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Kushakrata Prabhu to Leave Body Soon

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if this keeps up we won't be able to afford to leave our bodies in India or any where for the rising cost of departure maintenance and funeral costs


Will Iskcon honur our Srila Prabhupada by allowing his disciples to come to India if they wish to depart from there.... maybe the GBC and sannyasis (no names mentioned).... could donate half the air fare service for round the world tours they take, to the comfort and protection of Srila prabhupada's disciples as well any other Vaisnavas in the future...cause we all gonna die sometime.


After all it is our understanding a Vaisnava is the friend of everyone and well wisher, as well the fullfiller of all ones desires.


Our Srila Prabhupada is waiting for you KushaKrata Prabhu on the Kirtan dance floor, Hari Hari Bol, we are begging to remain ever felicitate in the dust of the feet of genuine Vaisnavas....


ys. gopijana das

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Dear Maharajas and prabhus,


Please accept my humble obeisances _/\ò_.All glories to Srila



Two years ago we raised some funds for Sriman Kusakratha prabhu, who

had been diagnosed with throat cancer. Thanks to the generosity of the

devotees, Kusakratha prabhu has been adequately supported since then.


However, his illness has now taken a critical turn, the cancer is in

his spine and he can no longer eat, walk or stand. The funds previously

raised are now all exhausted and we therefore humbly request any devotee who

wishes to assist this great soul in his last weeks with us to kindly make a

contribution for his care until his departure. The estimated amount needed

is given below.


I would humbly request anyone who does send laxmi for Kusakratha

prabhu to kindly inform myself as well so that we can keep a proper record

of income and expenditures for the perusal of the donors.


Your humble servant,

Hari-sauri dasa


---------- Forwarded Message ----------


Letter PAMHO:10335847 (95 lines)

Visakha Priya (dd) GRS (Vrindavan - IN)

03-Sep-05 09:25 +0400 (11:55 +0630)

Hari Sauri (das) ACBSP [48867]

Comment: Text 2298 by Hari Sauri (das) ACBSP

Kusakratha Prabhu


Dear Hari Sauri Prabhu,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Hereunder is the text of the letter I am sending to Hridayananda Maharaja.

I think it will answer the questions you asked me.


May this find you well.


Your servant,

Visakha Priya dasi



Dear Srila Hridayananda Goswami Maharaja,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Last night, Baladeva Vidyabhusana brought me a long list of expenses

incurred in the service of Kusakratha Prabhu. I will keep the detailed list

with me in case anyone wants to see it, and for now I will give you a

concise account of what has been spent and what is needed.


So far we have spent Rs.28,982 (US$ 700). Out of that amount, US$ 550 were

borrowed from Baladeva and need to be refunded. The amount spent includes

everything, from juices (Kusakratha Prabhu can no longer eat) to massage oil

to medical tests. We have a number of receipts for the donors' perusal.


Kusakratha Prabhu's daily expenses amount to Rs.285 per day. The doctors

estimate that he may leave in two weeks or in six months. Baladeva thinks

that three months will be the limit. The cancer is in the spine and in the

throat and there are several tumors near the jugular vein. When the tumors

start eating the jugular vein everything will be finished. Anyway, the daily

expenses amount to Rs. 8,850 per month (US$210)


The monthly bills include rent for the flat (US$ 170), and electricity and

phone bills( US$35).


In other words we need US$ 415 per month for basic expenses.


Pending expenses are bigger. Now that Kusakratha Prabhu is bedridden and

unable to eat, his body is even more emaciated than before and he is sure to

develop bed sores. There are special beds available in Delhi that help

prevent sores. They cost around US$400. We need one.


We will also need pain management medicines, as the pain is going to

increase. Baladeva estimates that we may need Rs.22,000 (US$500) worth of

such medicines.


Legal expenses will be around Rs.10,000 (US$240) and funeral expenses will

be around US$50.




