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These Statements are mentioned in Hindu purans about Jineshwar /Tirthankars / Jina / Arhan / Arihant--- terms used for Jain 24 gods , Hope you all enjoy this truth . God bless you all.


"I am not Rama. I have no desire for material things. Like Jina I want to establish peace within myself."


-Yoga Vasishta, Chapter 15, Sloka 8 the saying of Lord Rama


"O Arhan! You are equipped with the arrow of Vastuswarpa, the law of teaching, and the ornaments of the four infinite qualities. O Arhan! You have attained omniscient knowledge in which the universe is reflected. O Arhan! You are the protector of all the Souls (Jivas) in the world. O Arhan! The destroyer of kama (lust)! There is no strong person equal to you."

- Yajur Veda, Chapter 19, Mantra 14


Sanskrit verse from Shivpuran


Lord Rishabhdev Jineshwar the omniscient and the all pervasive incarnated himself on the magnificent Kailas (Ashtapad Mountain).


Sanskrit verse from Brahmandpuran


Nabhiraja and Marudevi gave birth to a son named Rishabhdev, the greatest of Kshatriyas and the first ancestor of all Kshatriyas. Mahadev Rishabhdev (first Tithankar ) was born to Nabhiraja and Marudevi, in the Ikshvaku dynasty(first ancestor of Ayodhya); assumed the ten kinds of Dharma; and after attaining Kevaljnan (the supreme knowledge) disseminated it.


Sanskrit verse from Prabhaspuran


Lord Neminath (22nd Tirthankar) abides on Raivatadri (Girnar) and Lord Adinath abides on Vimalachal (Shatrunjay Siddhagiri). These mountains enable people to pursue the path of Moksha since the ashrams of great Rishis (sages) were located there.


Sanskrit verse from Skandpuran


Man will not have punarvajanma (he will be free from the

cycle of birth and death ) if he touches Shatrunjay Tirth; if he bows to Girnar; and if he bathes in Gajapandkund. All meditate upon Maharishi(sage) Rishabhdev , who has an ideal form ; who inspires enthusiasm in men; who is a pure soul having attained kevaljnyan(supreme knowledge); who is spotless and formless.




Sanskrit Verse from Nagpuran


The fruit that can be attained by visiting the sixty eight holy places, can be attained by meditating on Lord Adinath. (Lord Adinath is the other name of Rishabhdev)


Sanskrit Verse from Nagpuran


The word Arhan begins with (a) and ends with (ha).

Above and below it has has the crescent moon shaped curves

with Nadbindhus(dots or drops of sound). Oh Goddess!

This word signifies the supreme truth. Those who realise this truth cut off the bondage of the sansar and attain moksha (salvation).


Sanskrit verse from Agnipuran


Rishabh was born to Marudevi. Bharat was born to Rishabh.

Bharat (India arose from Bharat and Sumati arose from Bharat.


Sanskrit verse from Rigveda


The Arihant is the foremost in carrying out the noble action of rendering benevolence to others and he is absolutely heroic. In the same manner, make sacrificial offerings to the worthy Gods.


Sanskrit verse from Manusmriti


Marudevi was the sixth founder of lineage and Nabhi was the seventh. Rishabh who possessed wide feet was born to Marudevi and Nabhi, the eighth fouder of lineage. He was a guide to heroic men. He was venerated by Gods and demons. He expounded and taught the three great ethics. He became the Jin in the biginning of the yuga (millenium).


Naradpurana chapter 48


"In ancient days there was a king named Bharata He was the eldest son of Rashabhdeva ( first tirthankar ) and after his only the country is called Bharatvarsa . Having attained the Kingdom that king like his father and grand father nourished and nurtured his subjects righteously”



Main manipulation of history took place 7th century to 10th century when Fanatics like Adishankracharya fabricated Jain Follower hero Krishna as there's with false avtar theory. If you dont believe me at least you shud beileve to Foriegn historians & there research.


Todays Tirupati Temple idol is covered with fake hands & it is original idol of 22nd Jain Tirthankar.


You can find 22nd Jain Tirthankars details in Hindu Sacred books & also These books will confirm you that he was first cousin of Lord Krishna.


Till date brahmins bless by name of Aristanemi means neminathji 22nd jain tirthankar.Biography of Neminathji is available in Harivanshpuran.


