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Why does Krsna test us if he knows already what we have in our hearts???

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(Article by AskTheSwami.org)


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3) Question: I heard two things that seem a bit uncompatible to me. The first is that we should not ask things in our prayers to God cause being in our heart he knows all (of course) and he knows what we need. The second is that Krishna sends us situations to test us in order to know if we really want to serve him. Why this if he knows what we have in our hearts?


3) Answer: If you fall into the ocean you are in danger even if you are a good swimmer. There is no land in sight and every wave tries to swallow you. So in order to be found and saved you have to draw the attention onto you by moving your arms and shouting for help. Similarly we have to chant the holy names of the Lord with all our heart so that the waves of Maya will not overcome us and in order to draw the Lord's attention to us. We are all dependent on the mercy of the Lord.


The obstacles and difficulties sent by Sri Krishna present an opportunity for us to grow spiritually. Of course Krishna knows whether we are fit to pass a certain difficulty or not. But by our small independence as individuals, we are always free to decide whether we would like to follow the path of truth or choose sense gratification.


So the obstacles can be seen as a help to become more fixed on our spiritual path. It is like in school, if we pass an exam we will be allowed to take more advanced exams.


Yes, Krsna knows what we have in our hearts. Therefore there is no reason to fear or hesitate. Just like Sri Krsna told Arjuna in the Bhagavad-Gita: "Surrender onto me. I will protect you. Do not fear." So we have to follow his loving invitation. The Bhagavad-Gita offers so many good advice for life, it is incredible. We have to open our hearts and confide in His words. Then all our doubts and fear will disappear and our spiritual life will really get started with full enthusiasm.


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