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Helping my friend, by hurting a enemy.

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I feel really sick to my stomach about this decsion i made, My friend, got in the trouble with the cops for selling Ganja, and the cops want to send him to jail, but gave him a deal, which is, to turn in, one of the big salers, in his city,


He called me and asked me if i could help him out, and I dont know, what to do, 5 days later i decide to tell him, where one of this guys lives, which is consendly right down my block, he sold coke to kids sold weed to kids, and just dident care much about anything besides his own personal profit, he lied to me many times, and also sometimes tried to punk me, and now, I gave my friend, the guys adress. Now I am so scared, that Krishna will punshi me, for doing this to someone, even tho I am not a big fan of him, and I do not see him as a enemy, or friend, and I hate that he has to go to jail now for this, but I also think, of all the bad things he has done to people. I dont know how to feel about this decision because I am not like that at all.


It was eaither my friend, or that guy going in jail, I hope that I made the right decision, and this is why I ask the Great Devoties, What to do, as I am afraid, and ashamed for doing this.


What do you think I should have done?

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Selling any drug to any kid - is sick - this so-called innocent bystander - he might thus deserve to go to jail - your friend however - may have to re-think his own karma if he doesn't stop selling - especially - if he has ANYTHING to do with ANYTHING but the Ganja - if he even thinks of doing the coke etc., - what to speak selling that - then Krishna will send him away - and if you are posting from America - that would be a very long time.



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I agree with Theist that you should associate yourself with nice people.


Now, did you do the right thing? The answer is yes. As per the law, your friend could be saved by informing the authorities about the big seller. This was as per rules. You just followed the rules.


But I am not sure about the motive. If the motive was just to make your friend escape by any means, then it was bad. As an example, if you had bribed the authorities or implicated someone else falsely, then I would have considered it bad?


But since you did not tell lies and you followed rules, what you did was the right thing.

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Tell your friend to stop doing such bad things. Use whatever negotiation techniques you deem fit. If, after all your tries, he does not stop, then you must report to authorities. Do not think that it will be bad for your friend. Think about those who are getting affected by these drugs.


You should oppose evil even if it is being done by your friend. Bhism Pitamah took the side of Kauravas because he had taken a vow to this effect. Guru Drona took the side of Kauravas because he was indebted to Dhritarashtra. But, in spite of these, Lord Krsna said that they were not taking the side of dharma.

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