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Spiritual happiness, what is it ???

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We often read that spiritual happiness is far, far greater than the type of happiness we experience in this world. That it is unlimited and eternal, and so on…


It is said that the highest spiritual ecstasy is so great that it causes the shedding of tears, trembling, standing of hair on the body, etc. So much so that is actually impossible for the material body to experience it, and thus it may fall unconscious. However, the above external manifestations can also be experienced through material happiness, for example if someone wins the lottery. Can someone explain this please?




There are questions in my mind as to the quality of this type of happiness (spiritual). What makes it so different and superior? Can we compare it, for example 10 times better then material happiness? To define something as unlimited is difficult to comprehend for the material mind and senses, so how do we measure it? Basically, what is so good about it and why should I believe in it as it’s not something I can experience? There are many religious and spiritual groups that get themselves all physced up and become gullible and imagine many ridiculous things.



I love Krishna Consciousness and Srila Prabhupada and consider myself extremely lucky to have come upon it. I believe in Srila Prabhupada’s books and the ancient histories such as the Mahabharata and Ramayana. It’s just that sometimes I feel that people kid themselves about what they’re feeling and believe it to be real, or pretend to feel something that is different than ordinary mundane sensations.

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Rupa Gosvami has stated that the five kinds of devotional activities -- namely, residing in Mathura, worshiping the Deity of the Lord, reciting Srimad-Bhagavatam, serving a devotee, and chanting the Hare Krsna mantra -- are so potent that a small attachment for any of these five items can arouse devotional ecstacy even in a neophyte.




"Regarding worship of the form of the Lord, or Deity, Rupa Gosvami has written the following verse: 'My dear friends, if you still have any desire to enjoy the company of your friends within this material world, then don't look upon the form of Krsna, who is standing on the bank of Kesi-ghat [a bathing place in Vrindavana]. He is known as Govinda, and His eyes are very enchanting. He is playing upon His flute, and on His head there is a peacock feather. And His whole body is illuminated by the moonlight in the sky.




"The purport of this verse is that if someone becomes attached to Sri Murti, or Deity of Krsna, by worshiping at home, then he will forget his relationship of so-called friendship, love and society. Thus it is the duty of every householder to install Deities of the Lord at home and to begin the process of worshiping along with all of his family members. This will save everyone from such unwanted activities as going to clubs, cinemas, dancing parties, smoking, drinking, etc. All such nonsense will be forgotten if one stresses the worship of the Deities at home."




(Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 13)


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