Aristanemi, the twenty-second Tirthankara belonged to the Andhak-Vrisni clan of the Yadavas. He was a younger cousin of Lord Krishna. His father, Samudravijiya and Lord Krishna's father Vasudeva were brothers. Their families moved from Mathura toDwarka under the threat of annihilation by a retaliatory attack of Jarasandha. Aristanemi grew upto be strong and handsome prince. While on his way to get married to the beautiful princess Rajul (or Rajimati), Aristanemi heard the plaintive wailing of animals about to be slaughtered for the banquet in celebration his wedding. He renounced the world, became a monk and attained kaivalya. His bride-to-be also became a nun. The temples at Girnar at gujarat commemorate the compassion and renunciation of Tirthankara Aristanemi protected by ambika mataji.


Lord Parshwanathji 23RD Tirthankar was born in Kashi ( Varanasi ) in 19th century BC. His parents were King Aswasena , the ruler of Kashi & Vamdevi mataji.



R.P. Ranade and S.K. Belvalkar have pointed out in their Book History of Indian Philosophy that Jain asceticism greatly influenced the philosophical speculation of the Upanishadic period. The philosophy of turning away from worldly live (nivrtti); the total abstinence by body, mind and speech (trigupti); reclusive renunciation (pravrajya or sanyas); the state of homelessness (anagaratva); and the idea of casting of one's body by prolonged fasting (salekhana)led to an emphasis on penance as the means of liberation from the bondage of karma and rebirth.


"I once saw two books in the hands of a Jain disciple. When I read them I found that they were true and impartial; and that I had entered ~ new realm of thought. I found that what I had studied from my boyhood and the Vedic flag which I kept flaunting were unreal and untrue. If there is a religion which is ancient, true and supremel?J sound, it is the Jain Dharma.

Yogi Jivanand Paramhamsa



"Jainism has contributed to the world the sublime doctrine of Ahimsa. No other religion has emphasized the importance of Ahimsa and carried its practice to the extent that Jainism has done.Jainism deserves to become the universal religion because of its Ahimsa doctrine The modern research in history has proved that the Jain Dharma existed even before Brahminism or the Hindu Dharma."

- Justice Ranglekar, Bombay High Court


The fact that the Jain Dharma is an ancient religion has been proved by countless rock-edicts, caves, fossils and the excavations at Mohenjodaro. The Jain Dharma has been in vogue from the time of creation. It is more ancient than the Vedanta Dharma.

Swami Misra Jhah


Vardhaman Tirthankar made the traditions of the F'rinciples and ideologies that had been expounded by the 23 earlier sages or Tirthankars go forward. We have a lot of evidence to establish the view that there were countless devotees and followers of Rishabhdev even before the commencement of the modern era. The Tirthankars are given prominence and honour even in the Yajurveda. The Jain Dharma has been in existence from times immemorial.

Dr. Radhakrishnan Past Vice-president of India.


The Jain literature is more ancient than the others and it is useful for the daily spiritual austerities and practices. So, I heartily desire to acquire a know1edge of Jain Dharma. It had an independent existence even before the emergence of Hinduism. Its impact was experienced by the greatest men of the past.

Ravbahadur Poornendra Narayana Sinha




God bless you.Not to hurt some body but to restore eternal truth.


Bharat Chakravarti


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Up till the 10th century, the influence of Jainism continued uninterrupted. The Monarchs and their empires adhered to Jainism. Over a period of time, the followers of Vishnu and Shiva, took control.


They not only persecuted the Jains but also converted the Jain temples into Shiva temples. They went to such low depths of out-casting the Jains, that in one of their famous temples in south India, instructions are recorded that it is better to be trampled to death by an elephant then to seek shelter in a Jain temple.


The vicious behavior of the Shivaits has done more harm to the Jains, then perhaps the mistreatment by the Musilms.



In this context historian Romila Thapar has given an interview on the history of Karnataka to Hindustan Times reporter, Amit Sen Gupta for the article ‘Making up History’ that “we are now finding evidence of shaivite attacks on Jain temples, the destruction of temple, the removal of idols, the reimplanting of shaivete images in their place, this is a regular occurrence----even temples were destroyed or Jain monuments were destroyed by Hindus, particularly by shaivties.


As in Karnataka, today if the historical records of most of the Hindu pilgrimage spots like Badrinath, Kedarnath, Amarnath, Tirupatiji Balaji, Jagganathpuri, Khujrao, Mahakaleshwar temple in Ujjain, are carefully scrutinized, it shall become clear that they were originally Jain temples which were later converted, in the 7th century, into shaiv or vaishnav temples.



SHORT STUDIES IN THE SCIENCE OF COMPARETIVE RELIGION (Pg.243-44) clearly mentions-"There was also existing throughout upper India an ancient and highly organized religion, philosophical, ethical and severely ascetical viz Jainism. Out of which clearly developed the early ascetical feature of Brahamanism and Buddhism.”