Minimum required


Debts US$ 550

Basic expenses per month US$ 415

Bedsore prevention US$ 400

Pain management medicines per month US$ 170

Legal expenses US$ 240

Funeral expenses US$ 50


TOTAL US$ 1825


Should Kusakratha Prabhu remain with us for another six months, the basic

expenses will have to be increased from US$ 415 to US$ 2490 and the pain

management medicines to US$ 1000.


Thus, the maximum required to take care of everything for six months would

be US$ 4730.


Regarding a safe bank where to send the money, it appears that the easiest

and safest way would be to send it to Baladeva's bank in the USA. Baladeva

has a bank card on which he can draw Rs.10,000 per day (over US$ 200) right

here. So if the money goes to his bank in America, he can immediately draw

it here.


If you feel confident about it, you may therefore send the money to


Charles W. Schlenz

Acct # 1128396

First National Bank of Mifflintown

Main St.





If not, we will try to think of some alternative.


Thank you for your kind concern and care, Maharaja.


Your servant,

Visakha Priya dasi

(Text 2646) ---------------


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An update:




Dear Maharaja's and prabhus,


Please accept my humble obeisances _/\ò_. All glories to Srila



We are pleased to inform you that Svavasa prabhu has, on behalf of

the Los Angeles community, very generously guaranteed the next three months

of expenses for Kusakratha prabhu (see letter below).


If anyone has already sent funds, or would like to, those will go to

Kusakratha's expenses beyond the first three months, or cover any unforeseen

expenses that might occur. If he departs before that time, we suggest that

the donors could give their funds towards the hospice project, or to be kept

in Vrindavan for the departure of any other great souls in the future.


Your humble servant,

Hari-sauri dasa


---------- Forwarded Message ----------


Letter PAMHO:10346157 (180 lines)

Svavasa (das) ACBSP (NA-BBT)

05-Sep-05 19:21 +0100 (11:21 -0700)

"Hridayananda das Goswami" <Hrid@cox.net>

Dravida (das) ACBSP (San Diego - USA) [21172] (forwarded:


19:30 +0100)

Hari Sauri (das) ACBSP [48905]


Cc: Visakha Priya (dd) GRS (Vrindavan - IN) [11453] (received:

06-Sep-05 04:10 +0100)

Reference: Text PAMHO:10339154 by Internet: Hridayananda das Goswami

Comment: Text PAMHO:10348765 by Hari Sauri (das) ACBSP

Comment: Text PAMHO:10349587 by Visakha Priya (dd) GRS (Vrindavan - IN)

Re: FW: Kusakratha


Dear Hridayananda Swami and Prabhus,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I am very sad to hear about the condition of Kusakrata prabhu but at the

same time he is very fortunate to have so many caring devotees at his side

during his final days in Vrndavana.


He was a long time resident of New Dwarka so we would like to offer our

help in making his departure as nice as possible by offering the $415 per

month for the next three months.


I am going to Vrndavana in October for the BBT Trustees meeting, so I can

bring the cash with me at that time, if that is not good please let me know.


Your servant,

Svavasa dasa

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Vancha Kalpa to a man with perspicacious Krsna consciousness in his life, "the Vaisnavas are compassionate to all the living entities and can fulfill the desires of everyone " you Sir are blessed with the dust of the feet of Vaisnavas and therefore made ever felicitate at the feet of our Srila Prabhupada.


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A letter from Danavir Maharaj to Kusakrata prabhu:


All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga! September 8, 2005 Krishna Era 5233. Dear Kusakratha Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I am very sorry to hear that you are facing more complications with regard to your physical body. You are using this devastating illness to show the world how to be a surrendered soul of Sri Sri Krsna-Balarama.



It was wonderful to see you last March in Vrndavana, blissfully performing your daily duties, visiting Krsna-Balarama Mandira, taking kichari prasädam in association with the devotees, etc. As you have been brilliantly successful in your long thirty-six years of devotional service to ISKCON, I am sure that you will also be fully victorious in this present effort.



