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Iranian President: Move Israel to Europe

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Iranian President Says the State of Israel Should Be Moved to Europe; Israelis Condemn Remarks


The Associated Press

MECCA, Saudi Arabia - Iran's hard-liner president, who has called for Israel's destruction, said Thursday that the Jewish state should be moved to Europe if the West wants to make up for the Holocaust.


The remarks drew an angry reaction from Israeli officials, Jewish leaders and the United States.


"Unfortunately, this is not the first time that the president of Iran has made outrageous and even racist remarks concerning Jews and Israel," Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said.


Speaking to reporters at an Islamic summit in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad implied that European countries backed the founding of Israel in the Middle East in 1948 out of guilt over the Holocaust.


"Some European countries insist on saying that during World War II, Hitler burned millions of Jews and put them in concentration camps," Ahmadinejad said. "Any historian, commentator or scientist who doubts that is taken to prison or gets condemned."


"Let's give some land to the Zionists in Europe or in Germany or Austria, so they can have their government there," he said. "They faced injustice in Europe, so why do the repercussions fall on the Palestinians? Offer a piece of land from Europe, and we will back this decision and will not attack this government."


"Those who are occupying and ruling Jerusalem, what is the origin of their fathers? ... Most of them have no roots in Palestine, but they are holding the destiny of Palestine in their hands and allow themselves to kill the Palestinian people," he said.


Israel and Iran are sworn enemies and Ahmadinejad's recent remarks saying that Israel should be wiped off the map, combined with Israel's belief that Tehran's nuclear activities are aimed at producing nuclear warheads, have increased tension between the countries.


"Only recently the U.N. General Assembly condemned Holocaust denial and here the Iranian leader is showing himself to be fundamentally contradicting the norms of international behavior and decency," the Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman said. "I hope that anyone who had illusions about the true nature of the Iranian regime has received these recent remarks as a wake up call."


The United States also denounced the remarks as "appalling and reprehensible."


"They certainly don't inspire hope among any of us in the international community that the government of Iran is prepared to engage as a responsible member of that community, State Department spokesman Adam Ereli said.


He added that Ahmadinejad's comments appear "to be a consistent pattern of rhetoric that is both hostile and out of touch with values that the rest of us in the international community live by."


Rabbi David Saperstein, the Washington-based director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, called Ahmadinejad's comments "poisonous, offensive rhetoric that is unacceptable for diplomatic political discussion."


He said the remarks were especially troubling because of concerns about Iran's nuclear program, which Tehran says is peaceful but the U.S. and others say is aimed at developing atomic weapons.


"An extremist with a microphone can be dangerous enough; an extremist with nuclear weapons poses a danger to the entire world," Saperstein said in a statement.


Ahmadinejad drew sharp international criticism and even some at home in Iran when he said in October that Israel is a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the map." Still, Ahmadinejad, who was elected in June with the backing of Iran's hard-line clerical rulers, stuck by the comments, and his government organized a series of large anti-Israel demonstrations.


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International condemnation has greeted comments by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the Nazi Holocaust was "a myth".

Mr Ahmadinejad said he did not believe six million Jews had died at the hands of the Nazis last century.


Germany said his comments could harm attempts to restart nuclear talks.


A White House spokesman said the comments showed the need to "keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons".



"All responsible leaders in the international community recognise how outrageous such comments are," said spokesman Scott McClellan.

'Shocking' comments


Mr Ahmadinejad made the comments while speaking on live TV in the south-eastern city of Zahedan.


"They have created a myth today that they call the massacre of Jews and they consider it a principle above God, religions and the prophets," he said.


He called for Europe or North America - even Alaska - to host a Jewish state, not the Middle East.


German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told reporters Mr Ahmadinejad's remarks were "shocking".


"I cannot deny that they may weigh on...the chances for the negotiations on the so-called nuclear dossier," he said.



The German foreign ministry also said Chancellor Angela Merkel wanted to hold a meeting of EU leaders this week in Brussels to tell Iran "these remarks are totally unacceptable".

Israel's spokesman said the Iranian president's latest remarks reflected a "perverse vision of the world held by this regime".


The outburst by Mr Ahmadinejad follows earlier anti-Israeli comments.


He has brushed aside criticism of his views, saying it was orchestrated by supporters of Israel.


The president also returned to his earlier theme that Europe should shoulder the responsibility for a Jewish state.


"If you [Europeans] committed this big crime, then why should the oppressed Palestinian nation pay the price?


