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Jihad is part of my religion& what you have to understand,anyone who fights for Allah

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Australia police say Muslim cleric led attack plot


Tue Nov 8, 2005


CANBERRA (Reuters) - An Australian Muslim cleric who said Osama bin Laden was a "great man" has been named by police as the spiritual leader of a group of 16 men charged on Tuesday with planning a terrorist attack in Australia.


Abdul Nacer Benbrika, also known as Abu Bakr, has long been monitored by Australian authorities and grabbed headlines in August after he praised bin Laden, blamed for the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.


He is a self-styled leader of a fundamentalist Islamic group of young followers in the suburbs of Australia's second-biggest city, Melbourne. Some of these followers, local radio reported, attended militant training camps in Asia.


<font color="red"> "Osama Bin Laden, he is a great man," </font color> Benbrika, 45, told Australian Broadcasting Corp. (ABC) radio in August.


Following police raids in Sydney and Melbourne on Tuesday, Benbrika was charged with directing the activities of a terrorist organization and remanded in custody until January.


Benbrika's passport was confiscated in March on advice from the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, which then raided his Melbourne home in June, ABC radio has reported.


But Benbrika, a dual Australian/Algerian citizen who has at least six children and has lived in Melbourne since 1989, denied he was a security threat.


<font color="red">"I am not involved in anything here. I am teaching my brothers here the Koran and the Sunna, and I am trying my best to keep myself, my family, my kids and the Muslims close to this religion," <font color="red"> </font color> <font color="red"> </font color> <font color="red"> </font color> </font color> he told the ABC, referring to the holy book and the code of conduct for Muslims.


Benbrika said he opposed anyone trying to harm his religion. He also said it was a "big problem" for Muslims reconciling their religion with life in Australia.


<font color="red"> <font color="red"> </font color> <font color="red"> </font color> </font color> he said, adding the only law that needed to be spread was Islam.


<font color="red">"Jihad is part of my religion, and what you have to understand that anyone who fights for the sake of Allah ... (with) the first drop of blood that comes from him out, all his sin will be forgiven," </font color> he said.


Other Australian Muslim leaders have said Benbrika represented a minority view, and Prime Minister John Howard did not invite Benbrika to a summit of key Muslim leaders in August.


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