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How to do Visnu-Smaranam at all times?

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Isn't it impossible to think of Visnu at all times? How to connect all events to Visnu, you do so many things each day. So how can you keep your consciousness on Visnu while doing things that are totally unrelated to Visnu?

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Actually its not possible to keep chanting Vishnu sahasranama all through the day. But it is possile to keep thinking of Sree Vishnu all through the day. Start practicing to keep thinkng of Sree Krishna and keep chanting Jay Radhe Krishna all the time. You cant forget after that and after a particular period, your mind will be constantly chanting jaya Radhe Krishna all the time inspite of whatever activity you are doing or talking or eating or even sleeping. This is what I do and I was noticed by others that I sometimes chant His name in sleep also. For all that matter, I am neither a saint, nor a priest or teacher, but a person involved in materialistic activity namely being a scientist in this little world. this little science of human never came between me and Sree Krishna because I understood that His science is vast and beyond our perceptions. So I totally surrendered and the result is His nama chanting in my mind all through day and night.


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is not easy. THat's what I am asking. Of course, chanting all day is neither possible nor desirable. It gets monotonous. But how to relate everything that happens in our lives to Vishnu?

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"One should engage in activities in the mode of pure goodness in order to be freed from the bondage of life in the the material world and end the sufferings caused by birth, death, and old age." Lalita-vistara54. But that also is simply dry and fruitless. The truth certainly prevails, however, even if it takes time. Later, when the incomparable truth appeared in the hearts of the Aryans, the form of ecstatic love became clear to them


55 krsnam enam avehi tvam

atmanam akhilatmanam


"You should know Krsna to be the original Soul of all living entities." (Bhag. 10.14.55)


55. The swanlike Vaisnavas have ascertained the following subjects regarding the living entities' eternal duties. They may have changed in the course of time.


1. Paramatma -- the superconscious sunlike personality, who is eternally full of knowledge and bliss. Jivatma -- the minutely conscious rays of the supreme sun.


2. The superconscious Lord is different from the minutely conscious living entities, who are the superior eternal energy of the Lord. The living entities are individual, and they reside in different environments according to their qualification. The material world is an emanation from the superconscious Lord.


3. The material world is a perverted reflection of the spiritual world. The pure bliss of the spiritual world is pervertedly reflected as the happiness and distress of the material world.


4. The living entities have no relationship with the material world. The material world is the residence for only the conditioned souls. By the inconceivable energy of the Lord, the conditioned souls are encaged in material bodies. Some are absorbed in material happiness, and some endeavor for spiritual happiness.


5. The natural tendency for attachment to the Lord is the constitutional duty of a living entity. In conditional life, this constitutional duty is transformed into attachment for material enjoyment. This is a lamentable condition of life.


6. Liberation means being situated in the constitutional position of one's constitutional duties. This is attained through devotional service.


7. According to one's qualification, the cultivation of constitutional duties varies. It may be either direct or indirect.


8. Direct cultivation aims at realizing one's constitutional position; there is no possibility of other results.


9. Indirect cultivation results in irrelevant fruits related with one's material body.


10. Samadhi, or full absorption in the Supreme, is the primary and direct means of cultivation. Activities such as bodily maintenance that are meant to help attain samadhi are called primary indirect cultivation.


11. It is the living entity's eternal duty to cultivate Krsna consciousness following in the mood of the residents of Vraja through samadhi, because this is the most desirable goal.


12. The most glorious activity of a living entity is to engage according to one's qualification in discussions of the conjugal mellows enjoyed by Krsna, the personification of sweetness.


Among these twelve items, the first four concern the living entity's relationship with the Lord.

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