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Abortions: Govt’s obsession with destroying life in womb gains horrifying momentum!

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Nov 6, UK (SUN) — There are 500 abortions each day in Britain. Over 80% of these are surgical, and in an effort to reduce that percentage the government plan to make medical abortions - the so called ‘morning after pill’ - more easily available.



The pill, which induces a miscarriage and saves the need for surgery, will be offered at selected family planning clinics. A Department of Health spokesman said that the new initiative was aimed at making the system faster in order to meet government targets.



At present some women wait up to five weeks for an abortion, or ‘termination’, to give it its more common medical name. The aim is to reduce that to three weeks.



A spokeswoman from the Pro-Life Alliance said, “The government’s obsession with destroying life in the womb gains horrifying momentum as plans to provide medical abortion are revealed.”



Horrifying is surely the word to use from the Hindu or Vedic perspective. The Vedas make it clear that life is present from the very moment of conception. The soul entering a body does so within the seed of the father, according to the ancient text, Bhagavad-gita. It describes the soul as “unborn, ever-existing and primeval.”



This is also confirmed in the Bible, where it is said, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you." Jeremiah 1:5. “You have been my guide since I was first formed, my security at my mother's breast. To you I was committed at birth, from my mother's womb you are my God." Psalms 22: 10-11.



If such statements are to be believed, then to “terminate” a pregnancy at any point means to kill a conscious human being. That is normally known as murder, and the law is there to protect us from it, so why do we deny such protection to an unborn child?



Apart from the religious viewpoint, even from a purely secular, humane aspect, abortion is horrifying. There is a short film called The Silent Scream (www.silentscream.org ) that shows the horrible reality of an eleventh week abortion. The baby in the womb is fully formed and obviously conscious. When the instrument of abortion comes near the child he recoils and his mouth opens in a “silent scream”. Dr Bernard Nathanson, the obstetrician who made the film, remarks, "He has had brain waves for at least six weeks. His heart has been functioning for perhaps eight weeks. And all the rest of his human functions are indistinguishable from any of ours."



The Vedas describe foeticide as among the most terrible of all crimes. Vedic morality demands that the more helpless a person is, the more they depend on others, then they more they should be protected. It is considered the first duty of a good government. Another Vedic text, the Mahabharata, says, “If a weak and helpless person cries out for protection but finds none, then the king, his ministers and indeed the state itself gradually slide into hell.”



How then is the government backing the daily slaughter of so many utterly helpless children? This latest scheme will very likely increase the number. Nuala Scarisbrick from the charity Life, says, “This dupes women into thinking that abortion is as easy as changing your hair colour.”



But abortion is not about a simple bodily adjustment, as the mothers are made to think. It is killing, plain and simple, whether the child is sliced up, or slain by a drug-induced miscarriage. The Vedas tell us that what we do to others will be done to us, in due course. “As you sow, so shall you reap,” taught Christ. This is known as karma. As we look around the world at the ever present levels of violence and killing in human society, it may be worth reflecting on the deeper causes. Vedic knowledge suggests that our easy acceptance of the killing of hundreds and thousands of babies each year is certainly one of those causes.


Krishna Dharma Das

Consultant in Vedic History and Hinduism


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