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I don't consider myself a scholastic one... but well I am a neophyte. This work could make it, thanks to the undeserved intuition that Lord Krishna has given me. As they will see, you not to speak much English; to translate this work for you, I had to use a called program L & H Power Translator Pro 7.0. Maybe have several orthographic lacks... but even so, I hope they understand it and that they like.



This work has as purpose the revelation of the wisdom

occult of the Bible (which has been darkened by the ideologies

erroneous of the scoundrels for many centuries), and to establish one

philosophical analogy among the Vedic and Biblical teachings.



Point 1.

It parcels and minuscule portion of the Towering one (Brahman) and with free will it is the jívátma (soul), which is invisible to the coarse vision and whose present symptom in the body is spirit (conscience); this is eternal and, at the moment it is conditioned by the mortal body and the ephemeral material world (2 Corinthians 4.18; Psalms 82.6,7); The incarnate soul called Paul that knew this mystic truth, prayed requesting the liberation of his physical prison (Romans 7.24) to be present before the Lord (2 Corinthians 5.8). The idea that - I am a body and I have a soul - it is false; we are individual souls with vehicles (or bodies) made of material energy, which should be used in the momentous service of the Lord (1 Corinthian 6.13).


Point 2.

Eliah reincarnated as John the Baptist with a specific purpose (Matthew 17.10-13; Luke 1.17; Matthew 11.7-15). But this doesn't mean that the prophets only reborn. It becomes clear, leaving of Saint Paul's comments about Jacob and Esau that it can be legitimate to look for in a previous life the source of the wickedness and the individual's kindness (Romans 9.10-13). If one practices dharma (the religion) correctly, it will reach mukti (the liberation) of the sámsara (continuous cycle of births and deaths) and of the impartial action law and reaction (karma: “you will harvest according to as sowing” Galat 6.7), and after the physical death it will be transferred to the divine region of which there is not regression (Ezequiel 18.32; Apocalypse 3.12). According to the Episcopal Reverend Alvin Van Pelt Hart, the teachings about the Christian reincarnation were abolished by selfish men, and the biblical texts on this topic they were excluded, this happened during the first Ecumenical Synod or in the Second Council of Constantinople (553 a.C). Even so, they are some biblical appointments that support the truthfulness of this doctrine. To mention that the Jewish proselytes of the Kabalá accept this doctrine fits; and according to the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, the hasiadic Jews shares the same beliefs.


Point 3.

The feeding with meat is satanic (adverse) and it causes illnesses. The Doctor Tráll says: “To feed with meat is not indispensable. The intellectual force, health, perseverance and spirits of being lived develop better through a vegetarian diet with their rich mineral substances and vitamins... The damages caused to eat meat that you/they harm the health are already recognized by the science [medical]. Eating meat is the main cause of the illnesses caused by changes of matters, as cancer, rheumatism, diabetes, etc. The meat is also a dangerous means of excitement, rather to die that to live” (The Health depends on the Kitchen, page 21). The vegetarian feeding the one that God settled down for the man was (Genesis 1.29); God punished those that rejected Its maná (holy food) to want to eat meat (Numbers, chapter 11). The prophet Daniel was vegetarian (Daniel 1.12-13) as well as others; and the compassionate Jesus, would follow this same line (Isaiah 7.15; Luke 24.41-43). Salomon said that the association with people that eat meat and they take alcohol it is not prosperous (Proverbs 23.20); Paul said that to eat meat is not a good habit (Romans 14.20-21). Most of the first Christian were vegetarian, because they understood that the commandment “You won't kill” (Exodus 20.13), it is not only limited the human being, but rather it also includes the animals. However, the incompassionate Christian modern wrong interpret the Bible to maintain many slaughterhouses and this way to be able to satisfy their habits asúrics (impious). But for people's class The Magnificent Autocrat says that, “she doesn't listen their sentences (Isaias 1.15), and that those that participate in the slaughter of animals will pay it (Genesis 9.5), He doesn't accept sacrifices (Oss 8.13); because who sacrifices an animal you/he/she is as if she murdered a man” (Isaiah 66.3). The Reverend Norman Vincent Peale wind him he said: “I think that a person cannot be a true Christian if at the same time she mistreats the animals...”


Poit 4.