Shortly after Srila Prabhupada's departure from this world, you began to translate and publish classical Sanskrit and Bengali Gaudiya Vaisnava works into the English language. By excavating these literary treasures at an overwhelming rate you rejuvenated the devotees of ISKCON who felt great sorrow and emptiness in the absence of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada.



I cannot tell you how much value your empowered service has meant to ISKCON thus far and how much more it will be magnified in times to come. You are a great atiratha warrior who has single-handedly launched thousands of astras to defeat Mayas army.



You worked quickly, without wasting a moment for sense gratification. You did not marry, nor get involved in any mundane relationships, including even the formality of taking sannyasa- although it must be admitted that you are indeed a unique sannyasi. Your mind, words and body are fully absorbed in Krsna's name, form, pastimes and paraphernalia and you have remained chaste and faithful to your beloved spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada.



A partial list of your more than 200 Krsna Library translations are: Vedanta Sutra, Svetasvatara Upanisad, Gopala Tapani Upanisad, Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Sri Garga Samhita, Stota-ratna, Munkunda Mala, Visnu Sahasra Nama, Madhvacarya's Tattva-Muktavali, Sri Caitanya Bhagavat, Srila Rupa Goswami's Hamsaduta, Laghu-Bhagavatamrta, Lalita-Madhava, Padyavali and Stavamala; Srila Sanatana Goswami's Hari Bhakti Vilasa and Brhad Bhagavatamrta; Srila Jiva Goswami's Sandarbhas and Gopala Campu; Srila Ramandanda Raya's Jagannatha Vallabha; Srila Kavi Karnapura's Caitanya-candrodaya, Caitanya Carita and Gaura Ganodesa Dipika; Srila Narottama dasa Thakura's Prarthana and Prema-bhakti-candrika; Srila Prabhodananda Sarasvati's Caitanya-candramrta and Vrndavana-mahimamrta; plus extensive works by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur and others.



Some of the literature that you have translated is so confidentially elevated that many devotees are not yet ready to grasp it. Nevertheless, these immortal works now stand as a vast body of reference material for the Vaisnava community to consult.



Aside from accurately transmitting the words of the acaryas, you have also rendered thousands of pages of glorification of Krsna through your personal English poetic composition. Some of these compositions have been published though many have not, as of yet.



We pray that you completely recover from this illness. However, if it is the Lord's will that you depart, then please rest assured that you have enriched the sankirtana movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. You are, in my opinion, one of the stalwart ISKCON workers whose accomplishments are truly astounding. I know Srila Prabhupada is most proud of his dear son, Kusakratha Prabhu, who has sacrificed his life for Krsna's sake.



If there is any service that I can render you, kindly inform me.


Your servant and friend,


Danavir Goswami


Rupanuga Vedic College (USA)

5201 Paseo, Kansas City, Missouri 64110

Tel: (816) 924-5619, (800) 340-5286, Fax: (816) 924-5640

E-mail: danavir.goswami@pamho.net Website: www.rvc.edu

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  • 4 weeks later...




Letters from Vrndavan



Oct 6, USA (SUN) — Two Letters from Vrndavan on Temporary Hospice Fund staff, Posted with permission from Krsna Kumari



1. As of yesterday, Kushakratha prabhu began running a temp and had elevated pulse which means we are in the next phase. He also now needs round the clock care as he can no longer even turn over or move his legs at all and so Baladeva moved in with him and the new man is staying six hours in the middle of the day. K is still peaceful and calm. Dhanurdhara Swami is coming in the evenings to read to him. Devotees are exceptions to every rule, but I would say that it will be soon.