"This is our proposal: give a part of your own land in Europe, the US, Canada or Alaska to them so that the Jews can establish their country," he said.


Since his election in June, Mr Ahmadinejad has taken a more hardline stance towards Israel in public than his predecessors.


BBC Tehran correspondent Frances Harrison says the Iranian press has endorsed the president's views, calling them logical and less passive than the approach of previous Iranian governments.



Story from BBC NEWS:



Published: 2005/12/14 18:15:56 GMT



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This is the reason Iran cannot be allowed to have a nuclear bomb. They would just send it off to Tel Aviv even if it meant their destruction through US retaliation.


The ultimate suicide bomb.


Their nuke sites should be bombed into oblivion post haste.



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Ahmadinejad, former Revolutionary Guard, former mayor of Tehran, current president of the Islamic Republic, couldn't be topped by any screenwriter in his capacity to provoke widespread horror movie reaction in the Christian West for his remarks about Israel. It's the third time he's done it since his election in June.


And once again, all over the Muslim world, the silence is as thunderous as the new digital King Kong's roar.


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"Mr Ahmadinejad said he did not believe six million Jews had died at the hands of the Nazis last century"



A lot of very serious historians privately doubt that number. But the Jewish histeria regarding this issue prevents any serious discussion on that very, very debatable matter. At one time Jews were forced to change the numbers of their dead listed on a monument in Aschwitz from 4 million to 1 million as the obviously inflated number was universally challenged. That was many years ago. Now the climate is such, that people questioning the 6 million figure are SENT TO JAIL in several countries...


Jewish lists of their Nazi victims cover little over one million names. Realistic estimates of their casualties range from 1.5 million to about 3 million. Still, that is a lot of innocent lives lost...

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The best thing is to negate the false identification of the body as the self. Many millions died at the hands of Hitlers minions, Stalins minions, Pol Pots minions, Idi Amins minions.


Why just jews, are they as compassionate against the Romas as they expect us to be of them? Do they say "never again" if they are not of their tribe?


Tribalism, the scourge of humanity. Chosen people! Pure garbage. I know there were death camps, but I also know that amerikkka sponsored death squads in central america in the eighties, and the same guy responsible is now our ambassador to Iraq. Dead is dead, and if someone desires everyone to die other than their own, theyre no better than Hitler, who supported the same tribalistic nonsense.


Maybe this iranian should suggest somewhere better than europe, say mauritius. If I was a Jew, thats where Id want my homeland. Not in the middle of Armageddon plains.


By the way, my jewish friends who may think Im against them, Zion is in the heart, not in some desert. Holy Mount Zion is the spiritual strata, not an artificial and contrived geographical location. Consult the Kebra Nagast for the true religion of King Solomon.



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I still don't get it.


They went to war against the world ... and lost. They deserve to lose something for backing that monster Hitler. So they lost Israel. They're lucky their entire nation wasn't murdered and pillaged.


Get over it. And don't do it again!


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I guess it was actually the first world war where they opposed the eventual winners. Losers .... means you lose something ... in this case: Israel.


Seems they are simply sore losers, wimpy cry-babies. They were wrong and they have to pay for it. Bottom line: they are murderers, rapists and thieves and will do that anywhere everywhere for the rest of their existence. It is the sick plague of the desert.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Iranian Head Plans 'Holocaust' Commission



West shamed by Islamic leader


President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran is apparently preparing a government commission to investigate the ultimate taboo: Jewish "Holocaust" orthodoxy.


Ahmadinejad survived a recent assassination attempt soon after making remarks about world Zionism's psychological use of the supposed planned genocide of the Jewish people in the Second World War, a contention that has surprisingly little evidence supporting it.


Ahmadinejad also pointed out that the West, whose misleaders lecture nations such as Iran about human rights, imprisons many of those who dare to question the supposedly established historical fact of the "Holocaust."


According to the anti-Iranian site Iran focus Ahmadinejad wants the planned commission, which would be the first of its kind anywhere, to finally establish what happened around the Jewish issue in World War Two, since Western scholars are not permitted to freely research, publish or discuss the "Holocaust."


Ahmadinejad and Iran are under intense Israeli-instigated American pressure in regards to the Iranian civilian nuclear energy program. Israel cynically claims the program "could" one day be used for an Iranian nuclear weapon. Israel is the only regional power in the Middle East with nukes.



