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Hare Krishna,

I dont belong to any movement but an ardent devotee of Sree Krishna since I am born and brought up in a religiously traditional family. I am normal person like anyother but very sincere in chanting nama of Krishna to the best of my consciousness. Of late I am doing something that I dont want anyone to know and hence not signing my name here too. I know Krishna devotees can help me that I would accept as my Lord's answer to my doubt. Ok here it is...


We have a very beautiful Sree Krishna idol (about a meter height) at home that was selected by me and we worship Him in that form. Recently we had a function of Jayadeva's Ashtapathi for which I had to bring down Lord's idol from the top shelf for the pooja. As the idol is so heavy I had to hug HIM so that He does not fall by slipping from hand. IN the process this time, I felt an unexplainable shock of feeling that is beyond any senses and I felt like as though I hugged someone I love so much but did not pay much attention to that thought. But after the function was over and the next day when I was asked to place the idol in HIS usual place on the top shelf in the hall, I hugged Him again and felt that same shock of pleasantness. I have never felt such a feeling and now after that, every night I control my sleep until everyone sleeps and silently come to the hall in the dark during midnight and climb on the chair and hug my Sree Krishna and Kiss Him on His cheeks and keep Hugging Him on my chest and forget myself for sometime. Then out of fear of getting caught, without having the heart I place Him in His place and get down of chair silently and go to bed and sleep. This has become my routine now for the past few days and I cant wait for everyone to sleep so that I can hug Sree Krishna....While on one side, my mind says even this sense is that Krishna, on otherside, I am scared what will happen if someone sees me, because I am not girl, but a guy who has crossed thirty. So everytime, when I walk through the place, I touch His feet to protect me and my Love for Him that I never want to miss anytime. I really dont know what I am doing is right or wrong, but I never want to stop. there is a total transformation in me, for the past few days and every minute I stay in the hall for any routine work or for watching TV, my eyes look at Him like my dearmost and keep waiting for the day to get over. If I dont hug Him I dont get sleep. Please advice if I am right or wrong.


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Interesting thing indeed.


Please - never put your mouth on a Murti [Krishna is not an idol] - I would say no these midnight embraces - aren't a good thing to be doing - if only because you'll get caught by your family.


Also - why is He in the hallway? He cannot be in the livingroom?


So how lusty are you these days? Keep chanting and taking the dust from His lotus feet - that is best.



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you are doing ok. the only advice is...






unless it's someone who felt the same way and even then you should be careful.

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Nice to hear from devotees. I am not signing, but I would like to mention that I am not lusty on human kind of lust towards lust, but lusty for the love of Sree Krishna. So I hope I clarified on that. I really dont want anyone to know and I make sure that everyone is really asleep. The reason why We have Him on the hall is, In India its a normal thing to keep God's idol as part of decoration of our house. This particular Krishna is not for decorative purpose, but we have placed in such a way that whoever enters, they will first see Him in the hall and primarily for the reason that when we get up early in the morning our custom is not to go to pooja room without taking bath, SO to see God first when we get up, we keep God's idol in living room too . While we have a separate pooja place, this Krishna cannot be kept in Pooja for His size and so we offer flowers and neyvedyam everyday there itself.

Thanks for the replies and it makes me feel really better.


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Do not use the word 'idol' for your Deity. The word 'idol' was given to the Indian people by the British arrogance simply to ridicule Vedic culture. It is like wearing a sign that says "KICK ME" or "I'M STUPID". The 'friend' that hung that sign on you was doing you no favors. The great British cannot see God even when He stands before them. The Deity of Krishna is no idol.


This is American Heritage dictionary definition of 'idol':



An image used as an object of worship.

A false god.

One that is adored, often blindly or excessively.

Something visible but without substance.



Don't let those foolish British plunderers make you their dupe. This is important.

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I did not know the background behind the word "Idol" and was using it. Thanks for letting me know. I should have mentioned as Deity for Krishna's when I wrote the post. Thanks for the info and I will let others know about it.


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