The human life is designed to reach perfection, knowledge of the Sacred one, pure devotion and philanthropy (Matthew 5.48; Jeremiah 9.23,24; Mark 12.32,33); but for it is necessary tyága (the renunciation) to those appropriate unnecessary materials or even to the same family if this it is an obstacle to reach the success (Matthew 19.29). At the present time there is a materialistic concept of religion, and due to that people go to the churches with the purpose of obtaining temporary benefits, for to satisfy the demands of the organs of the senses. Jesus he/she taught that the true religious life is guided in the simplicity and that the basic thing is the spiritual dedication, the rest comes automatically (Matthew 6.25-34). He/she Also taught that those that not they have a renouncement attitude and of self-sacrifice, they cannot be

true Christian (Luke 14.33; Matthew 16.24). The suitable person for to reach the unction of the Spirit is that that is self-controlled and not it is linked to the material world (Galat 5.24,25; 1 John 2.15-17).

Point 5.

Yahweh established that the sexual relationship would have as only purpose the human procreation, through an activity free of material contamination (Gen 1.28; 9.1). However, because of the degradation of the virtue, the man began he/she is necessary to practice diverse forms of illicit sex and with many children they were born it with impious attitudes.

Some bad scoundrels interpret some verses like these (Pro 5.18-19; 1 Cor 7.3-5), to say that the sex is also for the pleasant recreation (which is not but that another form of exploitation). Nevertheless, the erroneous use of the sexual energy it causes contamination in the human mind and it impedes to one to achieve the one success in the spiritual life. For this reason the apostle Paul wrote: “That it is necessary to escape from the fornication and, to walk according to the Spirit and not to satisfy the illicit carnal desires; if it is necessary to marry, make it it stops this way to avoid interference... there is not anything of bad in that; but it is necessary to keep in mind that who makes that, he/she will have pain in their life corporal and it would be better than that it doesn't happen. The will of God is your sanctification, and, consequently, the spouse should veil because their marriage follows the line of the morality and not of the passion of concupiscence; the celibate ones or bachelors should look for as serving and to please to the Lord. However, the spouses, they should cultivate indifference (just as the bachelors)... because to be married results in the one

mess material. This has been said for your profit, it doesn't stop tradesmen knot, but so that with a decent character and without impediments arrive to the Lord”. (Synthesis of the verses: 1 Cor 6.18; Galat 5.16; 1 Cor 7.9,28; 1 Thess 4.3-5; 1 Cor 7.29,32-35). In conclusion: Jesus was totally celibate and the one says to those that they want the salvation and the sanctity that should follow him. Those that cannot be so strict, at least they should practice the married chastity, and to only unite to their wives to procreate children that are useful to form a society centered in the devotional service.


Point 6.

Dhyána (the meditation) it is a road for fortress communion with the Divinity, but this it is not empty, it is like he/she used to make it David, in the one Lord of their heart (Psalms 19.14; 39.3; 104.34) and one should direct with attention their mantras (sentences) to the Paramátma (located Super-soul) that it is privately there (Matthew 6.6); the result will be a renovation psychic (Eph 4.23,24). But how he/she could meditate a neophyte that he/she ignores all the momentous characteristics of Bhagaván (the Supreme Personality of Godhead)? Nevertheless, the merciful one Lord us it recommends in this kali-yuga (era of darkness) to meditate in Their Saints Names, and to execute sankírtana (songs in congregation), this is the best form of meditation to reach purification (Hebrew 13.15; Facts 2.21). According to the Philokalia, many of the first Christian took very in bill the continuous sentence (I Thess 5.17) and to reach sanctity they practiced the repetition: “Lord Jesus, Son of God, have pity of me”. Without I levy, nowadays most of the modern Christian don't practice this meditation, and they pray to God to request him you sew useless that not they help in the spiritual advance.

Point 7.

Jesus was not the maximum avatára (incarnation of God), the was only a mahádása (magnanimous servant) of Yahweh (John 14.28, 17.4; Mark 12.29; Matthew 12.18). The relationship or unit that Jesus had with Náráyana (God) it is something that others can reach (John 17.21). The calls “exclusivist” they attach a lot to say that Jesus is the only road that there was and there will be being based on John (14.6). However, in the text Greek original of this mentions the word he/she appears “erketai” (at the present time he/she can come), that it indicates an extremely present time. In the common versions of the Bible this word is translated inexactly as “he/she comes.” According to the Doctor Boyd Daniels of the Society Biblical American, the word “erketai” it is the form of the verb to come in present time; so, Jesus spoke His contemporaries. That means that he was the people's of that time inspiration; therefore the exclusivism of the modern Christian it is absurd. However, this doesn't want to say that this great rabbi's teachings or guru (saint master) they are impractical at the moment; we can study them and to take them as point of reflection to try to be better people before our Celestial Father.


