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our little prayers

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My Little Prayers


May I always serve in a temple with a good harmonium player,

where prasadam is great and maha - unlimited.

May I always lose myself in Lord Nrisimha prayer

and remain forever comitted.


May my voice dissolve in the morning aratik song

and my service forever be humble.

May I relish fellow devotees all life long

and may I never regret or grumble.


Life is passing as quickly as ever

and it's easier and easier to stumble.

Please forgive me and help me recover

may my rounds not turn into mumble.


Please protect me and guide me in this journey,

the most far-out trip I have ever taken.

May it lead me out of my misery.

May my faith never be shaken.


I am now standing before You desperate and crying,

for I have lost You seemingly forever.

Alas, soon I will be dying

and I have once thought of myself as clever.


May You look kindly on my little prayers

and I thank You for all of Your kindness.

Lead me out of the universe layers

and forgive me my errors and blindness.



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