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Looters rampage - shoot 'em

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Thanks, you said what I was feeling. In addition, some looters were just plain outlaws, gangsters, drug addicts looking for a fix and a means to get it. I am sure there were many mentally unstable & homeless in the New Orleans area prior to the hurricane as we have no facilities for these people anymore. Also, if I was a parent & my children were in this disaster starving & dehydrating from lack of water I would loot to ensure their survival and I am as white as they come.

Haribol, Huelo, HI

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In America, since you don't seem to be from here, there has arisen a temendous street gang problem. There are Black gangs, Asian Gangs, White gangs and Hispanic gangs. New Orleans has about a 70% population of blacks with other groups bring up the balance.


I think if you bother to carefully read my posts you will see I make a clear distinction between the thugs and ordinary citizens.

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You tell people to stick to the topic, yet you started this thread with this initial opening statement:


"This ain't much of a civilization anyway in very many ways But these rampaging blacks are dragging it even farther down."


If this tragedy had taken place in a mostly white-populated area, let's say Des Moines Iowa, would you say "Rampaging whites da da da da da...."


Didn't think so.



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"Governor Blanco took aim at the roving lawbreakers who are taking advantage of the city's crippled state, announcing Thursday evening that 300 soldiers, "fresh back from Iraq," were headed for New Orleans, in addition to the "40,000 extra troops" that she's demanded, according to CNN.


"They have M-16s, and they're locked and loaded," Blanco said. "I have one message for these hoodlums: These troops know how to shoot and kill, and they are more than willing to do so if necessary, and I expect they will."


CNN reports that at one police precinct in New Orleans, officers had barricaded themselves inside, while snipers stationed on its roof exchanged bullets throughout the night with armed bands of looters. The news organization is also reporting that there was a large explosion in the city's southwest district Friday morning, which triggered a chemical fire in a building along the Mississippi River. A hazardous-materials team had been dispatched to the area. At press time it was not known what caused the explosion."




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In 2000, a huge riot took place in ZSeattle WA during the world trade organization meeting. Looting was everywhere, and 95% of such was done by white anarchists. So what picture appeared in the press, you guessed it, some black fool breaking a window on a shop.


Throughout history, looting is a natural phenomena. This is a RESULT of catastrophy, plain and simple. Now we move to the issues at had, theist. New Orleans had lootin and shootin during the super bowl, the gaqngs there are violent even during the best ofr times. It isw a society problem. They are kept at bay by law enfiorcement, as in every other city. But with the failure of the federal government and your christian fanatic neo-fascists in providing adequate homeland security, everything broke down, the thin veneer that protects society from the criminal element (without color, which my statement about the WTO fiasco in my area proves) was lost.


The hurricane missed NO. What hit waasw the abject rascism of this nation. The reason blacks are seen rioting in NO is because only blacks were left to fend for themselves. Blacks are a large majority of that city, so the culling freaks in DC let them stew.


But for christ sake, who cares. The NO Saints can play in NYC, and two of the three big gas pipelines are running, like bush the butcher of babylon made known to assure us when 20,000 blacks were being starved amidst dead corpses and their own excrement.


As far as lootin goes, when I lived in Long Beach, I was packed, mini 14/banana clip, ruger security 6 on my bicycle, and my surfboard in case the roads were impassible, I woulda had to paddle around Palos Verdes. I knew then in 1979 that I may well have to shoot my way to safety. But I never attributed it to blacks, there were plenty of white, red, yellow, even some green, people who posed a threat. But I was a bigger threat, without prejudice whatsoever, because I knew that Black was not my enemy. The enemy is a symptom that is as natural as chaos of calamity. Wake up, turn off that horrid pat robinson and rush, send dobson to the hell where he belongs. Better yet, by erasing your initial, very revealing post here, you can erase this post as well as the consensus that has destrroyed your credcibility. Or are you waiting for random to bail you out with his fascist diatribes blaming everyone else for the death that awaits us all.


What tripe, what garbage you write.



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Sudras were not slaves, in fact if you read the "Indica" written by a roman traveller who visited ancient india, he remakrs in suprise how the indians didn't have a slave in sight! Something he had never seen in any other civilization! The caste system in general of course did degenerate but this was the low point in indian history during the time of islamic invasion etc. You have no right to compare india's history to that of America's. I challenge you to defend America, can you tell me that slavery was justified? Can you claim that mass extermination (20 million) of the native americans (and their culture) is justified? Both of these crimes against humanity are the most demonic in history and both were the cornerstones of American policy since the birth of the nation until the 20th century.

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They should have formed a convoy of transports filled with food, water, clothes and trucked it straight away to the refugees.


Half a million or a million bucks they would shell out - but the nation down to every six year old would ensure millions upon millions of extra Walmart revenues for the next seventy years. It would have been the cheapest and most effective advertising any company could possibly get; every station, every paper in the world.