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Iran has acquired medium/ intermediate-range ballistic missiles (MRBM/IRBMs) from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea - DPRK) with a range of at least 2,500 km, regional intelligence sources have confirmed to JDW. However, analysts remain puzzled over the rationale of the Iranian acquisition.


Citing a study by the German Federal Intelligence Service, the German daily newspaper Bild reported on 16 December that Iran has acquired 18 disassembled IRBMs from the DPRK. Referring to the missiles as 'BM-25' models, the newspaper said they were based on the Soviet SS-N-6 (R-27) submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM).


According to previous JDW reports, the DPRK, with the help of Russian specialists from the VP Makeyev Design Bureau in Miass, Chelyabinsk, has utilised the R-27 technology to develop two new (land-based and naval) versions of the R-27 with extended ranges. The land-based version, sometimes referred to as 'Taepo Dong X', is believed to have a range of 2,500 to 4,000 km. Fuelled with a storable liquid propellant, the new missile has greater survivability compared with the DPRK's No Dong and Hwasong families of missiles.


"Although the technology is 40 years old, the SS-N-6 SLBM is a very complicated missile, which is not easy to copy and does not align with the current Iranian efforts," Uzi Rubin, former director of Israel's Ballistic Missile Defence Organisation, told JDW.

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  • 3 weeks later...


A lot of very serious historians privately doubt that number. But the Jewish histeria regarding this issue prevents any serious discussion on that very, very debatable matter. At one time Jews were forced to change the numbers of their dead listed on a monument in Aschwitz from 4 million to 1 million as the obviously inflated number was universally challenged. That was many years ago. Now the climate is such, that people questioning the 6 million figure are SENT TO JAIL in several countries...


Jewish lists of their Nazi victims cover little over one million names. Realistic estimates of their casualties range from 1.5 million to about 3 million. Still, that is a lot of innocent lives lost...




There's a clear indication that presently world-wide Jewish communities being exploited in the name of Anti-semitism to serve the global elite - the super rich controllers of economy. Take lately the assassination of David Rosenbaum. David Rosenbaum, a reporter and editor for the New York Times, died as a result of a head injury allegedly received when he was mugged in his upper-scale neighborhood in Washington.


Henry Makow, grandson of Holocaust victims says on his website, http://www.savethemales.ca/001383.html

"....The central banking families and their allies used their unfair advantage to gain a monopoly of the world's wealth and a stranglehold on culture and politics. To make us accept their "New World Order," (a.k.a. globalization) they need to distract, divide and degrade humanity by destroying the four pillars of our personal identity and social cohesion (nation, race, religion and family.)


They sponsor Communism, Zionism, Socialism, Neo Conservatism, Liberalism, Feminism, Multi-culturalism and "Diversity" to achieve this purpose. (Socialism substitutes government for family.) Through control of intelligence agencies and secret societies, they sponsor terrorism (incl. 9-11), assassinations, revolutions, wars and depressions. They may be planning another world war.


Anti-Semitism is caused because Jewish idealists, opportunists and dupes play a prominent role in the above movements, especially Communism. As the New World Order becomes more onerous, anti-Semitism will inevitably increase. Jews need to acknowledge this rather than pretend "anti-Semites" are hallucinating. On the other hand, "anti-Semites" need to stop generalizing. Jews are very far from cohesive..."




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What a bunch of nonsense - I see you ignore that there is more fundementalist 'muslim' and 'christian' money at work in our world.


People who are blind blame ethnic groups for the kali yuga situation - it's everyone's fault.


Some individuals have so much hate all they can do is project on others thus - it's a long time abuse - this poor whipping boy position for the Jews!


It seems that it is a common problem to blame the Jews or to blame Jews for the world's ills - instead of seeing what is really going on.


Why is it that Islam and Christianity are the two fastest growing faiths in the world? Could it be all the control they have over everything?


So in any event - I wonder if you ever read the 'protocols of the elders of Zion' - the forged work that is attributed to Zionist origins - well there are small parts that may have a Hebrew connection - but - it is overlaid with so much forged hate - so there is one passage that I find very interesting:




Our kingdom will be an apologia of the divinity Vishnu, in whom is found its personification..."




Our kingdom will be a defense of the divinity Vishnu, in whom is found its personification...


So how did that end up in there - over 100 years ago?


Sounds like an interesting point?


So please consider that the REAL hate mongers may have it out for hindus too!

