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Are you a person of in·teg·ri·ty ???

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Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.

The state of being unimpaired; soundness.

The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness.


[Middle English integrite, from Old French, from Latin integritas, soundness, from integer, whole, complete.]










Moral or ethical strength: character, fiber, honesty, principle. See strong/weak.


The quality of being honest: honesty, honor, honorableness, incorruptibility, upstandingness. See honest/dishonest.


The condition of being free from defects or flaws: durability, firmness, solidity, soundness, stability, strength, wholeness. See better/worse.


The state of being entirely whole: completeness, entirety, oneness, totality, wholeness. See part/whole.





Meaning #1: an unreduced or unbroken completeness or totality

Synonyms: unity, wholeness



Meaning #2: moral soundness







Integrity comprises the personal inner sense of "wholeness" deriving from honesty and consistent uprightness of character. The etymology of the word relates it to the Latin adjective integer (whole, complete). Evaluators, of course, usually assess integrity from some point of view, such as that of a given ethical tradition or in the context of an ethical relationship. People who for instance said bad things about their own grandmother might appear to lack a form of integrity.



Popular views of Integrity


Many people appear to use the word "integrity" in a vague manner as an alternative to the perceived political incorrectness of using blatantly moralistic terms such as "good" or ethical. In this sense the term often refers to a refusal to engage in lying, blaming or other behaviour generally seeming to evade accountability.


Integrity is holding true to one's values. Said another way: being one's word; doing what you said you would do by when you said you would do it. Integrity is knowing what is important to you and living your actions accordingly.


It may take the form of a sense of etiquette that runs very deep, as in Confucianism or the political virtues.




English-speakers often measure such integrity on a one-dimensional vertical scale dominated by two reference points: those of the highest integrity and no integrity (also known as a total lack of integrity).


Some prescriptive dualistic schemas of ethics divide human activity into two fields and speak of behaviour as "in integrity" (appoved) or as "out of integrity" (despised).



Integrity in the Religious Society of Friends

Members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) prize integrity. For Quakers integrity is being true to God, to oneself and to others. It is a sense of wholeness achieved by listening to the Spirit of Christ within oneself and being true to it. Quakers believe that listening to the Spirit within will lead one to practice honesty and fairness outwardly. The Testimony of Integrity is one of their core beliefs and practices.



Integrity in modern ethics


There exists however a more formal study of the term integrity and its meaning in modern ethics. It is often understood not only as a refusal to engage in behavior that evades responsibility, but as an understanding of different modes or styles in which some discourse takes place, and which aims at the discovery of some truth.



The Law

An adversarial process, for instance, has a certain type of integrity, in which those engaged in it commit not only to advance the case for "their own" side, but also to reveal where required evidence of use to the other side, to follow certain rules in the debate, and to accept rulings from a judge or arbitrator. Those subverting this might appear to lack some integrity, and that would quite possibly hurt their case. So the philosophy of law concerns itself with the integrity of a practical or process style - integrity as a measure of trust in results, which in turn determines trust in authority itself. Integrity rules themselves probably foster this trust, and thus argument takes place in an authoritative mode: "pleading" to it, asking "relief", and such, as a means of demonstrating acceptance of a common régime of judgement and redress. Those who reject this and insist on some other form of integrity may be found in contempt of court or simply found guilty.





In the philosophy of science some clear differentiators exist from either of the above modes, since science concerns itself not with authority or definition but with investigation. Scientists endow the scientific method with a certain base integrity, and deviance from it or shortcuts taken or people being accepted on their word may all reduce the perceived integrity of any results - in effect science operates on the basis of a very organized distrust, in contrast to the legal method which places a very organized trust in prior judgements and precedents. In fact, science consists in general of challenging, not upholding or verifying, prior dogma.





Meeting Srila Prabhupada



Sivarama Swami


"Srila Prabhupada desired we maintain the <font color="red"> integrity </font color> and siddhanta of our parampara. He wanted devotees to preach conjointly to spread Krsna Consciousness all over the world. Srila Prabhupada wanted books translated and distributed, temples and deities, varnasrama and festivals and most of all pure devotees. Followers of His Divine Grace should make his desires a reality in Hungary. In that way as he lives by his instructions, we will live together forever with him."



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