I'm still waiting for the conspiracy theories. Did you see that abrupt right turn Katrina took to slam into New Orleans? Certainly Bush or Israel are controlling the weather without our suspicions. We are such naive suckers.


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As already pointed out, your opening comments about blacks makes this part of the topic.


Also, you are the one who mentioned slavery. Amit simply replied to your comments. Rudely telling Amit to go start a new thread is a bit obnoxious, IMHO.


I am surprised that you deal with those with differing opinions with such strident remarks. Isn't this supposed to be a devotee forum? Whatever happened to trnad api sunicena?

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There should have been a convoy of aid primed and waiting to enter the disaster zone. They had warning. They have no excuse.


Yeah I suspect Billy Graham and his crew had something to do with it. Bush without question, trying to get gas prices up for his oil buddies. Chenny may show up soon with his friends from Haliiburrton to make money on the clean up. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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Also, you are the one who mentioned slavery. Amit simply replied to your comments. Rudely telling Amit to go start a new thread is a bit obnoxious, IMHO.



Wrong go back and read Amit's post where he mentions slavery and other abuses and then admits he is off topic if you are so interested. Pg.1



Isn't this supposed to be a devotee forum? Whatever happened to trnad api sunicena?



lead the way

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Okay, perhaps Amit brought up "slavery", but apparently he felt the need, given your comments on blacks. So, I admit I was wrong there, although I don't fault Amit for mentioning slavery, as it is intertwined with the black experience.


Lead the way on humility? Okay, I admitted above I was wrong that you had "started" the slavery discussion. Still, I feel it is on topic, given your original comments.


"Lead the way" in humility? I admit I could do better. But why just me. You are a prolific poster here. Perhaps you could lead the way, as well.





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Rampaging blacks?- Shoot 'em. Is this really what theist said?




No, this is what I said:



"Rampaging Looters - Shoot 'em"


This ain't much of a civilization anyway in very many ways But these rampaging blacks are dragging it even farther down."


One hospital was held under gunner fire for three or four days while the staff tried to evacuate the patients. Imagine that and tell me that isn't dragging what remains of American civilization down. And yes it is black gangs doing it as well as raping and robbing.



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West and Mike Myers had been paired up to appear about halfway through the show. Their assignment: Take turns reading a script describing the breach in the levees around New Orleans.


Myers: The landscape of the city has changed dramatically, tragically and perhaps irreversibly. There is now over 25 feet of water where there was once city streets and thriving neighborhoods.


(Myers throws to West, who looked extremely nervous in his super-preppy designer rugby shirt and white pants, which is not like the arrogant West and which, in retrospect, should have been a tip-off.)


West: I hate the way they portray us in the media. You see a black family, it says, "They're looting." You see a white family, it says, "They're looking for food." And, you know, it's been five days [waiting for federal help] because most of the people are black. And even for me to complain about it, I would be a hypocrite because I've tried to turn away from the TV because it's too hard to watch. I've even been shopping before even giving a donation, so now I'm calling my business manager right now to see what is the biggest amount I can give, and just to imagine if I was down there, and those are my people down there. So anybody out there that wants to do anything that we can help -- with the way America is set up to help the poor, the black people, the less well-off, as slow as possible. I mean, the Red Cross is doing everything they can. We already realize a lot of people that could help are at war right now, fighting another way -- and they've given them permission to go down and shoot us!


(West throws back to Myers, who is looking like a guy who stopped on the tarmac to tie his shoe and got hit in the back with the 8:30 to La Guardia.)


Myers: And subtle, but in many ways even more profoundly devastating, is the lasting damage to the survivors' will to rebuild and remain in the area. The destruction of the spirit of the people of southern Louisiana and Mississippi may end up being the most tragic loss of all.


(And, because Myers is apparently as dumb as his Alfalfa hair, he throws it back to West.)


West: George Bush doesn't care about black people!




Full story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/03/AR2005090300165_pf.html

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Sudras were not slaves, in fact if you read the "Indica" written by a roman traveller who visited ancient india, he remakrs in suprise how the indians didn't have a slave in sight! Something he had never seen in any other civilization!



Yes, that is the famous quote from Megasthenes, which has long been criticized as wrong. Megasthenes was from Greece which like Rome was a society based on slavery. It is said about Athens that at one point of time there were 460,000 slaves and 2,100 citizens. A glimse into greek culture and it's slave ethic.pdf


The reasons Megasthenes didn't think that there was slavery could be twofold. He didn't travel all over India and thererfore never saw slaves, or he saw slaves but didn't realize that they were slaves. Slaves in Greece were everywhere, there was a clear cut demarcation of who the slaves were and who the non slaves were, just like the american south, although skin color had nothing to do with it. Whereas in India slaves were more like indentured servants, there were not very many of them as well, and they would have been indistinguishable from anyone else because they were not treated as they were in Greece, the Roman Empire and the Americas. In India they had rights like anyone else, whereas in Greece and elsewhere they had little or usually no rights at all and were treated inhumanely and humiliatingly.


