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Do we need a new Temple in Mayapura ? At what cost?

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Saturday, September 10, 2005




This letter is offered to Srila Prabhupada for his kind perusal, I am sure (Ok, speculating!)SP will be in favor of “simple living and high thinking” and will prefer to use the land resources for the sustenance of the community instead of urbanizing the Dham.


He will feel content with what his disciples have done after him in Mayapur. We have established ourselves as the most successful community among all the GV.




Temples in large cities are meant for attracting general public and helps us to spread our mission. There is nothing wrong in building magical temples in urbanized cities. Sri Dham Mayapur has a special place in our life, its significance as the holiest place for GV, its hidden nature, its Flora and Fauna and holiness of the rivers are not for a bargain.


1. In our Samprithaya Temples are traditionally simple and have less priority in this Kaliyuga.


2. Attracting tourists to this hidden Vrindavan will lead to ecological damage, do we need to popularize it like the present day Vrindavan?.


3. Any massive investment by ISKCON will accelerate the urbanization of Mayapur.


4. ISKCON Mayapur being an impressive tourist designation has already degraded the quality of life in the Dham.


ISKCON has so far not carried out any holistic plan to reverse this trend. From this we can infer or forecast that the New Temple will accelerate urbanization of Mayapur.


5. The proposed new temple with massive funding will lead to an irreparable loss to the delicate eco system of Mayapur


6. Holistic development of a temple town is not feasible in this flood prone island. The studies conducted at Dharmashala, Tirupathy, Santhiniketan and Auroville cannot be applied to this small unstable land mass trapped between two perennial rivers.


7. Historically Mayapur and surrounding areas were thickly forested with tigers roaming around. The river banks were naturally protected with dense vegetation. There was no erosion of soil and the island was always above water level. No threat from flooding. Greedy men started cultivation and destroyed the forests leading to extensive erosion of soil and consequent flooding.


8. We find one of the rarest variety of fresh water Dolphins in the confluence of River Ganges and Jalangi indicating that the eco system is not yet polluted to the extent of destruction of their habitat. Platanista gangetica the Ganges river dolphin-Most endangered species-I am sure this is going to be the single most important factor to attract world community to save Mayapur from environmental damage.





9. A simple ecological plan can prevent flooding of the island; simply recreate the forests with its original inhabitants. Nature will bring its own defense system to survive or stop flooding of the island. Instead of expanding and maintaining temples we will maintain the entire Dham .


10. We have the primary responsibility to recreate and restore the forests of the past era and pass it on to the forth coming generations. What do we do with 1000s of acres of land acquired using questionable means and ways against the law of the land from poor peasants? What did we do for their rehabilitation? The land is neither used productively nor protected from soil erosion because of extensive mono cropping with rice and absence of soil holding trees and vegetation on the banks of both the rivers.


11. ISKCON is hoarding land by holding them in BINAMI trusts, the real estate business of ISKCON runs on black money to raise funds ostensibly for the new temple!


12. Authorities in ISKCON are not willing to take the local population or other Vaishnava communities in to confidence to establish the need for such a massive temple and infrastructural facilities.


13. In a democracy every citizen has the right to protect the environment from abuse. There are very strong and legally valid objections against a new massive temple in Mayapur. The law of the land and the rights of citizens on environmental protection are serious issues for ISKCON.


14. After ISKCON invested so much of money on infrastructure in the past, the level of filth and pollution increased manifold. ISKCON attracted tourists and the local people lured by the opportunity established business catering to them. Wine, women and meat entered the market. This trend will be accelerated by the new temple project, if this is the ultimate result of such hard work of ISKCON devotees, do we need it? What other great purpose it is going to serve? The land is already holy, how can new temples make it holier?


There are other vital priorities for the movement and also time and circumstances are different now. The world is moving towards green, eco friendly and sustainability of environment.


Srila Prabhupada has said so many things, and he has also told us to use our intelligence to discriminate and decide based on time and circumstances. So let us be humble and serve the Vaishnava community and Lord Guranga’s Janma bhoomi by recreating and managing the natural systems of Mayapur. Please let us NOT raise massive funds to destroy the natural features of this Holy Dham!


