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New Words from Bhrgu Maharaja- Lord Bhrguji’s words on His Appearance Day

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—August 19, Raksha Bandha, 2005


Sri Shukraji, with folded hands, asked,


“Almighty Lord, ocean of mercy, Lord of the worlds, in Sravana-mas, Shukla Purnima on Bhriguji’s day, in the Virgo Ascendant, seeing all the people’s hearts, I wish to hear something for their benefit.


O my Lord, this month is for worshiping Lord Shiva by archana, and it is also auspicious for going on pilgrimage. By these the jivas become auspicious. Your incarnation day, which is famous as Raksha Bandhan, is for explaining what is beneficial for the people.


In Kali-yuga the jiva (conditioned living entity) is very unhappy. I feel that the people have so many possessions, and still they are most unhappy. I want to hear your auspicious words, which can take away their suffering.”



Sri Maharishi Brghuji said,


“O my son, may you be blessed. I have an intense desire that the living entities connect with the Universal Soul. I will explain this yoga. Look, Shukra, the reason for all suffering is “sambhanda-janya,” the connection with matter. If the jiva seeks pleasure within the realm of matter, then he must accept the concomitant duality of pain. This acceptance of the search for happiness within matter is a misuse of the free will. If we try to fulfill external needs but do not care for the self within, how will we ever be liberated?


God has unlimited resources and qualities and is unlimitedly nectarean. This universe displays only a tiny part of His power, but few are even interested. The human mind is very degraded, and I am very upset about this.


There are things much more valuable than what money can buy. First, there is gross matter; then the implements or fixtures of the universe, such as the air, water, trees. More valuable are the cows, sheep, and their by-products, such as milk and cloth. From here the human species is higher. Among humans, the most valuable species are the intelligent, and among the intelligent, higher still are the self-realized.


Sleep rejuvenates one materially, but it is an enemy of Hari-bhajana. It smothers the bhajana of Lord Hari (Krishna/God). If you call on Lord Hari with love and affection, He appears before you. He does not come by ordinary punya; He is achieved by love and devotion. Don’t be attached or unattached to anything, but do your Hari-bhajana like a fixed tree. Then you will be jivan-mukta or liberated. The self never dies, though the body transforms from childhood to old age.


Whether you see a man, a woman, or a wall, never change your vision. Differences are perceived because of attachment. When detached from the world, you become realized in jnana, or knowledge, and when thus situated and also attached to Lord Hari, that is called bhakti.


Always do good sat-sanga. In the Kali-yuga, with but tapas (austerity) and sadhana (regulated practices), you cannot achieve this. It is by bhakti (devotion to God) and chanting that the highest goal of siddhi is achieved, and mukti (liberation) follows along.


A person on the reverse path will never agree with any of this. One attached to matter can only be saved by Lord Hari. Don’t become a debtor by enjoying the pleasures of the world. Otherwise, at the end of life, you will never remember Lord Hari. Think like this, that Lord Hari is with us and we can know Him. Then Lord Hari will reveal Himself to one of such strong faith.


Matter is diminishing day by day, yet we hold onto it. This is an obstacle to Lord Hari. Hearing this knowledge with strong faith is called sat-sanga. Thus the jiva is liberated from all desires and becomes vilaksana (in his true glory). This world is always entangling and degrading the jiva; but Lord Hari has unlimited love and affection, so the jiva should not entangle himself in the world of ego, violence, and attachment, thus becoming more unhappy. The human body is a chance to achieve Lord Hari through sat-sanga.”



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