natural help. But the medication usually needs to be continued. There is no replacement for that. However, before getting worried about all this stuff, first get your thyroid tested!


And by the way, many docs say its normal if its even up to a 5.0, but it should be close to 2.0 or less for a true healthy thyroid.


With this information on hand..... now its your turn. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Check it out and I do hope you DON'T have this. Simply, rule it out by testing.

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  • 1 month later...

Are you exhausted? Take the Quiz!


Special by Michelle Batz


“I’m too tired to exercise”, “I don’t have time to cook healthy meals”, "My day is just too busy". Even people who truly want to get healthy and get in shape can find that their lifestyle really doesn’t help.


So, what to do? First, let's look at what is exhausting you. Let's break the exhaustion cycle and find out the ways to get your energy back and it may help you lose that weight.


Exhaustion has become a status symbol of today's hectic lifestyle. Have you noticed that the more you do, the more you begin to add to that already long list? In other words, you do more and then turn around to brag about it.


But, the consequences of our energy-deficient lives are nothing to flaunt. In fact, the more exhausted you are, the less likely you are to pay attention to your diet and exercise goals. How can you break the cycle and get a grip on your weight?


You must understand exactly what is zapping your energy and contributing to the feeling that your life is out of control. For example, if your wardrobe is a mess, your desk is overrun with papers and your mobile phone is lost at the bottom of your bag, it's tough to feel in control of your life.


This happens with men as well; men who are working 50 plus hours a week and staying out after work to return home to eat a late dinner. This equation is good for one thing - gaining weight. You sleep less, and on a full stomach. This is not a healthy way to live. It's this type of lifestyle that zaps your energy. You never get caught up with what you lost the day before. Stop the cycle.


What is the solution? Clear the clutter and gain a sense of calm and control by setting your priorities. If you have a family, they come first. You'll have more energy for the important things in life and you'll get your joy back. What you take time for now, comes back to you in double. Now go ahead and brag about that!


Here's an Energy Test. Are you stressed out? Exhausted? To find out whether your habits, environment, or head is squandering your energy resources, take this quick quiz. Just answer with a Yes or No. Ready, Set, Go!


- Are you bored or under-challenged in your job?

- Is your home or office disorganised?

- Do you routinely cut back on sleep to get more hours out of each day?

- Do you live in a noisy environment?

- Do you often spend all day indoors?

- Do you take on more than you can handle?

- Do you frequently worry about "what ifs” and similar kinds of problems?

- Are you often so busy catering to other people's needs that you're out of touch with your own?

- Do you often self-medicate with food or alcohol to cope with stress?

- Do other people's moods drag you down?


Give yourself one point for each answer of Yes.


6-10 points You're setting yourself up for a crash and burn. Of course you're tired. How could you not be? It is time to rescue yourself, say ‘no’ to people or ‘no’ to certain things. Change your environment and change how you deal with stress.


3-5 points Your lifestyle is supporting your energy promoting goals to a certain extent, but you're letting precious energy slip away in subtle ways. Stop cheating yourself, go to sleep and achieve a balance between work, family and friends.


0-2 points Your lifestyle is supporting your energy needs. Whether through luck or smart work on your part, the circumstances of your life are energy friendly and so are many of your habits. Keep up your strong effort here, you will not regret it.


Start today, change those old habits that are zapping your energy. You will start feeling better, enjoying life more and enjoying the company of those around you.





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I have it, did bloodtest and was put on eltroxin. Had 2 take this daily, could not stand having 2 pop a pill daily so i gave it up...however i do admit i feel thoroughly tired....can sleep for a whole day and still feel like sleeping MORE!!!! has any1 found sucess in treating hypothyroidism without having 2 pop a pill daily?

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  • 8 months later...

Take Germinated Grams soaked in water for 24 hours and drink sweet milk after chewing it thoroughly. If Indigestion or gas occours use Hingashtak Churna.If constipation occours take Triphala with warm water at night.

Or take a teaspoonful of triphala with Milk this is excellent too. Loosemotion may occour for a few days but it is a way of flushing toxins it will go away in a few days

Or put a few Kismis in lemon juice and leave it overnight and the next morning chew the kismis and drink the juice.Dont take it if having stomach ulsers or acidity.

Or take a pinch of turmuric powder with warm water at night.

Practice Padmasana Daily for at least 15 minutes and/or practice moolbandha.

It is better to consult an ayurvedic doctor before taking the ayurvedic preparations

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eliminate processed sugar from your diet.


nothing will run you down like a stong dose of processed sugar.


get your sugars from fresh fruit


white sugar should be labeled POISON, because in my experience that is about all it is good for.


raw sugar is not so bad in small amounts

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eliminate processed sugar from your diet.


nothing will run you down like a stong dose of processed sugar.


get your sugars from fresh fruit


white sugar should be labeled POISON, because in my experience that is about all it is good for.


raw sugar is not so bad in small amounts


Can you/anyone please give some more explanation about white sugar? Why/How it is harmful? I believe in this, but its difficult to convince others (including my wife) as to why it is harmful. Also, where do we get Raw Sugar? What is it called in Hindi?