V.Solaiyappan B.E(Metallurgy)




Note: The comments are not directed against any individual, being an environmentalist I want to fight for the restoration and preservation of Mayapur. My comments may be biased because of my lack of spiritual sadana or expertise in observing natural systems. My humble apologies to my GM for creating controversy, but I pray my GM is kind enough to consider it as a real issue and approach it objectively. More practical info on sustainable community development can be found at www.auroville.org


I have invited eminent environmental activists like Medha Patkar http://www.narmada.org/medha.html of Narmada valley project, Vandana Shiva, eco-feminist writer, Chipco president from Himachal Pradesh and media reporters to visit Mayapur during the 2006 GBC meetings for an interaction with our community, local people and other Maths..

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5. The proposed new temple with massive funding will lead to an irreparable loss to the delicate eco system of Mayapur



I have heard this argument several times from different people. It is all rice fields that have been cultivated for hundreds of years. It is not a forest or some rare ecosystem.


And the "large temple" they are proposing to build will be relatively tiny in comparison to the 1,000's of acres of rice fields surrounding it. I don't know the exact size off hand, but I have seen the boundaries of where the temple will come, and it is just a few acres between the present temple and the old gurukula.



Srila Prabhupada has said so many things, and he has also told us to use our intelligence to discriminate and decide based on time and circumstances.



Let's also not forget Srila Prabhupada's direct instruction that a large temple be built at mayapur. His instructions on this are undeniable.
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I think the argument is that too many people will move to be near the large temple, and build houses where the rice fields are.


As far as i can tell, Prabhupada wants the Mayapura Iskcon to be self sufficiant in its food production as well as have nice temple. So if the rice fields are made into houses for people to live (as 2nd homes?) and no food is being produced off the land, then it would be a problem.


Who is producing food grain? This is the solution of economic problem. Annad bhavanti bhutani. Therefore we are trying to engage our men to produce their own food. Be self-sufficient so that these rascals may see that how one can live very peacefully, eating the food grains and milk, and chant Hare Krishna.

Prabhupada's Lectures, Srimad-Bhagavatam 1974, Mayapura


Prabhupada: Yes. (break) ...encouraging in our society to take to agriculture to support this center. I am purchasing land in Vrndavana and Mayapura to become self-sufficient. Whatever production you make, you be satisfied. Little vegetable, little grain and little milk. That is sufficient.


Prabhupada: We have got fifty bighas of land, and I have calculated in Mayapura, setting aside twenty bighas for the temple and grazing ground for the cows, thirty bighas of land. The production should be three hundred mounds of grains.




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If iskcon set aside enough agricultural land then I dont see the problem. Natural eco systems much more precious and sensitive than these are being destroyed for sence gratification everywhere, this way we have a large attractive temple with a whole load of land preserved for sustainable living, and most importantly following the spirtual masters direction.

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I think we are not making the right comparison here...


Saving the ecosystem versus constructing a house for God to glorify him


I would blindly go for the latter. Remember, Arjuna killed all his relatives and soldiers in Kurukshetra for Krishna.


If we talk from a humanitarian standpoint, how can killing a human being justify service to God? Isnt that wrong? If one reads the Gita, we will know why it is not wrong!


Sameway, destroying a few acres of fields for serving Krishna is ok. Destroying the fields and constructing a stadium or casino or some sort of material sense pleasure for the sole purpose of making money is wrong. But, destroying for dedicating the place to Lord Chaitanya is perfectlly ok.


Dont forget, this entire planet belongs to Krishna, and SP is a realized soul, and if they both want it, it should be done.


So, destroying at the cost of what is the question, just mere destruction is wrong but what are we doing in that place instead...if we can help more people become KC, all of them will be delivered and doing it where Lord Chaitanya was born, is the biggest service one can perform to make Guru and Gauranga happy!


so, i dont think this is even an issue


Creating more places to spread love for God which is spiritual and eternal or maintaining a temporary material thing....you be the judge!





