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American People Donate A Total of 600 Dollars To Rebuild Iraq

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Source: www.theinsider.org

Published: September 26, 2005


American People Donate A Total of 600 Dollars To Rebuild Iraq


*** After a major appeal led by the US President himself, the American people have donated only $600 to the fund set up to rebuild Iraq, a country that they themselves invaded and destroyed. In a country with a population of at least 295,000,000 million (US Census Bureau, 2005) this donation is the equivalent of 600 people contributing $1 each. In by far the richest nation in the history of the planet, it is obvious that people in America could afford to contribute more, but selfishly chose not to. The numbers reveal an inescapable truth -- 100.00% of Americans couldn't care less about Iraq or the Iraqi people they claim to have "liberated". ***


Bush plea for cash to rebuild Iraq raises $600


An extraordinary appeal to Americans from the Bush administration for money to help pay for the reconstruction of Iraq has raised only $600 (£337), The Observer has learnt. Yet since the appeal was launched earlier this month, donations to rebuild New Orleans have attracted hundreds of millions of dollars.The public's reluctance to contribute much more than the cost of two iPods to the administration's attempt to offer citizens 'a further stake in building a free and prosperous Iraq' has been seized on by critics as evidence of growing ambivalence over that country.


This coincides with concern over the increasing cost of the war. More than $30 billion has been appropriated for the reconstruction. Initially, America's overseas aid agency, USaid, expected it to cost taxpayers no more than $1.7bn, but it is now asking the public if they want to contribute even more.


It is understood to be the first time that a US government has made an appeal to taxpayers for foreign aid money. Contributors have no way of knowing who will receive their donations or even where they may go, after officials said details had be kept secret for security reasons.


USaid's Heather Layman denied it was disappointed with the meagre sum raised after a fortnight. 'Every little helps,' she said.


In the past 12 months, Americans raised some $250bn for charity, including other foreign causes such as the Asian tsunami victims. Layman said: 'There is no financial goal. People are looking for a way to help rebuild Iraq and this is a way to facilitate that.'


The fundraising comes amid concern that some US projects in Iraq will be scrapped or only partly completed because of rising costs. Some officials fear that money may run out before key projects are completed.


Last week, the number of US troops killed in Iraq rose above 1,900.




The Observer, "Bush plea for cash to rebuild Iraq raises $600", 25 September 2005.


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People are disappointed at the reaction of the Iraqi people. Especially as anything positive doesn't make it on our media. Too many different factions planting bombs and cutting off heads and we don't perceive any change or end in sight.


If the "afterwar" would have been prosecuted like the war it would be a different story. They have far too few soldiers incountry and we see them making the same mistakes as viet naim. Win a battle but not holding the territory is the same old mistake repackaged. The borders with Syria Iran and Saudia Arabia should have been closed with constant air surveillance and the instant destruction from above of anyone who breaches the line.


But the PC demon seeped in.

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People are disappointed because they realized this war was a mistake, and that they were lied to by the government.


as to sealing off Iraq's borders: LOL! we cant even seal off our OWN border with Mexico... it has nothing to do with PC but with GROSS INCOMPETENCE on all levels of the government. and Katrina exposed that incompetence domestically even better than I could have imagined.

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This is a common misconception. In fact, not a penny of our tax money is being spent on reconstruction. Our taxes were spent on destroying Iraq (money spent at US companies), but not on rebuilding it.


By decree of the US regime, the reconstruction project (more contracts for US companies) is to be entirely funded by "oil revenues". If you're wondering why the country is still devastated, perhaps it is because billions of dollars of the Iraqi people's oil money, most of it in fact, went "missing" from both US and "new regime" bank accounts.




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