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a drop of blood on the neck

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I am wondering if anyone has any knowledge or ideas of this. My father passed away on the 10th of December after spending a week fully sedated in hospital. My mum and dad were very close after 40 years of marriage. On the 6th december we were waiting with my mum in the waiting room at hospital and I saw a thick drip of blood on my mums neck near the ear, very bright red, about 1cm wide and 3 inches long. There was no markings of any wound at all. The same thing happened again on the day of the funeral when the body was baught home, again no markings, same colour, size.


The family are very, very close yet we all feel peace inside even though its such a sudden and devastating loss


I know it sounds strange but anyone have any ideas what this could mean?

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I was there, infact there was about 10 people in the room, they all saw it after I pointed it out (in the waiting room in the hospital) she didnt even realise it until I pointed it out. We even kept the tissue that we wiped it off with as it was so unreal.


On the day of the funeral a few people saw it, (I never saw it) and they told my mum yesterday about it. They had no idea of what had happened in the hospital so we were very suprised they described the same thing, and thats when I wrote here!!


We checked her thoroughly and still can not find any wound...

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Sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad. As for the strange occurrences regarding the drop of blood on your mum's neck, one can only speculate, really. Just as identical twins sometimes feel and experience similar things due to their respective karma being intertwined, I would hazard a guess that your mum and dad were very close and had karmic ties dating back to a previous life (perhaps several lifetimes.) Sorry, I wish I had a better answer, but that's all I can muster up.


Bhakta Tom

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This is what us as a family have been discussing the last few days, that as a family unit and especially my mum and dad are so closely connected its unreal. Its like they were made for each other and we always used to say they were together in a previous life and my mum and dad always used to say to each other that they will continue to be together in their next few lifes!! :-)


Thank you for your answer, it really does help us

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As Bhakta Tom mentioned I understand it to beieve the same thing something like this is generally only associated with people as close as twins if that is not the case it has only been believed to come to those who have and will be connected in past and future lives. This means that your mother and father would have been connected in past lives and the 2 signs of blood can be inetrperated as they have been though their first experience together and your father is signalling that the next life together is yet to come. Something like this is very very rare and only good can come of it if translated. Your mother and father must have a very special bond for such a miracle to take place and for such a miracle to take place it can mean what they discussed when together that their next few lives will be together is what your father is signalling to you all and your mother especially. Take this as a good sign as its not often someone hears of such a experience to have taken place that is visible by people. Take what helps you from this.


God bless you

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That i forgot to mention that might be of help is when you mention the feeling of peace. If you feel peace inside and around your father wether it be at his house, workplace or anyplace that you strongly associate with him means that he is with you in a positive way (he will be injecting energy and strength into you and the place you are in. (You may not all get this feeling instantly so do not worry) In my experiences when there is peace in the heart means your father passed on happy and content and you will feel this by not having a sunken heart feeling. If he truly is happy you will feel this in your heart and home, you will strangely not feel a loss of him, merely a loss of his body. This feeling and ambience must be celebrated and not discarded. A spirit will project peace when the spirit is in a happy place and still with/linked to his family he has left behind. I went through a similar experience myself some years ago with the peace feeling and searched until I found an anecdote. Please remember your father will always be with you and will experience everything through your experiences, as my father does through me. Do not stop anything you would do normally or things reminding you of him, rather, enjoy them with him, and over time you will feel him through your experiences. People underestimate the concept of moving on, its not about just mourning, its about experiences past and celebrating experiences to come.


Peace is a colloquialism that refers to a state of being mentally or spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress. Being "at peace" is considered by many to be healthy (homeostasis) and the opposite of being stressed or anxious. Peace is associated with bliss and happiness.


You will not always have a feeling of peace with such a close relation passing away and to have that reiterates the understanding that your mother, father are connected from past and into the future. There is no concept of time in the hands of god, a 1000 years on earth will feel but a second of time for your father, he will enjoy the feeling of eternity with passed loved ones with whom he now shares his time and will wait but a second until you are all reunited once again.


As I moved more to my faith I understood more and more of what life and death really is, life on earth is merely an introduction ceromony for what is to come and chose who you wish to share this with.


If your father has such a unexplainable bond to his family that he can create signs like he has, just use that to understand how close he will be to you all until you all reunite.


God Bless you and your family




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