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An Afternoon with HH Bhaktimarg Swami Maharaja

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Sep 21, USA (SUN) — Last month, I had the opportunity to engage in a long, personal visit with HH Bhaktimarg Swami while he was passing through Portland, Oregon. Externally, it appears that Bhaktimarg Swami and I took divergent paths. He is a Swami and an initiating guru, whereas I am married, living outside the institution, and not giving diksa. Despite our different circumstances, when we get together and discuss relevant issues facing us as individuals, and facing the movement to which we've dedicated our lives, we see that there is very little difference between us on the most important personal levels.



Along with this article, we are publishing a three-part Podcast today, which you'll find in the PodCasts section of the site. In that audio broadcast, I describe in detail the many issues Bhaktimarg Swami and I discussed that day, particularly related to ISKCON management and the GBC's position on guru-tattva.



While Bhaktimarg Swami and I are dealing with these issues in different ways, we basically agree wholeheartedly on where the problems lie philosophically, and on what it would take to correct these problems. We also agree that it would take an act of God or a collective, Society-wide outcry to bring about any meaningful change in the direction the present-day institution is headed.



What made my encounter with Bhaktimarg Swami so unique was not only that our personal circumstances are so different, with him being a respected member of high standing within the institution while I'm completely outside that structure, it was our ability to share our thoughts, frustrations and realizations spontaneously, in a mood of love and trust.



Bhaktimarg Swami had an opportunity to share his thoughts with me in a way that it's seldom possible for him to do, even with close associates within the institution, where he must always guard against being misinterpreted in ways that will cause him grief later. For me, it was a unique opportunity to speak with an old friend who is still inside the institution, but is actually open to hearing what I have to say. The positive feedback he provided was very appreciated.



If the International Society for Krishna Consciousness was truly functioning as a society, rather than becoming more and more of a church, then this type of association would transpire much more readily. If senior Godbrothers/sisters both within and outside of the institution had the opportunity to freely associate and speak their minds, many of our problems could be easily resolved and we would be able to enjoy the type of society we envisioned ISKCON becoming when we were young. Today, under the current circumstances, the only means we have for sharing our minds across the barrier of "inside/outside" is via the Internet. Of course, expressing oneself in the written word has its limitations.



According to the Nectar of Instruction, association means congregationally chanting, sharing prasadam together, and revealing your mind. Today, the commonly accepted conception of association is simply that one joins together in kirtan and takes prasadam. If there's any discussion, it's typically on a fairly superficial platform or in some kind of lecture format. Like reading a text on the Internet, this kind of communication tends to be more impersonal than personal.



I find that the quality of association I enjoyed with Bhaktimarg Swami is very difficult to come by. To associate with someone of Bhaktimarg's qualities and dedication is in itself a rare thing. The fact that he is genuinely and sincerely looking for solutions to the same problems I am makes it a particularly relishable experience for me. I believe that this level of communication is what Srila Prabhupada wanted his disciples to do in terms of associating.



I hope that the PodCast describing our long discussion will be of interest, and will convey at least some of the value I derived from my afternoon with the Swami.



Prabhu PodCast

"An Afternoon with Bhaktimarg Swami"



PodCast Here




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We are amused at the suggestion that this gentleman is willing to listen to grevious concerns within the Hare Krsna movement regardless called Iskcon or not. Mostly sentiment in nature. ya gotta talk bout something.like the days when.... !


Anyway we filed complaint with top GBC as well personal god-brothers to the complicit beef slaughter issues at Saranagati as well the wholesale industrial cutting of trees for paper and sawdust.


The fact that mother bears and cubs are brutally murdered is also of concern. Some one forgot to take out the trash in a responsible way.


Your Bhakti Marga Swami replied to us some anecdotal experiences while walking across Canada.. again an experience at Saranagati while some dogs chased a bear Swami Bhakti Marga joined in, in his words "the merry chase", only to go retreating himself in the obvious wake of danger.


So lets see some compassion from the Vaisnavas of the world towards the rest of Krsna's children...Srila Prabhupada's words.Why kill the bears...the trees....Why ....


begging to remain ever felicitate in the dust of the feet of genuine Vaisnavas.


your servant, gopijana das


ps. thank you to those Devotees God-brothers and God-sisters, Sannyasis, GBC,that even though did not agree with our approach, responded to this serious situation, giving advice and sagacious council .

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"Bhaktimarg Swami had an opportunity to share his thoughts with me in a way that it's seldom possible for him to do, even with close associates within the institution, where he must always guard against being misinterpreted in ways that will cause him grief later."


Brahmanas are supposed to fearlessly present the truth. If brahmanas speak like politicians, they are not considered to be acting in a brahminical way.


BG 18.42


samo damas tapah saucam

ksantir arjavam eva ca

jnanam vijnanam astikyam

brahma-karma svabhava-jam


Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, wisdom, knowledge, and religiousness--these are the qualities by which the brahmanas work.

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Guest above: "Anyway we filed complaint with top GBC as well personal god-brothers to the complicit beef slaughter issues at Saranagati as well the wholesale industrial cutting of trees for paper and sawdust."




Also this disturbing news similar to this at Saranagati......... Gita Nagari has sold all it's trees for the cutting (to pay for taxes, but it is a "non-profit farm") and the cow population is now down to the point where the fields are mowed for hay, but the hay is sold and used to fatten up the neibhors Beef cows, headed to slaughter, by Gita Nagari hay. /images/graemlins/blush.gif

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