In the Artha Shastra of Chanakya Pandita he writes rules for the treatment of slaves. Although that is not sruti nor smriti. There are many resources which contend that slaves are mentioned in the vedas, but when looking at those translations, not knowing sanskrit I don't know if they are translating sudra as slave or if the original text does in fact say slave. It is common among many indologists to equate sudra with slave in the vedas, so I can't trust their translations to be accurate.


But there is no doubt that some form of slavery was practiced to some extent in Ancient India. Puranas and other soruces mention slaves. But we should keep in mind that they were not slaves in the same sense as slaves throughout western history. They were indentured servants more so then slaves in the way slavery is thought of today. The reason for slavery in India was that it was better for a person who would tody be put in a prison cell and left to rot for years on end, they would instead be allowed to live in society, have families, and work and have a life. Although by the time of Canakya and Siddharta Gautama (Buddha) in the Kali Yuga, the slave ethic had become degraded. The children of slaves would be born slaves by that time, and slavery was no longer strictly used for the purpose of repaying a criminal or war debt.


So the original vedic system was that slaves were indentured servants who worked off their debt to people and society, whereas today people go to prison. Which is better? Which would you rather do?

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Yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald had these words in bold on the front page, with a photo of a distressed black lady holding her crying baby.



Twenty five years ago a Category 5 hurricane (just like Katrina) totally destroyed the city of Darwin in the North of Australia. Hundreds died in the storm.


Next morning, the Government sent in the armed forces to clear the airstrip at Darwin airport and then they flew the entire population of 20,000 people to Sydney Brisbane and Melbourne. Australia is a small country but in one or two days the airlift was completed, with planes flying in from overseas to assist. People were offloaded in the big cities of the south. Ordinary people drove to the front of aiport terminal in their cars and said to the refugees, "get in, you can come and live at my house until things are sorted out". And that is how the people were sheltered. The rest of the country just accommodated the refugees in their spare bedrooms or whatever until things were sorted.


But look at America. The richest country in the world. And the most evil. Bush could have ordered that they send lots of buses to the edge of New Orleans and just collect the people and carry the people away to some place of shelter. They could have done that on the first day. But instead the white government follows a "do nothing" policy because they don't give a damn. And the white "family values people" don't want to have any black families getting moved out of New Orleans and into the spare room they have in their fancy house in the suburbs.



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CNN reports that at one police precinct in New Orleans, officers had barricaded themselves inside, while snipers stationed on its roof exchanged bullets throughout the night with armed bands of looters. The news organization is also reporting that there was a large explosion in the city's southwest district Friday morning, which triggered a chemical fire in a building along the Mississippi River. A hazardous-materials team had been dispatched to the area. At press time it was not known what caused the explosion."{/quote]


One wonders why this story didn't get shown a hundred times and by all stations like the other stories do.


Cop station barricading it's doors with it's snipers on the roof exchanging gunfire with the black gangs that are terrorizing the streets.

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Get in a chopper and go: Beazley


September 05, 2005

AUSTRALIAN diplomats should have ignored American orders and gone straight into New Orleans to rescue trapped Australians, Labour Party and Opposition Leader Kim Beazley said today.

Mr Beazley said the Government should have used its special relationship with the United States to get into the disaster zone after Hurricane Katrina struck last week.




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Politically Correct. To hard to explain. It is a cultural thing. Could Australia be immune. I hope so.


PC shows itself in newspapers, for example:


"Two men robbed a man on a street corner last night at 10:00 and then fled on foot. Police are looking for two males, in their early twenties wearing dark clothes with hooded sweatshirts over their heads. Last seen heading east."


The race is not included in the description although common sense says it's vital. The police are looking for two black males but the paper takes it out to remain "politically" correct. If they include it a chorus of PC minded people will being howling "racism" against black people.


But if two white men rob a blackman then the race can be mentioned in the paper without any protest other than maybe "Those robbers were racists".


Our culture is permeated by this pc horse___.


Non-pc would say print the race in both examples because it is the truth and vital to the descriptions.


Do a google to get a fuller idea.


Just noticed a good example from a post I missed aboved.



I happened to be walking in downtown Seatlle when they had those WTO protests. You never saw such a collection of cracker protestors in your life only it seemed to turn into a big neo-hippy party so I really never could figure out what it was all about.



This kind of putdown slang is only tolerated when it is directed towards whites.


PC won't complain. But now that it is brought out they may say some token thing like that is not nice prabhu or something weak. Hypocrisy.




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