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Has anyone used a Ouija board to communicate with Krsna before?

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Very bad idea - say for example - you have a new buddy - you have no clue where they might be right now - but you want to call them - say you just call some random payphone on the street - do you think you'll reach them?


Now suppose someone answers the payphone when you call that 'random' pay phone - what are the odds that it'll be your new buddy? What if the person on the other end could trick you into accepting them as your new buddy?


Of course it should be here mentioned that communication with the dead - [with or without an Ouija board] - is foolish [and even wrong] – as we know that ‘the dead’ are NOT in any position to communicate. Even if they could – for the abovementioned reason it isn’t logical to turn to the Ouija board thinking to communicate with them as you’ll end-up with ghosts and demons.


So the simple point is that the Ouija board is a dangerous thing. What if you end up connecting with demon [you probably wouldn't know you did] – how shall you know it is 'gone' - when you put the board away?


Demons don’t throw the furniture around - they tend to feed off the subtle energy of the seeker-victim – in fact - there are situations where disembodied entities ‘obsess’ the seeker-victim – to vicariously enjoy sense gratification through their senses – and the victim isn’t directly aware that it was the Ouija board [or other occult activities] that brought it on. All they know is they don’t 'feel the same anymore' etc., if people understood demons and ghosts - as germs – they might have a little more disinclination with spirit-ism and occultism and their dangerous practices


We communicate with Krishna - by taking information and instructions from the scriptures – if He decides to - He can communicate with you directly as it were – not the other way around.


Here how it happened for me once:


A few years ago I was at the Temple to help prepare the Sunday Feast and I wasn’t staying beyond the offering – so since I wasn’t staying - I wasn’t getting any Prashadam – so in any case – there were some great oranges and – I inwardly wanted one – but I was not going to take one – so any way - I cleaned up the kitchen and then I went to Prabhupada’s Vyasasna to say good bye etc., - there was an orange on the table in front of Him! How did it get there? But stupid me didn’t take it!! Just see! [that’s another discussion] So that is how the communications can occur.


We’ve all been in a place - where we think we need to have God 'answer some questions' – I've tried it with tarot cards – but there is little point in it.


It is better to chant the Holy Name and take information from the scriptures and the acharyas – then you’ll get connected and experience a subtle communication – God is talking to us more than we care to listen – and the bhakti process prepares us to ‘want to listen’ – without this we can engage any tools we want but the answers will not necessarily come from God.


Please dear soul - don’t mess with Ouija boards – it’ll end up that nothing [good] will happen and you may become upset with God as a result.


What sort of questions do you want to ask Him? Are they about you and/or your life? Then please consider that we are tending to passion when we are in this type of questioning mood - so that too is an indication of the need to communicate via the bhakti process.


Please try to see everything through the eyes of scriptures and form your answers from shastra [scripture] guru [teacher] and sadhu [saint] - then our 'answers' shall not be tainted with passion and - we'll experience Him communicating with us.






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