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Message to "krsna"

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From authority. Very seldom does he use his own words, but he uses his thoughts to present vedic citations from authorized sources, from bonafide acaryas to their bonafide disciples. He is our resident "thought provoker", and the beginner of many, many very good discussions. In the civil service world, we would call him "discussion facillitator". I should list his top ten topics, but there would be many ties. His service is perhaps a direct line to Krsna.


Hare Krsna, and thanx again for your service here. mahaksadasa


He also posts some very nice pictures, and signs off his posts with a hotlink to all of Srila Prabhupadas writings.

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Whatever happened to theist? I see he quit posting. You two were always like the opposite sides of the same coin. I always enjoyed reading both of your posts.



- D.B. Cooper

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I hear he has given up and gone underground. It seems he was a lightning rod for too many arguments just for the sake of arguing.


But if I read the guys nature correctly he won't be able to remain quiet even if he tries.

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We are on the same side always, and he posts now and then under a different name, as he sometimes does. Before he was theist, he was many others. But he is always considered a brother and friend with astute observations, both spiritually and politically. We box now and then, we used to call it maitreya marciano v, mahaksa ali.


haribol, you too, the poster once called theist, just dont call yourself prince =;-]

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Also why the need to create so many separate posts, since most only get a few replies?


Why not condense them into one thread and update that? Ttat way some of the clutter in the forum will be reduced.


Sorry of if my suggestions are offensive. Hare Krsna.


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Yes, the artist once named theist suffers from what we all have, FOOWD (Fish Out Of Water Disorder). He and I are not content with living in martyaloka because everyone here just dies because we are flopping around on the pier, needing to be submerged in the water, our real home.


But even in our condition, we have refuge, always. Because Lord Krsna took care of us in birth, growth, and maturity, we know such care is also there during dwindling, disease and death as well. When we realize the non-difference between all stages from birth to death, we dont flop around so much, we can die like human beings.


It was easy surrendering to God in youth, it is harder now, but it is a minute by minute decision, what to do with the next breath (if we got one). Not something thats a one-time deal like the christian sentamentalist believes, the BAS (born-again syndrome). A vaisnava has no shelter in being a useless infant, (s)he strives for maturity, to be an active participant in LOVING EXCHANGE with the Supreme Lord, so breathe in the Holy Name of our Beloved Krsna, whose love for us needs no development, is causeless and unconditional.


As far as theist and his multiple personalities, I got them too, and so do I. To live in this world, this is necessary, even Paul the changer of Christs Mission says we must be many things to many people. I built nuclear bombs, fer kamsas sake, then I was a hospital worker loading up folks in helicopters so they could try to salvage their carcasses, now Im a gentle health food store worker, ande years ago I was a brahmacari with no duty other than to make feasts and play harmoniums. But time rushes on, and we have many roles.



I like Krsna das' topics, if he pushes articles down the scroll, just respond, and the topics you like rise to the top.haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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He has been insane all along but someone finally caught him. A full on looney tune who thinks he is a material body and has a stake in this world that guy is.


Last seen he was screaming out this crazy song as they took him away. Nobody knows who he was singing to.


Their Coming To Take Me Away Ha-Haa


Remember when you ran away and I got on my knees and begged you Not to leave because I'd go berserk? Well, You left me anyhow and then the Days got worse and worse and now you See I've gone completely out of my mind. And,


They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa. They're coming to take me away, ho ho, he he, ha ha, To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time And I'll be happy to see those nice young Men in their clean white coats and They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!


You thought it was a joke and so you Laughed, you laughed! When I had said that Losing you would make me flip my lid - right? You know you laughed, I heard you laugh, You laughed, you laughed and laughed, and then you Left, but now you know I'm utterly mad. And,


They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa. They're coming to take me away, ho ho, he he , ha ha, To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds And basket weavers who sit and smile And twiddle their thumbs and toes And they're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!


I cooked your food, I cleaned your house And this is how you pay me back For all my kind, unselfish loving deeds? Huh? Well, you just wait--they'll find you yet And when they do they'll put you in the ASPCA you mangy mutt! And,


They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa. They're coming to take me away, ho ho, he he, ha ha, To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time And I'll be happy to see those nice young Men in their clean white coats and They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!


To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds And basket weavers who sit and smile And twiddle their thumbs and toes And they're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!


To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time And I'll be happy to see those nice young Men in their clean white coats and They're coming to take me away!




But I escaped and now post as a ghost guest so the nice young men in their clean white coats can't find me. I started to think theist was my name and this was my real cyberspace address forever and ever. ho ho - he he - ha ha


You know if these posts were numbered guest ghosts could talk to ghost guests without getting confused and the named ones wouldn't get frustrated. Just a thought.


Hare Krishna good souls









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I knew it. This conforms my suspicions. The posters here are all super-intelligent highly advanced souls. (Besides, who else could remember that song from the 60's?)


(Uh, did someone mention ghost posters?)

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"Laughing like a Madman


When a devotee laughs very loudly like a madman, it is done out of an extraordinary agitation of ecstatic love within the heart. Such mad laughing is an expression of the condition of the heart, which is technically called atta-hasa. When a devotee becomes affected with this mental condition, his love is expressed through the lips. The laughing sounds, coming one after another, are compared to flowers falling from the creeper of devotion which grows within the heart of a devotee. In the Caitanya-caritamrta devotionl service to the Lord is compared to a creeper which rises up to the lotus feet of Krsna in Goloka Vrindavana." [NOD, page 22}

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  • 1 year later...

Laughing like a Madman:D

"When a devotee laughs very loudly like a madman, it is done out of an extraordinary agitation of ecstatic love within the heart. Such mad laughing is an expression of the condition of the heart, which is technically called atta-hasa. When a devotee becomes affected with this mental condition, his love is expressed through the lips. The laughing sounds, coming one after another, are compared to flowers falling from the creeper of devotion which grows within the heart of a devotee.":D


[NOD, page 22}

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<font face="monotype corsiva" color="red" size=6><B>Laughing like a Madman:D


"When a devotee laughs very loudly like a madman, it is done out of an extraordinary agitation of ecstatic love within the heart. Such mad laughing is an expression of the condition of the heart, which is technically called atta-hasa. When a devotee becomes affected with this mental condition, his love is expressed through the lips. The laughing sounds, coming one after another, are compared to flowers falling from the creeper of devotion which grows within the heart of a devotee.":D NOD, page 22}</font></B>

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