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"I wonder if you ever read the 'protocols of the elders of Zion' - the forged work that is attributed to Zionist origins - well there are small parts that may have a Hebrew connection - but - it is overlaid with so much forged hate - so there is one passage that I find very interesting:




Our kingdom will be an apologia of the divinity Vishnu, in whom is found its personification..."




is it really there? I never bothered to read the Protocols...

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1. The practice of advocacy produces men cold, cruel, persistent, unprincipled, who in all cases take up an impersonal, purely legal standpoint. They have the inveterate habit to refer everything to its value for the defense and not to the public welfare of its results. They do not usually decline to undertake any defense whatever, they strive for an acquittal at all costs, caviling over every petty crux of jurisprudence and thereby they demoralize justice. For this reason we shall set this profession into narrow frames which will keep it inside this sphere of executive public service. Advocates, equally with judges, will be deprived of the right of communication with litigants; they will receive business only from the court and will study it by notes of report and documents, defending their clients after they have been interrogated in court on facts that have appeared. They will receive an honorarium without regard to the quality of the defense. This will render them mere reporters on law-business in the interests of justice and as counterpoise to the proctor who will be the reporter in the interests of prosecution; this will shorten business before the courts. In this way will be established a practice of honest unprejudiced defense conducted not from personal interest but by conviction. This will also, by the way, remove the present practice of corrupt bargain between advocation to agree only to let that side win which pays most .....



that is the actual text of this Protocol. I find some of your posts deliberately misleading and/or dishonest, BDM. This type of behavior by Jews only fuels anti-semitic lunacies...

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Well it's in my copy - don't know why it ain't in yours...


Here is what a simple search found:


17.7: "Our kingdom will be an apologia of the divinity Vishnu, in whom is found its personification"






I find some of your posts deliberately misleading and/or dishonest, BDM




That isn't correct - I do not misrepresent what I read - and you better do some honest readings of my postings...

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The name Vishnu is in fact in The Protocols. Most people consider The Protocols a fraud designed to attack Jews in tsarist Russia. Here is a Wikipedia entry on it:




They note one reason to believe it wasn’t written by Jews is because of the mention of Visnu. They point out that these entries on Vishnu match very similarly to Machiavelli’s Dialogues. Examples follow:


Machiavelli: "Like the God Vishnu, my press will have a hundred arms, and these arms will give their hands to all the different shades of opinion throughout the country." (Dialogues, p. 141)


"These newspapers, like the Indian god Vishnu, will be possessed of hundreds of hands, each of which will be feeling the pulse of varying public opinion." (Protocols, p. 43)

Montesquieu: "Now I understand the figure of the god Vishnu; you have a hundred arms like the Indian idol, and each of your fingers touches a spring." (Dialogues, p. 207)


"Our Government will resemble the Hindu god Vishnu. Each of our hundred hands will hold one spring of the social machinery of State." (Protocols, p 65)


The translations I’ve seen vary between the use of the word 'apologia' and simply saying "will resemble". In this translation Vishnu is summoned to describe a sense of omnipresence. There is a big difference between the two translations. Which is the correct translation I don’t know.

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Most people do not understand how their friendly bankers print the money they loan. This is the commencement of the misapplication of the Deuteronomy 15:6 global interest/debt/tax slavery money system (now consolidated as the IMF/World Bank interest/debt/tax slavery money system supported by both Sadducee Communism and Pharisee Capitalism).


God said, "You shall not steal". And later, "You shall not lend to a Hebrew upon usury". Usury is theft. Later still, "The LORD your God bless you, as He promised: and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; and you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you" (Deuteronomy 15:6). However God is no respecter of persons and this blessing was CONDITIONAL upon Israel "obeying all of God's Commandments". They were called to be a Light to draw the Gentiles to God that they may become partakers of the same blessings.


What happened, however, is that the Jews, and nowadays the self-styled Jews, have taken verse six out of context with verse five and used this blessing as a license to steal through usury.


It has taken the French Revolution, American Civil War, WWI, WWII, and all wars since to globalize the money-printing power. Nations have been hood-winked, blindfolded and brainwashed to "meliorated" slavery. To illustrate, the gross government debt of Singapore is 77% of GDP; Indonesia 74%; South Korea 70% (The Economist, August 14, 1999 p. 84). America's long-term net external debt is almost 30% of GNP (Stephen Dabkowski, Sydney Morning Herald, August 23, 1999, p. 34). Moody's says Australia's net foreign liability is close to 30% of GDP (Brian Hale & Tom Allard, Sydney Morning Herald, August 7, 1999, p. 61).


