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If I want to think of Krsnna, the world brings me down to the sewer. Help!?

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Even if I want to think of Krishna, the world brings me down to the sewer and I start thinking about success, women, wealth and so on. It is frustrating. I need viveka, that is, I should know Krishna is important and not this sewer, doing which I can develop vairagya quite easily.


But this hasn't been easy for me, and chanting and other practices haven't really helped.


For instance, I just chanted now and my mind was thinking about some woman and last week, it was about other worldly matters.


So I was wondering whether other discplines can be practiced along with chanting.


One friend suggested that every time I am attacked by worldly thoughts, say greed, one should think of death.


The very thought of death will kill greed, he asserts. Or, if it is sexual impulse, we must think of something utterly disgusting so that lust will die. If it's anger, one should think of a baby or something just as pleasant to kill anger, and so on. I tried this and it seems ok so far.


The question is, Is this a good method and has anyone tried this or any other method to develop vairagya? Or, does everyone depend on chanting alone?


Please share your experiences, how often you are attacked by worldly thoughts and how you manage them and so forth. Do you believe in making the effort to eliminate these impurities, or depend on His grace?


I personally believe it's better to do both, adopt some method or the other to kill wordliness as also depend on His grace. Because I really don't know how else I can concentrate on Him, if I am constantly dragged down to the sewer.

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Your meant to think of Pastimes of Krishns, like His lifting Govardhana Hill, it says in Nectar of devotion about all these pastimes, and also gives you explanations, and also headings. This devotee told me about this I happened to remember it now.


Chapter 20 Nectar of devotion:

8. Truthful

A person whose word of honor is never broken is called truthful. Krishna once promised Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas, that He would bring her five sons back from the Battlefield of Kurukshetra. After the battle was finished, when all the Pandavas had come home, Kunti praised Krishna because His promise was so nicely fulfilled. She said, “Even the sunshine may one day become cool and the moonshine one day become hot, but still Your promise will not fail.” Similarly, when Krishna, along with Bhima and Arjuna, went to challenge Jarasandha, He plainly told Jarasandha that He was the eternal Krishna, present along with two of the Pandavas. The story is that both Krishna and the Pandavas—in this case Bhima and Arjuna—were kshatriyas (warrior-kings). Jarasandha was also a kshatriya and was very charitable toward the brahmanas. Thus Krishna, who had planned to fight with Jarasandha, went to him with Bhima and Arjuna in the dress of brahmanas. Jarasandha, being very charitable toward the brahmanas, asked them what they wanted, and they expressed their desire to fight with him. Then Krishna, dressed as a brahmana, declared Himself to be the same Krishna who was the King’s eternal enemy.



Maybe there is quote by Prabhupada saying to do this, thinking Krishna is so truthful, if you think this then you get good qualities because your thinking of Krishna.

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