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As far as I am aware ISKCON currently owns 365 acres of land in Mayapur under various trusts and societies. Of this only a fraction is inhabited. The rest of it is either agricultural fields, or fields of planted trees (which ISKCON has themselves planted). More land is owned privately by individual devotees, but I have no idea how much this would come to.

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Here is someone else's reply:



The Long Term Impact of Criticizing the Mission of the Founder-acarya




The temptation to ignore the complaints of "Solai" ("The Long Term Impact Of

Urbanizing Mayapur," Chakra, September 19 2005) is a strong one. Yet when

Srila Prabhupäda's mission and followers are criticized in an attempt to

justify one's viewpoint, it becomes a matter of necessity rather than choice

to ignore such criticism and speak on behalf of Srila Prabhupäda. In his

final Vyasa-puja offering to Srila Prabhupäda, HH Tamal Krishna Goswami

asked the question: "Who speaks for Srila Prabhupäda?" His answer was that

everyone has their place, and our contributions to the mission of Srila

Prabhupäda, even while riddled with faults, should be taken into



Yet while Solai's interest in the ecological impact constitutes a great

portion of his text, his points are based on the faulty misconception that

the pursuit of fulfilling the spiritual master's desires is a burden to

certain aspects of society, and should be reconsidered so as not to upset

the status quo of the street and the ecological balance of the area, which

is, I'm informed, a shifting balance, and one that the Sri Mäyäpur Project

staff have taken into consideration in their years and years of research

into the construction of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium: Srila

Prabhupäda's dream for Sri Mäyäpur-dhäma.


I'm not qualified to respond to ecological issues, but I'm certainly sure

that offensive doesn't fall into the category of "uniting us all and

understanding that our strength lay in differences" that Tamal Krishna

Goswami was referring to when he spoke of everyone being encouraged to



Solai writes:



Authorities in ISKCON are not willing to take the local population

or other Vaishnava communities in to confidence to establish the

need for such a massive temple and infrastructural facilities.



The "need" for such a massive temple is not dependent on the whims or

opinion of local villagers who remain mostly ignorant of the mission of

Lord Caitanya-an ignorance that other maths have found just as difficult to

address as ISKCON. Nor is Srila Prabhupäda's mission dependent upon the

approval of maths run by his godbrothers. This statement shows a complete

lack of knowledge of Srila Prabhupäda's history with his own godbrothers,

and his entire life purpose. Is it too much to expect that one who is so

determined to make public statements might be armed with knowledge first?


Solai writes:



After ISKCON invested so much of money on infrastructure in the

past, the level of filth and pollution increased manifold. ISKCON

attracted tourists and the local people lured by the opportunity

established business catering to them. Wine, women and meat entered

the market. This trend will be accelerated by the new temple

project, if this is the ultimate result of such hard work of ISKCON

devotees, do we need it? What other great purpose it is going to

serve? The land is already holy, how can new temples make it holier?



First we are asked to believe that the presence of ISKCON in the holy dhäma

was the cause of "wine, women, and meat" in Mäyäpur. A more naive remark I

would be hard-pressed to find. Here we are being asked to believe an

unfounded statement that prior to ISKCON's creation, no such sinful activity

would have possibly existed here. Even if it didn't at the time (something

that is almost inconceivable, but an allowance I'll make for the sake of

argument), was the arrival of these elements only because of ISKCON, or

might it have had something to do with the influence of Kali-yuga? In fact,

the point Solai makes is that ISKCON is to blame for the advancement of

Kali-yuga: a statement that flies in the face of the entire mission and

purpose of Srila Prabhupäda.


Solai writes:


What other great purpose it is going to serve? The land is already

holy, how can new temples make it holier?



Here it might serve some purpose to post so many quotes on "what great

purpose" this temple will serve, according to Srila Prabhupäda and our

previous acaryas, and according to scripture. These quotes might go a long

way in helping to explain what this holy land exists for, and why Sri

Caitanya Mahäprabhu came here, and what He came to establish. For the sake

of brevity, I'll exclude these quotes, which I'm sure most have either seen

before, or have access to via Folio or publications by Srila Prabhupäda and

those who represent his institution. Suffice to say, Solai's speculation

that Srila Prabhupäda might be content to leave things as they are and be

satisfied that we are the most successful math on this road seem more than

just a little far-fetched.