Referring to the self-styled Jew's Judeo-christianity conspiracy which supports "meliorated slavery" in defiance of the teachings of Jesus, Thomas Jefferson called Christianity "an engine for enslaving mankind". Jesus was murdered because He declared their misuse of the Law of Moses anti-God when He magnified the Law, forbidding the money-lenders to charge usury or misuse Deuteronomy 15:6 to make meliorated slaves of any man (Luke 6:35; Lee Cheney books@leaconet.com).


They have banned and censored Lee Cheney's books on debt free banking. And on the web, their America Online and /Geocities have censored and removed sites carrying his books. Many Internet discussion groups they control have silenced debate. This is merely the tip of the Jew censorship iceberg). THE HISTORY OF LAWFUL GOLD AND SILVER LEGAL TENDER AND THE DEBT BROUGHT ON BY UNLAWFUL FIAT PAPER MONEY



Rothschild presented a brilliant plan to the Illuminati to create a thesis and its opposite or antithesis, bringing them together in controlled conflict to produce a predetermined outcome or synthesis. The process would be repeated with different theses and antitheses until their final objective was accomplished. This is known as Hegelian dialectics or philosophy. Remember that word.


Robinson, in "Proofs of a Conspiracy," (1798, p. 209), said of this Asiatic racket for control of the world's wealth and its people, "Their first and immediate aim is to get possession of riches, power, and influence, without industry; and, to accomplish this, they want to abolish Christianity; and then dissolute manners and universal profligacy will procure them its adherence of all the wicked, and enable them to overturn the civil governments of Europe."


A hundred and twenty years after those words were written, Lenin made himself seventy million marks for supervising Russia's destruction. In a statement to the Kremlin on October, 1918, Lenin said: "I am often accused of making this revolution with German money. I never denied it and do not now. But, on the other hand, I will make the same revolution in Germany with Russian money" (Nesta Webster, "The Surrender of An Empire," p. 76-77).


The funding Lenin received was not straight forward German money, it came from Rothschild-dominated German-Jewish banking houses like Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the Brothers Lazare, a Jewish bank in Paris, the Jewish House of Gunzbourg of Petrograd, Tokyo and Paris; the Jewish House of Speyer & Co. of London, New York and Franfort-on-Main and the Nya-Banken, Judaeo-Bolshevik establishment at Stockholm. Clearly the Bolshevik movement was the expression of a general Jewish movement with certain Jewish Banking-Houses interested in the organization of this movement ("The Mystical Body of Christ" by Denis Fahey, Pages 88-92).


Out of chaos would come a new totalitarian order as propounded in the Masonic motto, "Order out of Chaos." If the thesis were like a hammer and the antithesis like an anvil, what was caught in between would be broken or reshaped. Three world wars would enable the plan to work. The hammer would be constructed and then given a homeland or secure base in Russia. We call it Communism.


Communism is NOT dead. Communism is very much alive. Dimitri Manuilski, Russian delegate to the UN (who succeed Lenin as leader of the World Revolutionary Movement) said, "The bourgeoisie will have to be put to sleep. So we shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record..."


"The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to join in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends." We are presently experiencing this "peace offensive". It was launched by Krushchev in 1956, the year Brother Branham said "America would receive her last call". Mikhail Gorbachev has accomplished Manuilski's boast with the aid of The Gorbachev Foundation and other tax-exempt US Foundations.


"As soon as their guard is down, we will smash them with our clenched fist." After the earthquake that marks the close of the Gentile dispensation has sunk Los Angeles, Russia will attack and invade America.


Communism is not a military confrontation. It is an international conspiracy, organized in every country of the world. Jesus called it "Laodicea", its primary target is Christianity. The Rabbis say, "Communism is Judaism". Communism is a spirit. The present apparent demise of Communism was planned to take us off guard. Those who invaded Russia killed the Czar and his family in revenge for his military assistance to Abraham Lincoln, the bastard son of a Rothschild, who supported the American people against the Bankster's plan. These Banksters, hiding behind the mask of the nominally Christian democracies, are stealing Russia's infrastructure and capital assets while destroying their economy. They have been responsible for the death of 20 millions since the break-up of the old Soviet, thus ensuring hatred for Christianity and a return to militant totalitarian Communist dictatorship bent upon revenge to be sought in the final revolution which will be Armageddon.