Point 8.

To speak of resurrection of the deads is the same thing that brahma bhúta (self-realization) or samádhi (intrinsic livening) (John 3.3), this was something that apostle Paul understood (Eph 5.14, 2.4-6; Col 3.1; 1 Pet 1.3) and of that which Jesus spoke (Luke 20.35). The matter doesn't have participation in the Kingdom of God (1 Cor 15.50). Jesus ascended in a spiritual body to vaikuntha (the paradisiac momentous world), not in a common body. He through their power and mercy, gave spiritual illumination automatically to people whose cadavers they were revived and, it allowed them to continue a time more in this earth with some useful purpose; but then they would abandon those bodies storms and they would go from return to the eternal region where the affliction not it exists, to which truly all belong, but that of some way fell (John 17.16; Romans 3.23). There are some that think that later of the death, one remains in a state of dream in the sepulcher; but according to the significant history of Lazarus (Luke 16.19-31), this theory is contradictory, and consequently, this based on the speculation.


Point 9.

Christ's Come Second was a mystic event that you/they waited while “they even lived” the apostles and their receivers in that time (Romans 8.18; 2 Peter 3.14; 1 John 2.28; Titus 2.11-13). Same Jesus said that the humanity would not see him more - physically -, but that a representation of him he/she would come to provide consolation (John 14.19,26). Certainly, the Come Second will happen, when the manifestation or descent of the Sacred Spirit comes on the qualified believer, for to provide intrinsic transformation to this (Jn 14.21-23; Col 3.3,4). there is a big interrelation between the coming mystic of Christ and the resurrection.


Point 10.

The canonical biblical documents contain limited teachings on the theist Science of God (Matthew 13.17; John 3.12, 16.12). Also we know for historical evidence that in the varied Councils Ecumenical of the Roman Church the Writing suffered certain modifications. How then it could be sure a common believer, that all the teachings that are presented there are inspiration divine?. Therefore, “All scripture where the Supreme Lord court is the Center of the adoration and be good for the instruction, it is profitable” (2 Tim 3.16). The dogmatic idea that the Truth is only in a “Book” it is a foolishness. A called evangelist D.L. Moody said: “Still after many years of biblical study any man had arrived to the total deepening” (Two hundred anecdotes and illustrations, p. 37, paraphrase); on the other hand the shepherd Hridayánanda Dása Gosuámi he/she said: “If you want to understand the biblical mysteries, he/she studies first the Vedic literature.”


Point 11.

God doesn't have limits, he has many Shrí Námas (Saints Names) that exalt their qualities, just as Yahweh that means “The one that is”, Krishna that means “Supreme Attractiveness”, etc. TO inclination of their magnanimous servants, He is revealed to different people of different countries according to the compression level of these (Mark 4.33). Him not it is sectarian (1 Cor 14.33; Rom 2.11). Ezequiel saw as the Omnipresent one God expands its glory from East to West (Ez 43.1-4). The metaphysical knowledge behind the parabolic words of all the Shástras or Sacred Writings (Vedas, Torá and Korán), it is comprehensible for those that are endowed with buddhi (the divine intuition), but not for those that are materialistic or that they are very neophytes (Hebrew 5.14; 1 Corinthian 2.14). Consequently, one should look for the association of one illuminated person and to learn correctly of her the word of God (John 7.16-19).


Point 12.

The Biblical Writings are full with many instructions and wisdom. The regrettable thing is to see that the great majority of the leaders modern Christian, have a minuscule intelligence and a character sentimental or fanatic, and they are not compared practically in anything to one of those strict Christian of the antiquity (for example, Saint Francis from Assisi). Therefore, they cannot understand and, to make matters worse, not they accept the clear teachings - that other people for the grace of God - they practice and they understand just as they are. But Jesus' words they are clear: “who loves me he/she keeps my precepts”, “not everybody who me he/she says Lord and he/she preaches in me name he/she will survive”, “because many are those calls and few the chosen ones”, “and for their fruits they will be known” (John 14.15; Matthew 7.22; 20.16; 7.20)


Texts written for: Starling Guerra, proselyte of the Vedic philosophy; student of Plastic Arts and Publicity of the Autonomous University of Saint Domingo. Dominican Republic, January 2006.


My email is: ramacandra7@hotmail.com



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