Any culture or religion that comes into existence has a singular source. Unfortunately our biased historians, ignorant of our rich antiquity, have proclaimed that from the beginning there were two different cultures, these are Arhat and Bharat. It is a natural phenomenon that the root cause is always one and no two cultures can be born at the same time. Diversified concepts of culture are born from the main cultural stream. The Bharat culture, which represented Vedic culture, was in-fact introduced for the first time by Marichi and his disciple, Kapila. Marichi was the grandson of Lord Rishabh Dev who was the founder of Arhat culture. In pre Vedic era the Sraman culture was known as Arhat. In the famous ‘Navkar Mantra’ of Jains the first salutation is made to Arhants. The Arhant heritage is confirmed by the writings in Srimad Bhagwad, Padmapuran, Vishnupuran, Skandapuran and Shivpuran and other religious book. In these books there are lucid descriptions on the birth of Jainism. As a matter of fact, the standard of philosophy, which the Arhat religion commands, is clearly manifested, albeit some changes, in the Vedas, Upanishads, Mahabharat and the Puranas.



Mohan-Jodaro and Harrappa represent the culture of pre Vedic era. The seals containing the icon of bull (Brishav) and of meditating yogis, clearly indicate the Sraman school of thought. Undoubtedly the Sramanic culture existed in India, not only prior to the composition of Rig Veda, but was the foremost and principal stream of cultured civilization.

Dr. Thomas Mcevilley of Rice University of Los Angeles and Dr. Katherine Harpar of Loyola Marymount University further strengthen the suggestion that “there existed Pre Aryan Jain tradition in the Indus Valley.”

According to Prof. A. Chakraborti- "The religion of Ahimsa or no violence was the basic principle of Pre Aryan civilization in India is known to the scholars, who carefully studied the Indus Valley as revealed by the excavations of Mohan-Jodaro and Harappa. Thus to the great surprise of the experts, they found no weapons for the purpose of offence and defence. From the absence of destructive implements, the experts have come to the conclusion that the people of the Indus Valley civilization did not entrust themselves in wagging was with anybody.”

The influence on Indus valley civilization is a contribution of the Sraman culture. There is no indication of any existence of the Vedic religion. Hence the Arhat school of thought is the original main stream of civilization. "The religion of the Jinas can be traced before the advent of the vedic Aryans to the Pre historic period in India. The first of these Jinas was Rsabha whose bull insignia is found in Indus valley civilization.”

Shri T. N. Ramchandran (Joint director of Indian Archeologists) has clearly stated that “we are perhaps recognizing in Harappa statue a full fledge Jain Tirthankara in the characteristic pose of physical abandon (kayot sarga). The statue under description is therefore a splendid representative specimen of this thought of Jainism at perhaps its very inception.”



At Kankali Tila in Mathura a deity of Suvrat Swami whose insignia is tortoise, was discovered. One of the nude statues in Mohan-Jodaro has the tortoise insignia, which indicates that it must be of Suvrat Swami. In Vedic history there are descriptions of a Muni in the Puran, connected to the tortoise, which throws light on Muni Suvrat. In the Rigved (23, 27, 32) a sage with tortoise insignia has been mentioned whom we believe as Tirthankar Muni Suvrat Swami. It connection with the tortoise the Puran (40, 27, 41) writes that Vishnu appeared in the form of tortoise in Rishabh race.



Those who are really interested to learn about sufferings about jainism please do in depth study of www.jaintruth.com & learn how Ancient jain heritages were destroyed & converted to Fake aryan temples & avtars.


Robert fernandes

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Up till the 10th century, the influence of Jainism continued uninterrupted. The Monarchs and their empires adhered to Jainism. Over a period of time, the followers of Vishnu and Shiva, took control. ed, in the 7th century, into shaiv or vaishnav temples.



SHORT STUDIES IN THE SCIENCE OF COMPARETIVE RELIGION (Pg.243-44) clearly mentions-"There was also existing throughout upper India an ancient and highly organized religion, philosophical, ethical and severely ascetical viz Jainism. Out of which clearly developed the early ascetical feature of Brahamanism and Buddhism.”