The first anvil called National Socialism would be created out of economic chaos in Germany. As leader of the World Revolutionary Movement, Lenin knew the plan. The same people who had paid Karl Marx (1818-1883) to express Rothschild's plans in modern language called The Communist Manifesto, also hired Professor Karl von Ritter (1779-1859) to write its antithesis known today as Nazism.


There are two groups of Hegelians. The Right Hegelians and root of Prussian militarism from whom sprung the unification of Germany and the rise of Hitler. And Left Hegelians who promoted scientific socialism. Both share the same philosophic theory that the State is God.


The anvil of Nazism would be destroyed in a Second World War, but another anvil called democracy would replace it. The first two World Wars accomplished exactly what was intended.


Out of the World War One came:


A Satanic dictatorship in Russia, and a secure base from which to conduct further world subversion.

The Satanic family of Rothschilds gained partial control over Palestine, preparing the way for Satan to rule from Jerusalem, incarnate in a future Pope of Rome.

Weapons of mass destruction and terror.

The League of Nations.

Out of the World War Two came:


The expansion of Russia into a world power.

Complete control over Palestine by the Rothschilds.

Air power: long range missiles, jets, and nuclear submarines. All items individuals cannot make. Those in control of production can therefore control all air and sea ways.

The cold war and an era of terror with much worse yet to come, to convince all nations of the need for Satan's One World Order.

The United Nations.

Out of World War Three will come a new religious union under Roman Catholic domination.


"The Illuminati had... a Plan ... decided on a most ambitious line of conduct. It would form and control public opinion. It would amalgamate religions by dissolving all the differences of belief and ritual that had kept them apart; and it would take over the Papacy and place an agent of its own in the Chair of Peter." (Peirs Compton, "The Broken Cross", 1981 p. 7-8).


"These Plans were written in 1776."


"The Pope ... will never enter into a secret society. It therefore becomes the duty of the secret societies to make the first advance to the Church and the Pope, with the object of conquering both."


Compton explains: "He (Weishaupt) was backed financially, ...by a group of bankers under the House of Rothschild. It was under their direction that the long-range and worldwide plans of the Illuminati were drawn up..." (Peirs Compton, "The Broken Cross", 1981, p. 13).


The name Rothschild is always visible behind the scenes despite the family's practiced obscurity. It is they who are at the top of the pyramid directing the warfare in a different name and under a different occupation? Rothschild created the Illuminati, financed the first Zionist Conference, created and funded Communism and Nazism, the Royal Institute of International Affairs that mothered the US Council on Foreign Relations and affiliated groups. They created the Bank of England and other central banks like the Federal Reserve. Their Illuminati symbol was added to the US one dollar note in 1933 by President Roosevelt, an Illuminati Jew and 33rd Degree Mason, at the start of his New Deal which he believed would result in his being the initiator of the New World Order. It signifies Illuminati control of the entire power of the US Government such that it has become an instrument to further the secret plans of the Illuminati to impose a Luciferian One World Government.


The pyramid represents the conspiracy for the destruction of the Catholic Church and establishment of One World Government overseen by the "all-seeing eye" of Osiris/Lucifer.


1933 was also the year in which God manifested the Pillar of Fire in the form of a star over Brother Branham on the Ohio River where he was commissioned by an audible Voice. It was the year in which Billy Graham, Herbert W. Armstrong and several other false ministries commenced, and the year in which Hitler and his Nazi Party came to power in Germany, supported by Jewish bankers and Industrialists. 1933 was the year in which the United States declared bankrupcy. It has been under a state of declared emergency ever since. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord raises up a standard against it. The same Spirit that anoints the just, falls also upon the unjust.


The (so-called) Star of David is the sign Rothschild hung outside his shop in red. It is the seal of Communism and the UN, and the Pentacle on Baphomet, the false god of Masonry. This magical Seal of Solomon became the State flag of Israel. When Lenin, financed by the International Bankers, overthrew the Russian government and established the first totalitarian dictatorship in 1917, the flag was red with a hammer and sickle over which was superimposed the Star of David.


Rothschild means "red shield", and the red shield of the Salvation Army (who believe almost nothing) was adopted at the suggestion of Rothschild. The color of International Communism is red, reflecting the House of Rothschild.


