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Guardsmen Sense Ghostly Presence In New Orleans

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Source: cbs5.com

Sep 16, 2005 9:03 am US/Pacific


Guardsmen Sense Ghostly Presence In New Orleans


(CBS5) The presence of the supernatural and the influence of voodoo long have been synonymous with New Orleans.


In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, members of the U.S. military are saying that there's something spooky going on and it's not just images of death and destruction that's haunting them.


By all accounts, the Sophie B. Wright Middle School in New Orleans sits empty and evacuated except for military personnel who have taken over the campus as a staging site for missions around the battered city.


But the men in uniform have the feeling that they're not alone. It prompted a chaplain to utter this directive: "In the name of Jesus Chris, I command you Satan to leave the dark areas of this building."


Said Sgt. Robin Hairston of the California National Guard: "I was in my sleeping bag and I opened by eyes and in the doorway was a little girl. It wasn't my imagination."


Hairston wasn't the only one seeing things. Spc. Rosales Leanor had her own close encounter.


"I was using the restroom and I just saw a little shadow," Leanor said. "Kind of looming in front of me."


Another member of the Guard unit said that she saw and heard a little girl laughing when she opened a closet that contained cleaning supplies.


At a Baton Rouge marina, boats were strewn like trash, but not a shred of paper could be found. Except for the pages of a Bible that was found by a soldier. It was open to the Book of Revelation.


At a nearby church, nearly destroyed, another Bible was found, showing the exact same passage from Revelation.


Like the power of nature, there is a power at work in New Orleans that defies explanation.


By Janet Yee



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Yes it happens to devotees, vaisnavas too. Kirtan is the best remedy. We just had one daughter of a congregation possessed. Devotees had one and half hour of fired up kirtan. So many times this has happened to many devotees and we had to go have kirtan. We also advise maha clean up of house, sprinkle of cow urine and tumeric water.


Incence made by cow dung is good, since it is offerable to Krishna. Other store bought incence is generally made of elephant or horse dung....possibly attracts ghosts.


Blow conch and do arati for Krishna....purifies place. Play bhajans by pure devotee ...Srila Prabhupada


Pic of Krsna and Srila Prabhupada purify atmosphere.

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