Any culture or religion that comes into existence has a singular source. Unfortunately our biased historians, ignorant of our rich antiquity, have proclaimed that from the beginning there were two different cultures, these are Arhat and Bharat. It is a natural phenomenon that the root cause is always one and no two cultures can be born at the same time. Diversified concepts of culture are born from the main cultural stream. The Bharat culture, which represented Vedic culture, was in-fact introduced for the first time by Marichi and his disciple, Kapila. Marichi was the grandson of Lord Rishabh Dev who was the founder of Arhat culture. In pre Vedic era the Sraman culture was known as Arhat. In the famous ‘Navkar Mantra’ of Jains the first salutation is made to Arhants. The Arhant heritage is confirmed by the writings in Srimad Bhagwad, Padmapuran, Vishnupuran, Skandapuran and Shivpuran and other religious book. In these books there are lucid descriptions on the birth of Jainism. As a matter of fact, the standard of philosophy, which the Arhat religion commands, is clearly manifested, albeit some changes, in the Vedas, Upanishads, Mahabharat and the Puranas.



Mohan-Jodaro and Harrappa represent the culture of pre Vedic era. The seals containing the icon of bull (Brishav) and of meditating yogis, clearly indicate the Sraman school of thought. Undoubtedly the Sramanic culture existed in India, not only prior to the composition of Rig Veda, but was the foremost and principal stream of cultured civilization.

Dr. Thomas Mcevilley of Rice University of Los Angeles and Dr. Katherine Harpar of Loyola Marymount University further strengthen the suggestion that “there existed Pre Aryan Jain tradition in the Indus Valley.”

According to Prof. A. Chakraborti- "The religion of Ahimsa or no violence was the basic principle of Pre Aryan civilization in India is known to the scholars, who carefully studied the Indus Valley as revealed by the excavations of Mohan-Jodaro and Harappa. Thus to the great surprise of the experts, they found no weapons for the purpose of offence and defence. From the absence of destructive implements, the experts have come to the conclusion that the people of the Indus Valley civilization did not entrust themselves in wagging was with anybody.”

The influence on Indus valley civilization is a contribution of the Sraman culture. There is no indication of any existence of the Vedic religion. Hence the Arhat school of thought is the original main stream of civilization. "The religion of the Jinas can be traced before the advent of the vedic Aryans to the Pre historic period in India. The first of these Jinas was Rsabha whose bull insignia is found in Indus valley civilization.”

Shri T. N. Ramchandran (Joint director of Indian Archeologists) has clearly stated that “we are perhaps recognizing in Harappa statue a full fledge Jain Tirthankara in the characteristic pose of physical abandon (kayot sarga). The statue under description is therefore a splendid representative specimen of this thought of Jainism at perhaps its very inception.”



At Kankali Tila in Mathura a deity of Suvrat Swami whose insignia is tortoise, was discovered. One of the nude statues in Mohan-Jodaro has the tortoise insignia, which indicates that it must be of Suvrat Swami. In Vedic history there are descriptions of a Muni in the Puran, connected to the tortoise, which throws light on Muni Suvrat. In the Rigved (23, 27, 32) a sage with tortoise insignia has been mentioned whom we believe as Tirthankar Muni Suvrat Swami. It connection with the tortoise the Puran (40, 27, 41) writes that Vishnu appeared in the form of tortoise in Rishabh race.



Those who are really interested to learn about sufferings about jainism please do in depth study of www.jaintruth.com & learn how Ancient jain heritages were destroyed & converted to Fake aryan temples & avtars.


Robert fernandes

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  • 5 months later...

I know it's unlikely that the brainwashed American who participated in this thread last November will still be keeping an eye on what's going on here, but just on the off chance he might see it, I figured I may as well revive the thread by saying in reply to the following he wrote in the eighth message down on page 1 -



Since God is the Creator of all, He loves to bless those who love him.


- that if this were really so, wouldn't all Christians without exception be at least comparatively well off financially and all non-Christians be living in squalor? Since this is plainly not the case (I've known plenty of wealthy people in my time who've had little or nothing in the way of any kind of religion or spirituality in their lives, let alone Christianity, and I'm aware too that there are quite a few poor Christians around even I haven't had a great deal of contact with them thus far), to imply or infer that earthly prosperity will inevitably follow on from becoming a Christian seems a little odd to me to say the least.

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Thank God for wealthly Americans like Donald Trump, Hugh Hefner, Rupert Murdoch, etc. Do to them being blessed with wealth by the Lord, they have helped spread the glorious American culture to the world; that shows us how to be happy, healthy, and wealthy in this world..


What have Indians spreads? all they can do is spread spiritual activities like yoga, meditation, chanting, vegetarianism, etc... we need more wealthy Americans to share the glories of materalism and earthly pleasures in India. Then Indians will throw away their spiritual interests, for the practical Christian religion. Church on Sunday, earthly pleasures and other delights the other 6 days a week. The excess spiritualism of India will not lead us to God's material blessings.

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