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Can you/anyone please give some more explanation about white sugar? Why/How it is harmful? I believe in this, but its difficult to convince others (including my wife) as to why it is harmful. Also, where do we get Raw Sugar? What is it called in Hindi?


I don't know what it is called in Hindi. I am American.


Maybe you should get some good rasayana like Chayavan Prash if you live in India.

Find an ayurvedic supplier and get some good rasayana and get away from white sugar.

It elevates your blood sugar level too far and too fast and then when the sugar is metabolized it leaves your blood in a depleated condition.

It also weakens your immune system and promotes the growth of invasive organisms to fourish in your blood.


If you can get some Elethuero it will help your energy and stamina.



Eleuthero Root is a member of the ginseng family, however it is not considered a 'true ginseng' because it is of a different genus than other popular ginsengs such as Panax Ginseng and American Ginseng. The root is not harvested until it is two or more years old; the older the root, the higher its value. Eleuthero Root is held in high esteem in China where it has been valued for thousands of years, sometimes commanding a higher price than gold. Eleuthero Root is found in the Siberian province of Russia. Containing niacin, amino acids, carbohydrates and other vitamins and minerals, Eleuthero Root has been used to promote an overall sense of well-being. After nearly a thousand studies, Eleuthero Root nutritionally supports the glandular system. Herbalists call this herb an "adaptogen", which means that it helps the body adapt to any situation which normally would alter its function. The eleutherosides have been shown to be responsible for the adaptogenic properties of the plant. The eleutherosides are a range of glycosides with aromatic alcohol aglycones. The glycosides appear to act on the adrenal glands, helping to prevent adrenal hypertrophy and excess corticosteroid production in response to stress. The eleutherosides additionally help reduce the exhaustion phase of the stress response, and return the adrenals to normal function faster. As a result, Eleuthero Root has a beneficial effect on the heart and circulation. It has been shown to increase energy & stamina, and to help the body resist viral infections, environmental toxins, radiation, and chemotherapy. In , it has been used to prevent bronchial and other respiratory infections, as well as viral infections. The Chinese used the root to provide energy & vitality, to increase resistance, and to treat rheumatic diseases and heart ailments. Eleuthero Root has also been used in cardiovascular & neuro-vascular conditions to help restore memory, concentration, and cognitive abilities which may be impaired from poor blood supply to the brain. Additionally, Eleuthero Root is a popular herbal remedy for debility, depression, fatigue, and nervous breakdowns.
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Also, avoid caffeine - coffee especially and tea.


Coffee and tea will pick you up for a few minutes and then let you down severely fatigued.


Sugar and caffeine together is a double dose of fatigue when the brief boost wears off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i see this is an old thread yet i choose to reply because my experience may be useful to some people out there.


i suffered from terrible fatigue and brain fog for a couple of years. there were days it was so bad i could hardly move or think. of course my general practitioners didn't take me seriously and i experimented with whatever i could find, such as liver cleansing and natural stimulants and homeopathy etc., but nothing helped


then i ended up with a homeopath who suggested i took a food allergy test. I didn't even believe in food allegies, but i accepted, even though that sort of blood test isn't reimbursed by health insurance. The test showed a big allergy against milk, yoghurt, cheese and ferments. As a vegetarian, i used to eat big amounts of dairy and fermented soy...


I immediately removed all dairy and ferments from my diet, and in a few days time all fatigue was completely gone.


It's been for 8 months now that i'm on my new diet, and there hasn't been a single day of fatigue or brain fog, apart from a few times when i experimented eating a tiny bit of yoghurt or cheese, and a few times that i ate it without realizing it.


I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't experienced it, but even the tiniest bit of dairy makes me feel posioned: totally exhausted, almost as if I've drunk a bottle of alcohol.


Of course not everybody who suffers from fatigue suffers because of dairy allergy or intolerance, but i am sure that there must be more people for whom it's the case.


I think it's regrettable that doctors do not automatically test for food allergies. And i recommend everybody who suffers from fatigue to have such a test done, or to experiment leaving out all dairy.


Remember, it's not a matter of reducing: if you have a serious allergy, the tiniest bit can provoke the same reaction as a big amount.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


what about fatigue, that doesnt go away, after almost 2 years of resting? i am using stimulants, because it seems better than staying in bed so much after all this time .. .is there a healthier alternative? i dont feel led by krsna to avoid stimulants at this time, but i realize there must be some healthier alternative i am unaware of. i feel i am in an experience of understanding separation from God, so I can relate to people who dont even seek Him, but this is very frustrating as I am striving harder than ever to be closer to Him


my aunt had trouble with fatigue, she went more than 2 years, than someone told her to do a bloodtest to check vitamine lvl's, and bingo, she is in full job now.

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