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Sri Mayapur Festival 2006 - Will you make there next year ,Prabhu???

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Mayapur Festival is a gathering of Vaisnavas that takes place every year at Gaura Purnima (usually in March), the anniversary of the birth of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the fifteenth century. Mayapur is in India’s West Bengal state.

This year, there will be over two-dozen free seminars, the second annual Srila Prabhupada Disciples’ Reunion (with free food and accomodation for Prabhupada disciples), the annual Navadvipa Dhama Parikrama (circumambulation of the holy sites of the area), free prasadam (sanctified food) for everyone (except during parikrama), stage entertainments, and the first ever Hare Krishna Film Festival.


Festival time is also when ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission (meets) and Vaisnava Training and Education (VTE) holds courses.





January 30 - March 13: MIHE Gaura Purnima Courses (VTE-style seminars)

February 10: Lord Nityananda’s Appearance anniversary

February 16–26: GBC Meetings

February 18: Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s Appearance

February 25: Inauguration of Bhakti Tirtha Swami’s Samadhi Mandir

February 27–March 2: MIHE Sat-sanga Seminars (Sponsored)

2nd Annual Srila Prabhupada Disciples’ Reunion

February 28: Mayapur Project Presentation

March 1: Congregational Preaching Night

March 2: Book Distribution Awards

March 3–9: Navadvipa Dhama Parikrama

March 10: Sri Sri Radha-Madhava Boat Festival

World Excellence Awards Distribution

March 11: Santipur Festival

1st Annual Hare Krishna Film Festival

March 12: Ganga Puja / Immersion of Ashes of Departed Souls

March 13: Ratha-yatra

March 14: Gaura Purnima / Lord Gauranga’s Abhisheka

March 15: Jagannath Mishra’s Feast


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