Ignorant of our founder-acarya's mission and purpose; content to ignore the

teachings and mission of our disciplic succession; oblivious to the reasons

for the descent of the Supreme Lord in this age---perhaps those who labor

under the burden of these afflictions should consider that their best avenue

might be silence. In that way, they might offend less and learn more. In the

ensuing silence, an avenue of proper approach may reveal itself to them. If

one's desire is to truly better the actions of the institution he is

addressing, they would do well to remember that criticism will turn an ear

deaf more swiftly than they realize.


Our mission is not to restore the forests and bring back the tigers: one who

pursues such noble ideals would be well advised to seek a zoological society

whose values they can embrace. Until then, despite the obvious desire some

have to see Mäyäpur maintain its status quo, the mission of Lord Caitanya

and His most beloved associates and followers will continue---with or

without us.


Your servant,

Braja Sevaki Devi Dasi


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We can see very easily that Srila Prabhupada stressed so much on making temples and making every home temples as well. He stressed on this because general people will be attracted towards grand temples and thus will engage in the activity of Shravanam, Kirtanam.


Of course for the devotees themselves Srila Prabhupada stressed on the aspect of 'Simple living and high thinking'..


Hare Krishna!

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Of course, a temple is important. But do you know that Prabhupada wanted temple in Vrindavan style as per his letters.


Moreover he wanted us to use intelligence. Not to follow blindly.


He showed the size of samadhi he wants to have, it would have taken 2 weeks to build it. Why did his disciples changed his will?


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prabhupada often says that the guru himself wants nothinbg but the diciples want to give him. (I will get these quotes when im less busy at work)

Actually the pure devotee wants no glorification but the diciples/devotees in their own way try.


An example - It was prabhupadas will that the london temple Bhaktivedanta manor be called new gokul dhama, but the diciples wanted to name it after prabhupada and prabhupada allowed it as it was out of affection.



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If you change anything Prabhupada wanted the way you want you will pay.


If you make it Vedic City instead of Vedic Planetarium -- your problem.


Western Planetarium in Vedic Planetarium -- your problem.


Add 8 asta sakhis (not the way SP wante) -- your problem


Add Ugra Nrisimha.


What happen to people who started SP samadhis?

What happen to people who changed name of the Manor or LA Krsna temple?


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The vedic city has been mentioned in letter 76-01-23 to Sri Chaunhuri


prabhupada talks about plans "for erecting a magnificent international city based on this vedic culture. For this purpose we want a considerable tract of land"


And mentions mayapur city development in the following letter


76-06-05 Mr.Hunter


As regards to the asta sakhi question I found no mention of prabhupada being against it. May be you know a quote where he said no.


I found this

Regarding Yamuna's questions, if possible, you can have all 8 Gopis of 42" height, but it may be cumbersome. There is one Asta Sakhi Temple there in Vrindaban, you may see how this is arranged there. Krishna may be black, Balarama of white, and the pose of the back of the BTG is very nice. You cannot get Lord Caitanya with all five of His Associates? Formal seated pose of me can be there, Visakha has taken photos for that in Jayapur, but one thing is it possible to be made correctly? If not, it is no good.

Hoping this will meet you both in good health.


Your ever well-wisher,

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


The reservation of having asta sakhi in vrindavan was because it may be cumbersome.



Sorry Ive not heard of the rest im a bit out of the controversy scene at the moment.

Anayway people that changed the name of the manor spoke to prabhupada before they did it and prabhupada accepted it as it was out of affection, they still left the movement whats the point. I think most devotees left the movement praphupada says be surprised at who stays. some people will say it was becuase they offended a math, some people may say because they disobeyed guru, some people will say because they did extra than what prabhupada asked.

And some people who changed stuff and disobeyed guru are still in the movement what does that prove? trying to use devotees leaving the movement as an argument for something is very weak. Ajmilla fell down and so have many others for many different reasons, please dont use the generlised falldowns to promote ones own theories.



Time to go home from work,

Hari Hari prabhu




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