Esau/Edom also means "red". Esau hated and swore to kill Jacob who is Israel. The self-styled Edomite Jew is fulfilling their father's oath today, having slain a great many Israelites, stealing Jacob's birthright and his Promised Land. Hiding behind the euphemism of "Jew", Esau is impersonating Jacob, as Jacob once covered himself in kid skin to impersonate Esau and deceive their father Isaac for the blessing (Genesis 27). Whereas Jacob had legally purchased the birthright from Esau, who despised it, Esau is today stealing Jacob's purchased property.


Isaiah 14:21-23, Obadiah and Malachi 1:1-5 foretell how these "Jews" would rebuild the Land of Israel. But God hates, and will utterly destroy them because of the violence they have committed against the Hebrew people -- to say nothing of the violence they have committed and continue to plot against Christians. Please read those Scriptures, and do not forget them.


Some blind people who claim to be full of the Spirit and followers of God's prophet, William Branham, defy his oft-repeated warning of Amos 3:3 (II Corinthians 6:14-16), and sit under pantheistic self-styled Jewish rabbis who despise Jesus Christ and anything to do with the Law and the Prophets God sent to Israel. They despise the true Hebrew descendants of Israel and having stolen his identity and their Land, imagine they can fool God by usurping His Covenant with Abraham. Blind Branhamites! Repent!


Read the pagan articles they publish on their web sites. You would not permit a Roman priest or a Baptist minister into your pulpits, yet they believe in Jesus. What justification is there in inviting pagans whose boast is their unbelief? We are commanded not to suffer any man behind the pulpit who is not a born-again elder in the faith.


Here's what these men believe, who they are and whom they are NOT:

Talmud Exposed; Talmud Unmasked; Myth of A Judeo-Christian Tradition;

The Jews Are Not A Race;


After the Gentile dispensation is fulfilled God will turn to the Twelve Tribes of Israel, NOT to Esau who is accursed of God forever. Wake up, virgins! Come out of that SIN! And repent!


"It is a well-known fact that the Rothschilds were ardent Talmudists whose religion taught nothing but contempt for those stupid goy (human cattle) who were not part of the 'chosen people'" (Des Griffin, "Descent into Slavery", p. 30-31). They are also Satanists!


Satanism is the core of the planned One World Government. It hides behind fronts such as Jewish Finance, Socialism, Aryanism, British Israelism, Zionism and Freemasonry, which are tools to gain broad base support for the Plan. The "conspiracy" to establish One World Government has succeeded in enlisting support from such a spectrum of humanity because the religious systems at the top of the pyramid are controlled by Satanists. These adepts who are privy to the Plan are misdirecting their followers into Satan's trap.


Nazism was a Pagan Gnostic religious system. The Jews and Hebrews are being used; this Satanic hierarchy is not concerned with Moses, the prophets, or even with Judaism. The actions of the Rothschilds and other Satanic "Jewish" bloodlines during countless wars and revolutions prove their first allegiance is not to "Jews", Hebrews, Scripture, or even to the Talmud, but to Lucifer himself. The denominational Christians are also being used. Once they have served the purposes of the Synagogue of Satan, all "religious" people will be brought into conflict against the atheists in a bloody revolution. Then they propose to install the second and final stage of the New World Order, the "pure Luciferian doctrine".


In the days when Karl Rothschild was an initiate of the Full Secret, other Satanists had stirred-up so much anti-Vatican hatred that the governments of France and Italy were on the verge of destroying it. "Karl Rothschild stepped in to act as "Peacemaker" between the Vatican and her enemies. History relates how his intervention saved the Vatican and made Karl Rothschild the "friend" and "trusted adviser" of the Pope and he reorganized the affairs of the Vatican Treasury and State Department."


"But history has proved that Karl Rothschild was no true friend of the Vatican. Two World Wars, instigated by his family of moneylenders, and their international affiliates who direct the World Revolutionary Movement, have seen Christians of all denominations divided into opposing camps, been made to fight and kill each other off by the tens of millions. This has been done to bring Pike's plan for the final social cataclysm nearer to fruition. Communism grew stronger as Christianity was weakened, until today, as Pike's plan required, Communism has darkened the whole earth" (William Guy Carr, "Satan, Prince of This World", p. 48-49).


I pray this and other Newsletters will help you to recognize the hierarchy of the Synagogue of Satan and realize that Vatican City is but a "front", one of many. And that a deadly rivalry has existed between Rome and the self-styled Jews for over 2,000 years. Both front for and belong to the Synagogue of Satan.


