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Radha's end

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Srimati Rhadharani is in Vrndavana but of course you wont be seeing Her anytime soon, so why the curiousity you plan on trying to ask Her something personal if you find Her ?

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is one of the four types eligible to hear of this science of Krsna Consciousness.


The disappearance of the Lord and his associates is not a subject devotees speak extensively about, because separation is so intense. However, there is a disappearance pastime of Krsnas consorts, all expansions of Srimati Radharani. Arjuna got waylaid on the road between Dwaraka and His kingdom, and was defeated, and the queens were taken. In Srimad Bhagavatam, first canto, chapters of the disappearance of Lord Krsna, and the Pandavas retire timely, Arjuna is telling YudhisthirA OF THIS STRANGE ANOMALY WHICH COULD ONLY BE DESCRIBED AS aCINTYA, INCONCEIVABLE, THAT HIGHWAYMEN COULD HYJACK aRJUNA. But Prabhupada also tells us that no queens are ever touched,m that even sitadevi who was kidnapped by ravanasura, was not really taken, but rather an external expansion of durga was taken, which sealed Ravanas fate.


Id also like to knoe the disAPPEARANCE PASTIMES OF THE RESIDENTS OF VRNDAVAN. The Dwaraka residents drank rice wine and all killed each other, but Ive never heard if this includes the citizens of Mathura district. The entire race of the Yadus was consumed in this fire of war, so I imagine that this includes the subjects of Mathuura district.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa



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First of all, me and my supersoul would like to offer our respectful obeisances to Krsnaraja & Ramaraja, the Raja brothers of Vijaya Nagara, So. India.

The Raja brothers ruled So. India during the time of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu(1486-?).Krsnaraja whose name is also Ajita(The Undefeated)may have met the Lord in his childhood in Mayapur in the year 1492 when Navigator Christopher Columbus discoverd America.

The contact or fusion between the two at that point in time have generated an awesome energy so great that night turned to day.

When Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Krsnaraj met, the Lord was never the same again.Because later he took upon the role of Radharani, which is said to be the internal pleasure potency of Krsnaraja.

Because of love for Krsnaraja, it was Sri Caitanya`s mission to glorify the Raja of Vijaya Nagara, So. India by starting a religious-political movement all over India so that the Lord and could devotees to uplift the Hindu-Vaisnava`s dying spirits for them to defeat in battle the Sultan of Bihar and his invading army in the year 1521.Thus was born the maha-mantra sankrtana yajna, RAJAKRSNA RAJAKRSNA KRSNA KRSNA RAJA RAJA RAJARAMA RAJARAMA RAMA RAMA RAJA RAJA.

There`s no difference between the RAJA KRSNA and HARE KRSNA mantras.Both mantra`s according to Sri Chaitanya are ACINTYA BEDABEDA TATTVA or simultaneously one but different.

Finally, when Sri Chaitanya revealed to Ramananda Raya( a governor)his real identity in one their most memorable meetings, very horrifying and devastatating type of potency was created, knocking Ramananda Raya off his feet, after the Lord also known as the supreme living force have split in to two described as Krsna and Radha.

Because the energy created was akin to nuclear bomb which has just exploded,it therfore caused Ramananda Raya to metamorphosed as Krsnaraja`s brother, Ramaraja.

This highly guarded secret of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu that he`s Radha & Krsna was later known to Ramananda Raya when be became Ramaraja.

All glories therefore to the Raja brothers, Krsnaraja and Ramaraja of Vijaya Nagara, So. India whose split identities are now revealed to you so others may understand better the history of the HARE KRSNA mantra.

-by krsnaraja prabhu-----



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