2. OK on posting whatever part of the letter you feel will help. It isn't written for the public- sorry, that isn't my expertise. The situation in general is better here than it was 30 years ago and so those of us who have been coming or staying here for a long time tend to see it that the situation is SO much better than before, that “what is there to complain about?” That is one point of view, but since there have been great advances in other areas during that time and little in this area, it is worth putting on the map for discussion. Unfortunately most ISKCON leaders and prominent persons come here and get the royal treatment at MVT or the KBMGH and are served hand and foot and are not personally exposed to the difficulties of living or staying here. Persons like RupaRaghunath and Vidya Mataji and many other caring souls through the years have gone out of their way to deal with the human suffering here, but it has not been addressed in the alert organized fashion that it should be by our society.



3. The ATM card arrived.



4. You would have gotten a good laugh and a great video of the situation here last night. D. swami came to read to K. and after he came in the back room to speak with us. Baladeva was laid out on the back bed, me slumped on the cushion with my cane and Adiras collapsed on the floor in the corner (I think he is still jet lagged) . We were so exhausted we didn't even think to offer maharaj a seat. He just stood in the only empty piece of floor and chatted to us for a while. Except for the excessive weight loss of our passenger, K, in the front room, it would have been hard for a strange onlooker to know which was the dying man!! That is it in a nutshell and that is why we need help, but, right now it looks like they will come for K before any replacements arrive - that is just the plan of Sri Vrindavaneswari...as ever- thanks for the encouragement and for JUST BEING THERE with all your little angels of hope! It really has made a difference to all of us







Krsna Katha Garden

Monday, October 03, 2005 1:44 AM


Re: ATM Card



Hari bol!!!



THIS IS WONDERFUL!!!! When things got really tough while I was sending out SOS messages and I didn't think I had enough energy to make it to the email place once more just to find another empty box or return message "Sorry. We can't help you" then I got your reply. That has been not so long ago and JUST SEE WHAT HAS already HAPPENED!! Really it is a miracle to me. I can't tell you how relieved I am that someone out there cares and dares to be brave enough to GO FOR IT!! Thank you!



1. Yes, we agree on sending shopping lists for each withdrawal - someone will email you the the list each month or as needed.



2. Visakhapriya is away for one month. I will try to get the receipts and have them scanned and mailed. Another nice lady friend of hers is filling in and everything is OK at this end.



3. Baladeva is actually in a very bad situation as his condition could become very dangerous. He went to Agra to get better treatment and testing and what he has is not just normal jaundice. He could bet bile back-up into the system, which is the thing that man died of here 2 months ago. I am very worried about him.



4. Baladev has an assistant- TOTALLY GREEN, but enthusiastic.



5. In the light of the fact that both Bala and I are down, is there ANY reason that there could not begin a search for someone NOW???? If we search and someone is found who could just come and help Kusakratha and feel it out if they wanted to stay on a permanent basis to help in the community and with sick visitors and then later help with the newly built hospice- could we just LOOK???? If someone is found, then I think it is the Lord's sign. If not, then we just have to accept the inevitable...but if we don't even LOOK around, then I think we are perpetuating negligence and we all agree we don't want that. I mean to look for some one to stay here- not just to come for a while and go home. We can look in the devotee sector, but if the funds are there, we can look elsewhere, too. There are a lot of VERY far out persons who come to Vrindavan for all sorts of reasons and you never know who the Lord wants to bring into His family, right?



6. Kusakratha prabhu is weakening by the day and sometimes cannot turn over by himself now. He is covered with mini boils and less than skin and bones but still peaceful.



7. I am struggling to make it to the emails place and to see him this week. Someone from Russia is sending a donation for me to get internet connection. Hope they find me. Then I can keep in touch. Otherwise, it is getting harder and harder.



8. Dhananjay prabhu is here now. I am going to speak to him about everything that happened since he has been gone since April and knows zip about all that has happened. I will also ask him if we need to feed a nurse, would he donate meals until we get the funds up to cover it - if that happens.



