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Srivasa Thakur are in the same emotion. Because He is direct expansion Lord Caitanya.

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The pure mood Lord Caitanya is learned Srila Prabhupada. At top vipralambha mahabhava, Lord Caitanya thinks only about Krishna. He does not think of fidelity Srimati Radharani.


In sambhoga Krishna lila, manjaris all of them are very much adhered to Radharani, they Her expansion, they experience Her feelings, they in Radharani camp.


At top vipralambha mahabhava anything is not present it. Lord Caitanya is in emotions Radharani directly and consequently is completely absorbed by Krishna. Precisely as all His close satellites, such as Srivasa Thakur are in the same emotion. Because they direct expansion Lord Caitanya. As emotions Lord Caitanya are completely boundless, therefore all of them operate at a level of direct expansion.


There are those who worship one Krishna as neophytes, in it there is undoubtedly an egoism. But the level of the sermon of Prabhupada much more surpasses it. He as surpasses sambhoga Krishna lila. Therefore those who listen to lectures for sambhoga Krishna lila cannot understand all. For this reason Prabhupada has told NOT USE ANY EXTERNAL INSTRUCTIONS.


In top Gaura lila they do not worship Radha. Devotees directly experience HER emotion (consciousness of Krishna). It is the maximal spiritual position, it and means that the soul rises on a level mahabhava.


In Krishna lila all is reflection. Therefore there is a gradation of such reflection - gradation gopis, gradation manjaris. But in Gaura lila there is no gradation devotees, because it completely an absolute level.

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Obviously the pure mood of Lord Caitanya is taught only by Shrila Prabhupada. The essence is that since it`s vipralambha mahabhava Lord Caitanya thinks only about Krishna. On top of these emotions He thinks only about Him and nobody more, He does not think about devotion to Srimati Radharani. For manjari are in sambhoga of Krishna lila, they are very attached to Radharani. All of them are Her expansion, they experience Her feelings, they are united with Her..


But on top of vipralambha mahabhava there isn"t anything of the kind, Lord Caitanya feels the emotions of Radharani,

that is why He is completely absorbed in Krishna. In the same way all His close devotees (such as Srivas Thakur) feel

the same emotions because they are the direct expansion of Lord Caitanya. Since emotions of Lord Caitanya and His mercy

is completely boundless, all of them act on the level of direct expansion.


There are those who worship only Krishna as neophytes do. Undoubtedly there is egoism in it, but the level of

Prabhupada's preaching much more surpasses it, it surpasses sambhoga of Krishna lila also. Therefore those who listen to

lectures for sambhoga of Krishna lila cannot understand everything. That is why Prabhupada has told NOT TO USE ANY



As for transcendence, Arjuna has shown the best example of transcendence when annihilated even the relatives, following

good will of the God, and it`s an example of humility and spiritual position of a devotee.


Only Krishna. Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna and nothing more, such is Lord

Caitanya"s mood or KRISHNA Consciousness.


I hope that finally all the people considering themselves above Prabhupada will conceive it. This is what can come out

from willfulness. There is so much chatter about humility... Words fail me. There is so much chatter about faith. So it

is necessary to develop knowledge and follow the acarya.

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