Viewed from a Hegelian perspective Vatican Rome is Right Hegelian while self-styled Jews (who will ultimately forsake their mask of "religion" to support their baby, Communism, and destroy Rome and the United States), are Left Hegelian. One is largely natural Serpent's seed, both are spiritual Serpent's seed. These opposing forces developed by Satan, trace their roots to Nimrod's Babylon. He plans to bring them together in controlled conflict, in a third and final revolution, destroying all religion, and then introduce the pure Luciferian worship of himself.


However, Christians know this will result in Armageddon and destruction of all life on earth, thus binding Satan, prior to our Lord's physical return with the glorified saints of all ages for a thousand years of peace. Once his subjects are in the grave, Satan will be bound and helpless (Revelation 20:1-5).


"How you have fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, who did weaken the nations! ...Yet you shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit."


"Everyone there will stare and ask, 'Are you the one who shook the heavens and earth? Who destroyed the world and made it a wilderness, and destroyed its greatest cities and had no mercy on his prisoners'?"


"The kings of the nations lie buried in stately glory, but your body, like a broken branch, lies in an open grave, covered with the corpses of the slain, as a carcass on the road, it is trodden under foot... Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the Land, nor fill the face of the world with cities (Exodus 20:5). For I will rise up against them, says the LORD of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, says the LORD."


Lucifer is cunning, he has the House of Rothschild controlling both the Vatican and the International "Jews" (including the Black Nobility). As we found last week, their strength is the ancient law and precedent, and the people's IGNORANCE of law. Likewise the weakness of most people who suppose themselves Christians and under grace is their IGNORANCE of God's Word and their rejection of Christ.


Almost all people are superstitious. Otherwise there would not be a billion Roman Catholics and others like the Protestants, Moslems, Hindus and Buddhists all worshiping the Trinity myth to say nothing of the Pantheism of Judaism. Therefore, Satan's most direct path to one world power is through the office of the one man with a common link to all of these superstitions: the Pope of Rome. The mark of the beast, which is gnosis or intellectual reasoning against the faith as in Judaism, Freemasonry, Bah'ai, denominationalism and humanism, will FORCE that mark by making all peoples worship the beast either by submitting to the authority of Rome (the mark in the hand -- service), or by conversion to Catholicism or its Protestant image (the mark in the head -- agreement).


Man has estranged himself from Adam's Birthright in Christ, his Redeemer. His heart is void of understanding. His conscience that accuses or excuses his actions, having rejected the Headship of Christ the Word by wrongly choosing between the only two courses open to it -- faith or doubt -- has lost its ability to discern good from evil. As if seared with a hot iron, its only recourse to authority is man's law called God's Law through FALSE interpretations of the words of Moses, the Prophets and Jesus Christ, creating dogma and traditions, the Divine Right of Kings, national Constitutions, UN treaties, etc.


Those who have been behind the increasing chaos in the world over the past few hundred years, seem close to dissolving man's dearest resource and final resort, his money. And the Masonic motto, "Out of chaos, order" seems destined to return man under the ancient laws that have been maintained although hidden from the knowledge of most of mankind.


Members of the Elite such as Abraham Lincoln, the Czar of Russia and John F. Kennedy did not follow the long-term Plan of the Synagogue of Satan paid with their life and the lives of their families.


The Synagogue of Satan has immense power. Listen: "In his speech at the marriage of Lenora, daughter of Lionel Rothschild, to her cousin Alfonso, British Prime Minister Disraeli is reported to have said, "Under this roof are the heads of the family of Rothschild, a name famous in every capital of Europe, and every division of the globe. If you like we shall divide the United States into two parts, one for you, James, and one for you, Lionel. Napoleon will do exactly -- and all that I advise him to do; and to Bismarck will be suggested such an intoxicating program as to make him our abject slave."


History records that Judah P. Benjamin, a Rothschild relative, was appointed as their professional strategist in America. The American Civil War, which split the Union into two, became an accomplished fact (and remains so to this day -- Southern States have been continually under martial law since the Civil War).


Napoleon III was persuaded by the Bankers to extend his French Empire into Mexico. The British Government was persuaded that the Northern States could be made into a colony again. The Civil War in the United States was an economic war brought about by the International Bankers . . ." (William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game, p. 53).


The love of money is the root of all evil. If you trace that root back to Babylon you find Satan's hold on the people through false religion and fractional reserve banking. If you follow the trail back through the Bible and history and you will see who controls the Synagogue of Satan. nl090.htm



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