9. I really do not think we need to add more to the list to show that we need a nurse/care-giver and a medical station here, do you?? So lets start discussing this- I really do not want to wait until Kushakrata Prabhu passes on. It could take time to discuss and sort out and look for and etc. Stuff happens here. It doesn't mean there will be no deaths here ever again. That isn't the point. The point is to provide some one to fill the need. We have plumbers and electricians and mechanics on call here to fix those problems when they come up; but no "humans mechanic". We simply do not value the human "working units" we have as much as the toilets, cars, and computers and… etc., that we use. Isn't it a shame?? If there were local adequate services, then I wouldn't pursue it at all. Over there you can just send the devotees to the community med center- and it is good, and! FREE. We have no safety net here. I just do not see a reason to wait. If there are donations and the wheels are rolling, then we can do everything possible. Is it not free to LOOK around for someone??? If Baladeva and I were OK and things looked ROSY, I wouldn't even bother you. REALLY, I am not a person to ask for help until it is the LAST STRAW- honest.



10. I told Daivisakti to call my cell when the card is given to her, and I will let you know.



Please know that all that you are doing is appreciated by many persons. This thank-less task (only because when the person "dies" they are not there to thank you for your help) receives a different kind of thanks in the end. Love to all




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Oct 7, USA (SUN) — Our dear Godbrother Kusakrata prabhu left his body this afternoon at 3.52 p.m. on October 7, 2005 in MVT flat number B14.101 (Padma Sambhava's flat). He passed away very peacefully in the presence of Aindra prabhu and his kirtan group, along with other assembled Vaisnavas who were chanting the Maha Mantra very sweetly. Krishna Kumari devi, the local RN, was also present. His passing was confirmed by Dr Parikh, who resides at the MVT.

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glories to Kushakrata prabhu, please accept our humbled obeisances at your feet.we pray you are now in the loving embrace of Srila Prabhupada fully experiencing the unlimited and undeserved kindness he gave you so freely.


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53For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory."[g]

55"Where, O death, is your victory?

Where, O death, is your sting?" -from Cornithians 1

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The following was written by Deena bandhu prabhu in vrindavan:




My dear Maharajas and Prabhujis,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


With great regret, We wish to inform you that Kusakratha Prabhu left this world

very peacefully in Braja at 4:10 PM this afternoon. For the last few weeks he

has been bedridden but stable. But a couple of days ago his condition began to



Yesterday Baladev Prabhu, who has been selflessly serving him practically day

and night despite his own jaundice like condition, recognised the symptoms that

he could be leaving. When asked what he wanted, he said to please let him see

the picture of Sri Radha Ramanji and call Aindra Prabhu to do kirtan. This was

his last exchange with anyone in this world. They placed the picture for him to

see and Aindra came and led an ecstatic kirtan. He stared with unblinking eyes

and finally in the late afternoon, peacefully passed from this world.


He was then taken to the side of the rain swollen Yamuna and his last rites

performed while various devotees, including Aindra Prabhu, our new temple

president, Devamrita Prabhu, Deena Bandhu Prabhu, and others led kirtan with

the assembled devotees.


In service of Sri Sri Krishna Balaram,

Deena Bandhu dasa

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  • 3 months later...

Kusakratha Posted Image




Jan 28, USA (SUN) — Last Fall, Sriman Kusakratha dasa, a disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada left his body in Vrndavana. He was known and adored by many for his translating dozens of books by the Six Gosvamis and other Vaisnava Acaryas into English. His output was hard to believe. He was greatly inspired by the example and instruction of Srila Prabhupada.


In his honor a website is now open, the "Kusakratha Memorial Library Website". In his last will he stated his books should be distributed for free, and there you will find free downloads, beginning with books not available anywhere else in the English language. Or hard to find works anyway!



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Although I am a sudra and as such i am unable to fully appreciate/comprehend the translations of Kusakratha prabhu. It impresses me that he has asked for his books to be distributed freely and that a website is being constructed to that end.

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