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Talking without reason about other people is extremely adverse to devotional service

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Bhaktivinoda Thakura, commenting on the item of prajalpa mentioned in Upadeshamrita in his magazine, Sajjana-toshani:



"Talking without reason about other people is extremely adverse to devotional service. Many people talk about others to establish their own reputation.


Being envious, some people are accustomed to discuss others character. The minds of those who are busy in such topics can never be fixed on the lotus feet of Krsna.


Talking about others should be rejected in all respects. But in the practice of devotional service there are many favorable topics that are faultless, even though they are about others. In order to completely renounce talking about others, one needs to live in the forest.




Although Sukadeva Gosvami talks about the materialists in order to instruct his disciple, he is not considered a prajalpi. Therefore such activities should be considered beneficial. Again, in order to instruct His own disciples, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu spoke about pseudo-renunciates in the following words from the Caitanya-caritamrita:



prabhu kahe, vairAgI kare prakRti sambhASaNa |

dekhite nA pAroG Ami tAhAra vadana ||

kSudra-jIva saba markaTa-vairAgya kariyA |

indriya carAJA bule prakRti sambhASiyA ||

prabhu kahe mora vaza nahe mora mana |

prakRti-sambhASI vairAgI nA kare darzana ||



Prabhu said, "The renunciates who are talking with ladies - I cannot bear to see their faces. ... Such vile persons are all engaged in monkey-renunciation, enjoying their senses and talking with women. ... My mind isn't under my control, it won't look at the renunciate who engages in discussions with members of the opposite sex."



Debate arises only from a desire for conquest. It is extremely abominable. Fault-finding arises only from imposing ones own bad habits on others. This should be given up in all respects. Speaking falsehoods is another form of useless talk.

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Bhaktivinoda Thakura, commenting on the item of prajalpa mentioned in Upadeshamrita in his magazine, Sajjana-toshani:



"Talking without reason about other people is extremely adverse to devotional service. Many people talk about others to establish their own reputation.


Being envious, some people are accustomed to discuss others character. The minds of those who are busy in such topics can never be fixed on the lotus feet of Krsna.



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