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Russian Church Leader Calls Krishna an evil demon, the personified power of hell...

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Moscow, RUSSIA – Thousands of Indians living in Russia have become outraged with what they consider a public blasphemy of Hinduism as Moscow prepares to receive Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on his first state visit to Russia, scheduled for Monday, December 5.


In a letter to the Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, wired by Interfax news agency on November 30, Archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Church Nikon called Lord Krishna “an evil demon, the personified power of hell opposing God”, and “a livid lascivious youth”.


The Archibishop further requested the Mayor to ban construction of the proposed Krishna temple in Moscow saying it would otherwise become “an idolatrous disgrace erected for the glory of wicked and malicious ‘god’ Krishna”.



“Construction of the temple to Krishna offends our religious feelings and insults the thousand-year religious culture of Russia where the overwhelming majority of people, Christians and Muslims including, consider Krishna an evil demon, the personified power of hell opposing God”, Interfax quoted Archbishop Nikon as saying.


President of the Association of Indians in Russia Sanjeet K. Jha wrote a letter of protest to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Alexiy II, asking him to step in and bring the Archbishop to senses.


“For centuries faith in Lord Krishna has been the very foundation of the Indian tradition of tolerance and respect for all religions and for all life. Nurtured by His teachings, none of His followers will ever dare speak a word of blasphemy against founders of any other religions. In fact, His teachings instill in us deepest respect for Jesus Christ, Muhammad and Moses as genuine saints who dedicated their lives to God”, said Mr.Jha in his letter to Patriarch.


“Therefore the shower of offenses that Archbishop Nikon decided to publicly pour on Lord Krishna caused us intolerable pain and evoked bitterness and indignation in our hearts”, Sanjeet Jha added.


He also reminded the Patriarch that the only Krishna temple in Moscow had been demolished last year, leaving some 15,000 Indians and 10,000 Russian followers of Hinduism without a place of worship. The fact was quoted by the U.S. Department of State in its annual International Religious Freedom Report among instances of religious intolerance against Hindus and other religious minorities in Russia.


In January 2004, the Department of State report says, the Mayor of Moscow Mr.Luzhkov signed a decree allocating land in northwest Moscow for construction of a new temple in place of the demolished one. However, in October 2005 the Mayor repealed the decree and gave the order to remove a temporary Hindu shrine that devotees had erected from the allocated land.


Now, according to Mr. Jha, the statement by Archbishop Nikon just adds to the exasperation felt by Indian community in Moscow in regard to the razed temple.


“With the old temple demolished and the new temple project thwarted at the very root, thousands of Indians living in Moscow feel utterly disappointed,” – says a leader of the Indian business community in Russia who wished to remain anonymous.


“While Russia signs multibillion contracts with India in weapons, it seems to turn a blind eye to such outrageous violations of our essential needs in the center of its capital”.


According to several Moscow-based Indians, the discriminatory move by the Moscow government, the harassment of Indians by Russian ultra-nationalistic groups, inspired by open hostility of some Church leaders towards Hinduism, is making Russia a less than appealing place for Indians to live.


“We hope that during his upcoming state visit to Russia in December, India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will treat the signing of contracts with Russia and the protection of Indians in Russia as two inseparably related issues,” – the Indian business leader added.


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"Let there be supreme victory for the chanting of the holy

name of Sri-Krsna alone, which cleanses the mirror of the

heart and completely extinguishes the blazing forest fire of

material existence. Sri-krsna-sankirtanam diffuses the soothing

moon rays of bhava which causes the white lotus of good fortune

for the jivas to bloom. The holy name is the life and soul

of transcendental knowledge, which is here compared to a

wife. It continuously expands the ocean of transcendental

bliss, enabling one to taste complete nectar at every step. The

holy name of Sri-Krsna thoroughly cleanses and cools the self,

one's nature and determination, as well as the body both

internal and external."



2006 WW4

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Christians follow something called Pascal's Wager.


Pascal was a Mathematician (if not mistaken) who lived in 18 Century. He formulated that the people (masses) believe in (Christian) God simply because it is better to believe (in something which is false) and be saved, then to deny it and risk a chance of being damned.


Don't think that this Russians have suddenly become believers in God. They just believe that it is better to believe (even if it means a lie) than do deny. In their eyes, Hindus are deniers (of Jesus).

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