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Vishnu's lotus

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So help me understand something. I have several questions.


What is the lotus that grows from Garbodhakasayi Vishnu to become Brahma's place of birth and seat of meditation composed off?


As I understand it;


Brahma could see the lotus stem but even after searching throuh it he could not find it's source, the transcendental Lord Vishnu, so I am thinking it must be material in composition.


In-between creations the conditioned souls lie dormant along with their subtle forms of material desires. At the next creation they are reawakened and given positions(re-positioned) in the cosmic manifestatation according to those desire bodies.


Is it that the lotus stem of Brahma is composed of the subtle bodies of the jivas awakening from their state of suspended animation?


I believe I read as musch in one of the earlier cantos to SB but can't find it now.


Help please.



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that lotus flower has all the ingredients needed for creation: matter and sleeping jivas. Brahma cannot leave the Universe, and cannot trace to the end of the lotus stem - it is not possible for him, or anyone for that matter, to escape the material sphere of existence without direct sanction of Lord Vishnu.


that is why, when the dimensions of the Universe are given in the Vedas, all such information is to give us some sense of PROPORTIONS of the Universe ONLY.

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Yes that is what I thought. There is a certain sanskrit name for the combined subtle bodies in the that lotus stem. I can't remember or find it.


Now we are given a nice visual to grasp on to. The lotus stem and flower. But how literal do we take that? Is it like the chakras on subtle body that are described as lotus's. We have all seen those charts. Or does that just give us the gist of the situation. I don't think the chakras are all perfectly formed lotuses. I've read descriptions of their being swirling "energy" vortexs that roughly take on the shape of flower petals.


So my point is we must be careful if we challenge someone on the basis of having a different metaphor to descibe the same process. They may just have a different angle of vision on the same process.


The Hebrews for example. I wouldn't expect them to know what a lotus flower looks like. I don't think they have them anyway. Anyway they seem to be describing the same process of Brahma re-populating the universe in a more elementary way to their readers in their creation story.


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