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bhakti shastri courses

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Hare Krishna Prabhus and Matajis


I am interested in doing a bhakti shastri course, could anyone tell me more about what such a course entails if they have been on one. i am a neophyte in Krishna Consciousness so dont know whether this would be the right course?


any suggestions would be great.




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I am a devotee now at university. I am fortunate to have been vaishnava all my life. I have read Srimad bhagavatam and Bhagavad-Gita many times, but now I crave spiritual guidance. Does that mean that I am ready for guru ?


I attend many classes but do not find a sparkle of knowledge that I have not already heard before. I do not wish to sound arrogant, but I am like a vacuum, and wish to advance my spiritual knowledge bank. Does anyone know of a guru maharaj who'd be willing to maintain e-mail contact with such a lowly servant of the lord.

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Guest: "I am a devotee now at university. I am fortunate to have been vaishnava all my life. I have read Srimad bhagavatam and Bhagavad-Gita many times, but now I crave spiritual guidance. Does that mean that I am ready for guru ?"


It means you're certainly ready for the association of devotees. As for being ready for a guru, Srimad-Bhagavatam says that those who desire the ultimate happiness (Krishna prema) should approach a guru who is fixed in the absolute truth, expert in understanding of shastra, and immersed in spiritual reality.


Guest: "I attend many classes but do not find a sparkle of knowledge that I have not already heard before. I do not wish to sound arrogant, but I am like a vacuum, and wish to advance my spiritual knowledge bank. Does anyone know of a guru maharaj who'd be willing to maintain e-mail contact with such a lowly servant of the lord."


Do you mean many classes on Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita? If you're ready, you should find a spiritual master who inspires you to a life of progressive cultivation of spiritual knowledge and detachment from material endeavor. This may not be easy, but you should make an honest effort. Perhaps some here can help you, but I'd suggest that this be done more privately, since it's ultimately a personal matter. Maybe if you were to give your email address, some of us might write you with advice.

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I recommend that you do Bhakti sastri. Which country are you in? Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture or BCEC( not the Belguim based one)have travelling preachers who conduct Bhakti sastri in many countries. Perhaps you could do bhakti sastri with them as they are offering it in many countries for the benefit of those who can't stay for six months in India, where VIHE or MIHE offer it. You can find them on pamho.


Looking for a Guru...Well nice to enquire from as many as you can.....look for their addresses on pamho.net

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pamho.net will give you official ISKCON gurus. Don't take a guru just to satisfy some institutional requirement. Find a guru who can bring you to Krsna. That may be someone in ISKCON, but it may also be someone who is not a part of ISKCON. Search widely.

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by Nityalila Pravista Om Visnupada Srila Bhaktiraksaka Sridhar Maharaj. I highly recommend it. You can find it online here: http://www.gosai.com/chaitanya/srila_sridhara_mj/sri_guru/sri_guru.html. You can also puchase it (hard copy) from Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math bookstore or from Srila Tripurari Maharaj's Audarya Bookstore. Good luck on your spiritual quest.

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